"Damn, human, I curse your soul, you will..."

The gold-ranked evil spirit in front of him was nailed to the ground by a shining golden spear before he could finish his last words.

The golden energy twisted around in its black mist body, and then burned it into a black gas that floated into the air, and then disappeared.

"They've all died before, and they talked nonsense before they died."

Waving the black smoke in front of him, Kane said.

Then he turned his head, looked at Yoyo at his feet and asked.

"Yuyou, how many have we killed?"

Hearing Kane's words, Yoyo replied: "Master, 29 of the golden targets have been annihilated.

As for the silver target, 153 of them were killed yesterday. "

Hearing Yoyo's answer, Kane nodded.

It seems that the harvest of these ten days is not bad.

It has been more than ten days since Kane and the others wiped out the undead troops attacking them on the front line.

After killing the undead they faced, they immediately began to support other fortresses.

Their goal is to liberate the entire front line, and then launch a counterattack against the forces of the undead.

Until the end, all the troops attacking the undead were killed.

They began to counterattack against the undead.

The main force is composed of the forces of the Holy Light Alliance, and the troops under Kane's command have become a sharp knife.

Since the sea route has stabilized, several huge ships are going back and forth non-stop, transporting refugees and various supplies.

In just a dozen days, the port where the ship docked has basically become the largest commercial trading place in this area.

Because the fortress on the front line is Kane, they have pushed the line of defense forward, and even started to counterattack to regain the former territory of his intelligent life.

As a result, the rear is completely safe, and various people's livelihoods have begun to recover.

No matter what kind of power it is, it needs the existence of commerce and trade, and these merchants quickly began to recover their vitality.

In this case, for the goods delivered by Kane and the others, the ships were almost fully booked before they docked.

Several big forces have become the main buyers.

Every time, a large number of munitions will be shipped, and many forces have witnessed the power and simplicity of these munitions on the battlefield of the undead.

Now, arms have become Kane's main source of funding.

While earning money, it also improved the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Holy Light Alliance in all aspects.

This also relieved the pressure on Kane and the others.

So at this time, there are three troops in total to counterattack the undead.

The largest group was gathered here by Kane and the others, with a population of about 50,000.

It is the strongest among the counter-offensive troops, and only gnaws on the hardest bones.

The other two are around 30,000 respectively.

The reason why they can still come up with so many troops is because after the counterattack, Kane and his diplomatic corps signed a series of treaties with almost all the forces of the Holy Light Alliance.

The most important of these is the ownership of those territories after the counteroffensive.

Since Kane and the others don't want to have too many enclaves here, most of these counterattacked sites will be handed over to the people of the Holy Light.

I can't occupy it myself, and it is even more impossible to develop it, so I might as well buy a favor from another city.

Used in exchange for more other benefits.

Kane and the others expect that except for some important areas by the sea, all other places will give up control to others.

And these important places by the sea will eventually be connected into a line, allowing Kane and their sea trade routes to sail further afield.

For such a request, the Holy Light Alliance of course agrees with both hands.

But it is impossible for Kane and the others to give in so kindly. With various terms and important resources in many parts of these lands, Kane and the others need to own some ownership, and others will also have certain shares.

For this reason, they formed a group together with the Holy Light Alliance.

Each pays people, and the income is distributed according to the input.

These resources will also be operated by this group.

Because the various forces of the Holy Light Alliance come from different worlds, the degree of civilization is also different.

So some people agree with it, while others don't quite understand it.

But in any case, the group was finally completed.

With such benefits, the nobles and powerful people under these forces dispatched all the troops they had secretly hidden.

The contribution to the war is how many shares can be divided in the future.

The more than 100,000 soldiers who are attacking the undead forces have been selected to have combat effectiveness.

But these soldiers are not led by Kane, but Kane's subordinates and members of some guilds.

There are also troops sent by the Bihai Empire.

Kane and the others have now separated from the main force, and based on various intelligences, they are targeting those gold-level undead who are famous in the contract.

These are what Kane and the others need to focus on.

As for those not in the book, the gold-level undead that were newly produced this year were handed over to members of the guild and other gold-level generals of the faction.

They are generally inferior in strength.

And those silver and copper undead will naturally be handed over to the large army, even if they are listed in the contract, they are also handed over to the members of the guild.

Target them.

After all, these are contributions, and it seems that they can't eat them all, which is unwise.

Only eat what you can eat, but you can improve your efficiency even more.

Now on the bulletin board of the guild, information obtained from various places is posted every day.

