Kane took them to the positions he had marked, adjusting their shapes.

Then in front of them, a closed steel wall was created to block the entire gate, and then three firing ports were opened on the wall, each with a launcher.

Then he stepped forward, starting with Claire on the far left.

"Did you reach forward and touch the object in front of you?"

After Claire listened to Kane's words, she stretched out her hands in front of her, and sure enough she touched a cold steel object.

Lombe and Metzker next to them also stretched out their hands in a similar manner, looking for the object Kane said.


After confirming that everyone touched it, Kane continued: "There is a long handle-shaped handle under the square object."

Everyone began to follow Kane's words to search again, and immediately they all touched the handle that Kane said.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Kane finally said: "There is a small round frame at the corner between the grip and the rectangular object, and there is a trigger in it."

This time everyone quickly found the object, and nodded to indicate that they had touched it.

Kane walked over and took out a bottle of dye from the space equipment, and then smeared it on the launcher in front of everyone.

After a while, the transparent transmitters in front of the three of them all had a small round frame dyed black.

"When the monsters in the dungeon rush out, you can just use this small round frame and pull the trigger on them."

Yes, after a few days of groping, Kane has a general understanding of some of the structure of this launcher, and added a trigger trigger device to these launchers. In this way, the launch can be carried out even without Kane's magic control.

Kane only needs to concentrate on controlling his magic power output and the manufacture of crossbow arrows.

Then let your teammates launch the shooting. After adjusting the amount of magic power fired by the launcher, plus the magic recovery potion, you can use three bottles in a row without reducing the effect.

This time is enough for the three of them to destroy the dungeon monsters inside. Even if there are some fish that slip through the net, they can easily eliminate them.

It was Kane's vision of his skills, and the path forward he found for himself.

All of this is due to the inspiration brought to him by the skill of the launcher. He can feel that when he fully understands this device, even without the help of the skill-enhancing grid, he can still create a magic launcher.

After explaining these operating instructions to everyone, let them get ready, and then send a signal to continue.

Soon the door ahead of them began to glow.

As the gate slowly rose, a group of barbarian warriors that Kane had seen came out.

One of them came up and threw the short spear in his hand and smashed it against the steel wall.

As the attack started, more figures appeared behind them.

When Kane thinks the numbers are about the same.

Say to your teammates: "Launch"

Then he closed his eyes behind his teammates, and concentrated on controlling the flow of magic power.

After hearing Kane's order, everyone pulled the trigger in their hands.

The enemy they aimed at through the circle after feeling the unseen weapon vibrate in their hands.

Inexplicably, he began to fall down, and one blood hole after another appeared on his body.

"Wow! This is too cool."

When Lombe experienced this feeling, he let out an excited cry. This attack method that he had never used before made him extremely excited.

Claire, who was beside her, also seemed a little excited, and there was a strange sound of haha ​​from her mouth.

Even Metzker's eyes widened.

Everyone was excited about the attack experience of the weapons in their hands.

But the enemies in front of them suffered. Before these barbarians felt attacked or had time to evade, they were hit one by one by these invisible attacks.

But they also did not have a character like an orc warlord to lead them, and could only continue to charge blindly.

Then they all fell in the middle of the charge.

Kane at the back also had some hard work, controlling the operation of the three launchers and maintaining the consumption of the steel wall, which made his energy a bit unbearable.

He has already drank a bottle of recovery potion, and he has another bottle in his mouth, ready to drink it at any time.

However, he is also in pain and happiness now. This kind of high-intensity operation makes him clearly feel that his control and understanding of his skills are improving, and he is more handy.

With multiple shots, everyone also found a trick, no longer madly pulling the trigger at one or two targets.

Rather, it's purposeful, aimed, and a single pull of the trigger on a target. If it doesn't fall, come back and shoot him another supplementary shot.

The frequency of the three's attacks gave them obviously enough time for careful aiming.

Among them, Metzker's aiming is the most accurate. He can basically take away an enemy with one shot now, and the wounds of those who were knocked down by him were obvious in the heart and head.

It seems that he also showed a good shooting talent.

Under the rapid grasp of everyone, the enemy was quickly wiped out. As the last enemy was taken by Mezick, the last wave of attacks came to an end.

At this time, not long after Kane drank the last bottle of potion, there was still magic power in his body.

Feeling the three of them stop attacking, Kane opened his eyes.

Looking at the front door, various barbarian corpses were piled up. It can be seen that there are blood holes all over their bodies, but the top corpses have only 1~2 blood holes, and these wounds also indicate the progress of Claire and the others.

Along with the gate, these corpses turned into particles of light and poured into the crystal hourglass in the middle.

The high-intensity consumption of magic power and energy consumption made Kane still have physical strength, but he was a little unable to stand up.

Claire wanted to come over and pick up Kane, but Lombe and Metzker took a step ahead and carried Kane up one by one.

Claire, who was about to move, also stopped in place.

Kane, who was held up, stared at the dead fish, staring at the back of the two of them.


Hearing Kane's voice, Lombe turned his head and asked with concern, "What's the matter, brother?"

"Nothing, I thank you"

"Where, you are too polite, brother, you are our captain"

The two then dragged Kane under the hourglass to rest.

After everyone sat down, Lombe made an excited voice and asked, "Brother, how did you make that weapon? It's so cool, will there be a chance to use it in the future?"

After listening to Lombe's words, Claire looked at Kane curiously.

Kane nodded weakly and said, "Don't worry, there will be opportunities for you to play in the future. Maybe there are more powerful things waiting for you."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone showed excited expressions.

The main reason is that the weapon is so cool to use, and the experience of rapid shooting is unstoppable.

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