"Wow! So you are all here, but you didn't tell Li Lulu, ah, ah, are you isolating Li Lulu?"

Beside the two of them, Li Lulu suddenly appeared.

Li Lulu's loud cry startled the two of them.

Hearing what Li Lulu said, Kane shook his head helplessly.

What do you mean we isolate you? We can't even find anyone anywhere.

Why would the villain file a complaint first?

And Claire covered her mouth in a funny way, and then hugged Lilulu who was rolling in the sky.

He made a silent gesture to her: "Shh, don't talk and look over there."

As he spoke, he pointed to the place where Metzker and Lumbe were preparing to fight.

"Well, what?"

Lilulu got up, put her hands on her eye sockets in a tube shape, gestured for a telescope, and followed Claire's gesture to look over.


The previous unhappiness was instantly forgotten.

Looking at it with bright eyes.

"Both Lombe and Mezik have succeeded! Is their current appearance the ability after promotion?"

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane beside him rolled his eyes helplessly.

I can understand your surprise at Mezik, but the problem is that Lombe has been promoted for more than a month.

So who is isolating whom?

But it's better not to say this, otherwise Li Lulu will play tricks again.

We chatted for a while.

Everyone immediately focused their attention on the battle field again.

This kind of battle can allow them to better understand and analyze Metzker's original skills, and then they can cooperate better.

After the three avatars created by Metzke came to the sky, they raised their hands to face Metzker below.

Ribbons made up of particles one after another spread out from it and entered Metzke's body.

"Wait? These particles should have been made consumables, so why would the clones have them?"

Claire looked at this scene and asked puzzledly.

She can understand the splitting of the body, but can the medicines and other things carried on the body also be separated?

But Kane can understand.

Because Metzker now has a skill called [Instantaneous Refining] (Master).

"Metzker seems to have learned a new technique that allows him to instantly refine potions anytime, anywhere," Kane explained.

This skill is just like the name, it can instantly refine potions and various alchemy items, and can replace part of the materials with magic power.

Kane didn't even know when this skill came into being.

When he checked his newly improved skill bar half a year ago, he discovered that Metzker had a new master skill.

Although the improvement of Metzke's strength does not seem to be rapid, but he is really improving himself anytime and anywhere.

This can be seen from the new skills he has added from time to time.

He is constantly learning.

At this time, there were three clones of Metzker on the field.

Metzker, who was in a state of rage, was improving crazily, both in terms of physique and strength.

The muscles became tighter and more developed, and the blood-red arrogance on his body was even more vigorous.

From here, it can be seen that these medicines of Metzker have also been improved, which can bring more exaggerated attribute gains.

It can also bring benefits to the physique of the three-color level.


Metzke moved, and his figure disappeared instantly.

And a circle of air ripples appeared on the spot.

Lombe sensed Mezik's arrival, and immediately erected the shield in his hand, ready to intercept this attack.

Then he felt Metzke slip past him.


The sound of falling water sounded.

Everyone looked.

A splash appeared on the calm sea.

Metzker plunged headlong into the water and flew out of the water after a while.

"The quality of the body has been enhanced too much, and I am not used to it at all."

There was a hint of embarrassment in his voice, although his face was still expressionless.

Metzke got up and jumped twice on the spot, and continued to attack.

The figure disappeared in place again, and this time he managed to hit Lumbe.

But it wasn't a punch, but the entire body hit Lumbe's shield, making a loud noise.

The exaggerated force of the collision caused Lombe to take a few steps back.

But Metzker himself also fell to the ground, and the three avatars in the sky immediately treated Metzker's body.

In less than a second, Metzke recovered, bounced off the ground, and regained his posture.

It seems that he didn't want to rush over before, but he didn't control his own strength, and directly rushed over.

He is now starting to adapt to his strength through the way of attack.

Then everyone saw Mezik, either flew out of the field, hit the air, or hit Lumbe with his whole body.

This situation lasted for more than ten minutes before slowly getting better.

boom! There was a loud bang.

This time, Metzker finally landed a direct jab on Lombe's shield.

The four arms hit at the same time, resulting in the impact force generated by the huge force, which directly dented Lumbe's shield.

A shock wave flew out from behind the shield, knocking Lumbe back a step.

After all, this is just a gold-level shield, facing Metzker's unreserved attack, it is still unable to resist after all.

In such a situation, Lumbe had no choice but to put away the shield and put it on his gauntlet.

At this moment, Metzke took a deep breath.

"I'm ready to fight back."

