There are layers upon layers of dark clouds churning like boiling water.

The terrifying faces of various evil spirits surged in it, screaming and roaring from time to time.

Under this dark cloud of evil spirits.

On the dark and gloomy land.

A group of people are moving forward quickly, because their destination is the Tower of the Dead in the center of this land.

There are no undead on this road to stop them, or there are no undead on this road at all.

All the way unobstructed, there is only silent air.

And this group of people is Kane and his party who have rested and recovered to a perfect state.

"Everyone, please be careful and ensure your own safety. In the event of an accident, try to keep your body as safe as possible."

Kane was still exhorting the people behind him.

This time, there may not be much danger for them, but for the guild members behind them, there is still no small danger.

The members who knew the resurrection technique all nodded in understanding.

Kane's resurrection technique, the resurrection items on them, and the guild's last fountain of rebirth are their guarantees.

Only Steel Bone and a few undead thought that Kane wanted them to protect the corpse because he wanted to transform them into undead.

Although flawed, at least alive.

No wonder it will cooperate with Facundo.

The strange misunderstanding stayed like this.

As the distance from the target got farther and farther away, the whole picture of the Tower of the Dead was also placed in front of everyone.

A huge bone tower with a huge beast skull as the door.

Around the bone tower, there is still a ghost-like gas surrounding it.

The evil spirit-like dark clouds in the sky are connected to the bone tower in a spiral shape.

Already able to see the whole picture of the target.

It didn't take long for Kane and the others to arrive in front of the bone tower.

The surroundings of the huge building were unusually deserted, there were no undead, and there were also no guards.

It was as if the building had been abandoned.

There was not even a breeze in the air, just silence.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Kane turned his head and said to the people behind him.

"Then, let's separate."

After Kane finished speaking, he led Claire and the others directly towards the main entrance.

The rest were divided into three teams of varying numbers, and headed towards the goal assigned last night.


"The danger is coming! Restore your strength and prepare to deal with the enemy. My premonition is very bad."

Luthern stood up from his corner, shook his robe, and said in a low voice.

As he cut off his magic power output, the other two undead also stood up.

Kane and the others are now standing at the door of the bone tower.

The life reactions of a large group of people, in their perception, are like lights in the night sky.

Madio's pale face showed a troubled expression: "The strength of this group of people is not low, and I feel a little bit of danger."

"Since you think it's dangerous, then get out and give up the act of wanting to possess the corpse."

The Skeleton King said in a deep voice beside him, a huge bone-shaped warhammer appeared in his hand.

The head of the Warhammer was even larger than his body.

With such a big weapon, every time it is swung, it brings a strong coercion.

If anyone touches it, it can almost be said to be either dead or disabled.

Just looking at it can bring strong pressure to the enemy.

"Let's go, then I'll go out and meet them first."

With that said, the Skeleton King was ready to leave with his hammer on his shoulders.

"and many more."

At this moment, Lucerne held him back.

"Now is not the time to leave, the enemy has already come to us, we just need to wait here."

As he spoke, he looked at the corpse floating in mid-air, the defense above was already very weak.

"It is also necessary to prevent the enemy from damaging this treasure."

After listening to Luthern's words, the Skeleton King thought for a while, then backed away.

Stand in place with the two undead and wait.

However, they have all entered the fighting state, maintaining wartime vigilance all over their bodies.

No way, this corpse is too important to the three of them.

"Well, it seems that their target is not just us!"

Matteo suddenly felt something and said.

Luthern didn't say much, only a skull with fine patterns and dense magic patterns appeared on his free left hand.

With the magic infused in it.

The entire Tower of the Dead began to function, and the spiral connected with the dark clouds in the sky began to accelerate.

It can be seen that the surrounding undead elements are gathering towards the tower.

The originally dead and silent Tower of the Dead began to operate again.


With the crisp bones working, it sounded.

All kinds of crackling sounds came from the entire Tower of the Dead.

"Do you feel that we are coming? The towers of the dead are activated."

The four of Kane standing at the main entrance looked at the creaking bone tower.

"Get ready, let's give them a brilliant debut." Kane turned his head and said.

The main gate of their forward was firmly locked, with all kinds of dark green patterns all over it.

Obviously telling Kane them.

They are not welcome here.

After talking to Claire and the others, Kane waved his arm, and the magic power turned into a machine under their feet.

A huge mechanical hand rose directly from under their feet, and then held them in the palm.

Then the giant arm clenched its fist and slammed forward.

There is a heat dissipation gap around the mechanical arm, a huge amount of steam gushes out from it, and there is a booster port on the wrist.


Carrying blue tail smoke, it directly penetrated the direction of the main entrance of the bone tower heavily.

And all the way straight up.