This information will point to some undead targets who have not died yet, but are still hanging on the contract.

Every time they kill one, they will report to Yoyo.

After all, the undead who can enter the contract have certain characteristics, both in appearance and strength.

For the sake of unnecessary casualties, it is easier for these undead to be handed over to these explorers of the guild.

Whether it's beating or singled out, explorers are professional.

Especially given them a goal and some intelligence, they will make a perfect plan by themselves to reduce the greatest casualties.

"Cross out that rotten walker too." Kane said to Yoyo, looking at the information on the BB machine in his hand.

The source of the information on the Bb is Claire, she just killed the gold-level undead that Kane mentioned.

So now the number of gold-level undead on the list has been killed has reached 30.

A big step has been taken towards the success of the goal.

Yoyo nodded, and then said: "Master, the information meeting is about to begin."

After hearing this, Kane remembered, then nodded, found a good position, and disappeared in place.

Due to the particularity of Metzker, he has been following the main force.

Also following the action of the large force is Lumbe, who can play a great role on the frontal battlefield.

And there are many famous undead on the frontal troops.

Only Kane, relying on his strong mobility, wandered around the periphery of the army.

The ones who acted in the same way as Kane were Raphael's team, the dragon man and Funa.

When Kane returned to the guild hall, he came to a conference room on the second floor.

When Kane pushed the door and came in, everyone inside was already there.

Since it is a small conference room, there are not many people, there are only three ghost maids and two dark servants in total.

There should have been Claire.

Due to Claire's behavior in the past ten days, she couldn't leave the place and return to the guild hall at all.

Because there are undead who want to take her name at any time, and put it into action. So it's always been in so-called danger.

Although Claire didn't feel that these undead could threaten her at all, there was no way, this was the rule for entering the guild hall.

After Kane sat down, he said: "Okay, let's talk about the more important information obtained at this stage."

Hearing Kane's words, several people nodded.

The first is the ghost maids. Due to their own particularity, they have almost completely penetrated into the interior of the undead forces.

Not only the undead forces that Kane and the others are attacking now, but also the other two sides.

There are no other undead who have bordered Kane and the others.

According to the understanding during this period, the undead forces are divided into three, rather there are three strongest individuals.

The other undead obeyed the three most powerful beings respectively, so they were divided into three forces.

If you really want to break it down, almost every undead lord is a different force.

Just because of geographical location, so listen to different kings.

Sometimes these undead lords often fight and kill each other.

If he feels that there is an opportunity to take advantage of other places, he may take his troops there privately without the exact order of the king above him.

For example, among the undead that Kane and the others eliminated before, many came from other places.

At this time, the ghost maid belonging to the area where Kane and the others fought said.

"Return to Your Majesty, according to the information we have found, the three most powerful undead kings have not shown up for a long time."

"Hasn't shown up for a long time? No wonder."

Hearing the ghost maid's words, Kane muttered to himself.

Ever since they killed the troops on the front line, they felt unusually strange.

Because after that, their troops can be said to be invincible.

The undead who have been fighting against them have not been a large force, but the undead lords or several undead lords around them have assembled a force to stop these forces.

If there were one or two undead lords who were accidentally killed by Kane and others before they came into contact with the troops.

Then the attack of the troops will be easier.

After all, most of the undead lords are almost on the list.

So as long as you catch and kill the undead lord, you can hardly go wrong.

It seems that the reason for this situation is because of the inaction of the king of the undead.

It seems that after he handed over the command of the front line to the Lich, he left it alone.

And the undead kings in the three areas did not act, what could be the reason?

Kane thinks it may have something to do with Facundo's body.

But now is not the time to think about it, why not take this opportunity to kill more undead.

Finally, there is the exchange of other information.

Because the information that the intelligent race on Kane's side suddenly started to counterattack has been transmitted to the other two undead forces.

Therefore, many undead from other regions are bringing troops.

For these undead, the territory is not important at all, and neither are other undead.

Only these living creatures, the flesh and soul of these strong men are what they need.

Now that these intelligent creatures have started to counterattack, and the kings of the undead are not there.

Then naturally no one can control them.

Naturally, they will join the carnival.

Because whether it is the undead force closest to the west or the undead force close to the north, there is almost no room to expand outward.

Only on their side.

But knowing this information is exactly what Kane wants.

After all, the area occupied by the undead is too wide, and it is a bit troublesome to find the targets on the contract.

Because these undead are also constantly moving, they all have their own needs and lives.

Now that all of these are gathered, it will be easier to kill them, and this mission can be completed faster.

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