"Such a short time? Don't practice for a while?"

Lombe asked after hearing Metzker's words.

And Metzke just shook his head.

"Okay, then I'm going to attack."

After hearing this conversation, several people in the stands stood up instantly, preparing to watch the battle between the two with a better view.

Then the two retreated to a certain distance again.

The three avatars in the sky spewed out streamers one after another, continuously injecting their various medicines into Metzke's body.


Metzker roared angrily, his body flew towards Lumbe like an invisible cannonball.

Only a faint red trail can be seen in the air.


Thunder bang.

Lumbe's stature has directly risen to a height of 20 meters, a huge giant with quick movements.

The huge warhammer in his hand, which grew bigger with his body size, was swung out instantly.

It directly hit Mezik who was rushing forward.

Metzke's speed weakened, and he flew upside down, being ravaged by lightning all over his body.

The right upper arm that was used to block Lumbe's hammer just now disappeared, leaving only a bloody fracture.

Before Metzker landed, several energy ribbons had poured into his body, and the broken arm was reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After adjusting his posture in the air, he landed on the ground, and his legs drew a long trajectory.

Before everyone saw Metzker's steady figure, he disappeared again.

Several people saw the cracked crater in the floor, and this time Metzker rushed out at a faster speed.

After all, Mezik's experience in melee combat was lower than that of Lumbe's. Once again, Lumbe saw through the trajectory of the charge, and the warhammer smashed past from bottom to top.

At some point, a clone appeared beside Metzker.

They collided directly with Metzker, and the two separated instantly, making Lombe's warhammer fall through.

Then two figures rushed towards Lumbe from the left and right.

At this time, there are still three clones in the sky assisting.

"Can we still divide?"

Looking at this scene, Kane muttered to himself.

Lombe couldn't tell which one was the avatar and which one was the main body, so he took the hammer and threw it at Mezik on the right, completely ignoring the attack from the other side.

The Metzker on the right was directly smashed into the air, while the Metzker on the left precisely hit Lombe's shoulder.

However, this attack only made Lumbe bend slightly, making his skin a little red.

The exaggerated physical defense made Lumbe's current physical fitness much stronger than his golden shield.

However, at this moment, the side of his head was hit suddenly, and Lumbe staggered a few steps to the side.


Seeing another clone appearing behind his head, Lumbe couldn't help asking.

But Kane and others outside the court could see clearly.

"The way Mezik cloned just now is actually deceiving." Li Lulu said.

Claire nodded: "This will definitely be a killer weapon in a life-and-death battle."

The avatar that suddenly appeared behind Lumbe just now really appeared suddenly.

That is to say, Metzker doesn't need to be separated from his body like he separated his avatar before.

Instead, it can directly create a clone at a long distance.

Just like his former magical limbs, it can be directly condensed within a certain range.

And now, there are already 6 Metzkers on the field.

And Lumbe, who had already been punched by Metzker a few times, also felt something was wrong with his body.

He could feel all kinds of strange energies flowing through his body, reducing his life and reducing his defense and reaction.

"Good brother, this move is not bad."

Metzker is not only able to refine potions that bring buffs.

He is also good at all kinds of poisons that can bring debuff effects.

It's just that usually, Kane and the others don't need to fight.

Three Metzkers assist, and three Metzkers attack.

Since they are all themselves, they cooperate with each other and can be described as intimate.

As a result, Lumbe fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Lumbe, who was punched back again, laughed loudly and said, "You're not bad brother, I'm going to get serious."

There was another loud bang as he spoke.

One after another thick lightning bolts wrapped around Lumbe's body.

And the various debuff effects superimposed on him before disappeared in an instant.

Lumbe's strongest rule, the super body effect directly removes any effects that have a bad effect on his body and completely removes his body.

The huge thunder hammer in his hand flew through the air.

Thunder and lightning instantly covered the entire area.

Kane and the others in the stands stepped back immediately, otherwise they would also be struck by lightning.

The dense lightning completely turned the entire area into a thunderstorm.

Among them, Lumbe's figure can clearly see that the speed has increased a lot.

With an extremely fast speed, each of the clones that had no time to dodge was wiped out one by one.

Then he finally seized the opportunity, swung the warhammer in his hand, and hit Metzker's body with a ruthless blow.

Without the assistance of the avatar, Metzker's recovery effect was greatly weakened, and he was directly killed by this blow and disappeared in place.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

After all, it is the first step to enter the color, and the more familiar Lumbe wins.

As expected.

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