The loud sound almost alarmed everyone around.

"The president and the others are fighting now? Come on, let's speed up."

And this mechanical iron fist pierced directly to the place where the three undead kings were.

Watching a huge iron fist chisel in directly.

The three undead kings waiting here all jumped back one step.

The shock waves chiseled in by the iron fist, as well as the bone residue and ash particles, rushed towards them violently.

A dark green magic protective wall rose out of thin air, blocking all the aftermath that rushed towards them.

Iron Fist put his back on the ground, and then spread his five fingers.

The four of Kane appeared, and then slowly walked down from above.

This way of playing is not without arrogance.

Observed around.

There is an obvious triangular formation structure on the ground, and in the translucent sphere full of cracks floating above this space.

It has a body wrapped in a white robe and without facial features.

The golden light in the pupils flickered, and the vision of God was looking at the body above.

Fortunately, there was no procrastination. The defensive cover was almost covered with cracks. Although it was still firm, it looked like it would break apart soon.

That body without facial features should be Facundo's body of God.

You can clearly feel the power coming from above.

Kane, who has been dealing with divine power for many years, has a very keen perception of any divine power.

I saw the opposite side of the green protective wall.

The undead in a gray and white robe stared at Kane with his shining eyes.

"Living creatures, why did you come here?"

He could feel the threat from Kane, and it was definitely not a small character that could be easily killed.

Without waiting for Kane to answer, he said to himself, "For this body of a god?"

"Is this the body of a god? Thank you for your clarification, but we are here for the three of you."

Kane denied the words of the undead in front of him, and then said: "You have violated the rules here. Mist generously accepted your broken world fragments, allowing you to survive, but you failed her."

"Now, you are against the world."

Speaking of Kane entering the state of God's Power, he pressed the opponent with the power of God's Sight.

The three undead all felt the faint divine power coming from this power, which was somewhat similar to the aura emitted from time to time by the body of the god in the sky.

This made them more vigilant.

But Kane and the others still did not launch an attack.

Looking at the three undead, Kane's voice was full of majesty, and said: "Now, kneel down, give up your dignity, and pray for Misty's forgiveness, maybe she will forgive me and give you a decent death."

"Otherwise, your souls will all be crushed and turned into dust all over the sky."

Hearing Kane's words, the Skeleton King in heavy armor couldn't bear it at first.

He lowered the giant hammer he was carrying on his shoulders and chopped it on the ground: "You want us to beg for death? Then let me see if you have the strength, humble bug."

After speaking, dragging the hammer, he rushed over directly.

A reckless look.

It disappeared instantly on the way over, and only a very faint trace could be seen in the air.

Extremely fast.

Faced with such a situation, Lumbe stepped out first, and his size instantly increased to 5 meters.

The change in body shape drove dense lightning to wrap around his body,

Waving the shield in his hand, he threw it towards the rushing trajectory.

A giant hammer appeared in the void and collided with Lumbe's shield, and the Skeleton King also appeared in his own form.

This attack method directly brought back everyone's memories.

Isn't this the same move used by the final boss in the dungeon in Facundo?

Although the levels are different, the way they look at the attack is pretty much the same.

But it must be that the form is similar. When it comes to the difference between the two, it may be the difference between heaven and earth.

With the attack of the two.

Claire and Kane also rushed directly to the other two undead.

Metzker floated directly in the sky, preparing for the situation in the field of vision, and providing support to everyone at any time.

Watching Kane rushing towards them.

Luthern grasped the skull in his palm and poured magic power into it.

The entire Tower of the Dead is operating again under his control.

The defense mechanism has been activated.

The giant skeleton beasts were producing non-stop, and then rushed towards them.

Energy-like veins appeared in the entire space, and the veins all over the place were like blood vessels in living organisms.

Visceral-like flesh and fascia began to appear on the surrounding skeletal structures, as if they were rhythmically following the breathing.

The energy of the undead began to gather in this space.

These energies turned into silk threads, extending from the wall, connecting with the three undead.

In an instant, the strength of the three undead was enhanced.

A golden scimitar appeared next to the silk thread, and it cut it automatically.

However, the scimitar slipped through it, and did not have any effect on this energy.

Facing the rushing Kane, a huge green sickle appeared in Luthern's hand.

Waving directly collided with the golden spear in Kane's hand.

On the other side, Madio turned into a pool of blood-red liquid, controlled the blood, condensed into various weapons, and struck towards Claire.

Claire, who had already turned into a spirit body, was burning with raging black and white flames on the blade.

The various weapons turned into blood turned into steam when touched by the black and white flames, making a sizzling sound.

Then it turned into charred black dust in the air and scattered all over the place.

Everyone immediately fought against each other and fought together.

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