With the disappearance of the fragments, Kane and the others once again returned to a thick white mist.

"Go on?" Claire asked with her head tilted.

Kane shook his head: "Forget it, let's take a look at the coordinate points that will not change. If they are close enough, we will go there first."

As he spoke, Kane chanted a spell, and a circle of mist appeared in his hand.

After a while he opened his eyes, looking unhappy.

"The location we entered this time seems to be unlucky, and several unchanging coordinate points are too far away from us.

Moreover, our area is constantly distorting and changing, getting farther and farther away, it seems that we can only go there when we come in next time. "

The space outside the fog is distorted and changing, with no rules to follow, only a few fixed coordinate points will not change.

I don't know if it's because of bad luck, but the place Kane and the others entered this time is constantly distorting and changing.

This also caused them to get farther and farther away from those coordinate points. Even if they are moving at full speed now, it is impossible to reach any of all the punctuation points within a month.

I can only wait for the next time I come in to see if the randomly entered location is close enough to these coordinate points, and then consider going to these coordinate points to record it.

"Then we continued to move forward. I didn't feel that there was any entrance to the space around here."

Hearing what Claire said, Kane nodded in agreement.

In less than a day, everyone experienced two fragments of the world.

Although these two world fragments are useless places of destruction.

But it's not all fruitless, at least it makes them feel novel.

Let their desire to explore start high.


"Why is it a world of death again, my desire to explore is almost gone!"

As the team's meat shield, Lumbe was always the first one to pass through the fog wall and enter the fragments of the world of experience.

Looking at the gloomy surroundings, the entire air was filled with the stench of death and dilapidation.

This is another dead world.

It has been almost half a month since they came outside the fog for the first time.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lumbe fell helplessly to the ground, looked at the gray sky, and sighed.

Kane and others next to him also sat down, preparing to take a break.

The moment they came in, they were also slightly disappointed.

In the past half a month, I have experienced countless world fragments, large and small, but all of them are dead fragments without any life.

On the contrary, the black shadow they encountered in the second world fragment was the only moving thing they encountered in the past half month.

There is almost nothing valuable in these completely destroyed world fragments, most of them are some residual minerals.

In the past half a month, they have really become garbage collectors, sweeping out piece after piece of garbage.

Kane turned his head to look at them, and suggested: "Then do you want to rest here for a day? I have been walking for almost half a month, and it is time to take a rest."

For the past half month, relying on their physical fitness, they have been exploring without sleep.

Although I didn't feel any physical fatigue, but after experiencing so many lonely fragments, it was inevitable that I was a little tired mentally.

Regarding Kane's proposal, Claire thought for a while: "It's all here, let's take a stroll on this fragment first, and rest if there is nothing else."

There was no objection to Claire's proposal, and everyone stood up and patted their buttocks, ready to continue exploring.

It is indeed more peaceful to rest after exploring.

It's just that what they encountered in the past half month were all kinds of destroyed world fragments, which led to their current exploration without much enthusiasm.

Here is still the broken earth, the gray sky.

Nothing new.

But after walking a few steps, Kane felt something different.

"Do you feel it? Although this place is lonely and dilapidated, the rules of this space are not very chaotic."

After hearing Kane's words, everyone felt it carefully.

Claire nodded: "Indeed, although the rules of this space are still chaotic, they are much more orderly than the fragments we encountered before."

They all noticed that there were different people, and the passion of exploration surged out again in their hearts.

At least the spark was rekindled.

Different means that there are new things, and it means that this world fragment must be different from the previous world fragments that were also destroyed.

The heavy steps became slightly lighter.

The dilapidated smell in the air is no longer so pungent.

I don't know how long I have been walking on this dilapidated land, and the surrounding scenery is always the same.


Li Lulu looked ahead and suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone also saw the huge object at the end of their vision.

It was an extremely huge mountain, and the whole mountain rose into the sky in a sharp spike shape.

It is not the mountain that is surprising, but the objects on it.

The entire mountain seemed to be a real thorn, piercing through the chest of a huge corpse.

From their distance, the corpse appeared to be a human figure.

He didn't wear any armor on his body, just thin clothes, and his naked body was gray and black.

It is not known whether it is a normal skin color, or a manifestation after death.

As for why it died, because this huge corpse did not have a head.

"It seems that that thing is where the fragments of this world are different."

Kane said, a huge disk appeared under their feet, and then two nozzles appeared at the tail of the disk, and they flew out quickly.

I can't wait anymore, so I speed up and rush over to have a look.

In this minute, they came to the foot of the mountain.

Watching it at such a close distance makes the scene even more shocking.

The body of this corpse is even more exaggerated than the mountain peak, otherwise it would not have been pierced by the mountain peak.

Comparing to mountains is like comparing people to swords.

Visually, it is close to a kilometer, a truly huge monster.

His feet propped up on the ground, and sharp peaks pierced his back from his chest.

His hands were holding the protruding peak of his chest, as if trying to pull him out of his body.

The incision on the neck was abnormally smooth, and the head did not know where to go, as if it had been cut in half by someone with a sharp slash, without the slightest resistance.

Although the exposed skin is gray and white, there are huge totems tattooed on it.

The cloth clothes on his body also looked like ancient tribal peoples, more like some kind of ancient national costumes.

"What race is this? Isn't the size too exaggerated?"

Lombe looked up at the sky and questioned.

"Is the Titan so big?" Kane asked beside him.

Hearing Kane's question, Lombe explained: "The size of a titan can be changed, the largest can be bigger than a star, and the smallest can be done even by an ordinary human."

"Then do you think it is possible that this giant actually used some kind of skill to maximize his upgrade before fighting, and his body did not change back when he finally died?"

"There is such a possibility, and it is also possible that the race itself is so big, after all, there are so many worlds."

While everyone was chatting, Kane controlled the disc under his feet and flew directly to the chest and abdomen of the corpse, which was where the mountain pierced.

There is an obvious depression where the mountain peak pierces from the chest.

In the hollow was a crimson lake, which seemed to be formed from the blood of the giant.

Everyone stepped off the disc and stepped on the giant's body to the side of the lake.

Metzker crouched down, waved his hand, and a ball of blood flew into his hand.

Looking at the dark red and almost black blood mass in his hand.

After careful study, he said: "The death time of this giant can hardly be traced back. The blood seems to have not dried up, but in fact it has no activity."

"It's like...water dripped with dye."

"However, it can be seen from this that this giant was stronger than us in his lifetime, probably at the five-color stage."

Metzke stood up and clapped his hands, thought for a while and said rigorously: "Of course, this is just part of my speculation and may not be accurate."

After listening to Metzker's words, Kane asked curiously: "In other words, this body has existed for at least a thousand years, or even longer. After the existence of the five-color level dies, can the body remain uncorrupted for so long?"

"It's possible that his body was perfectly preserved because the world was destroyed and the rules were out of order.

Although the energy of the corpse is also dissipated, it is also possible that the flesh and blood will not rot. "

Claire thought for a while and said, she carefully felt the rules around her for a while, and was able to roughly distinguish which rules started to become disordered and which rules were still relatively stable.

"In other words, this world is useless, right? This world is no different from the dead world fragments we encountered before."

Lombe concluded from the sidelines.

Hearing Lumbe's words, Kane joked beside him: "If you want to eat his meat, it may still be of some value."

"Ah, it's boring, let's go."

Another world of death, even if there is a huge corpse, there is nothing useful.

Lombe jumped off the corpse with a lack of interest, and landed on the ground like a missile.

Kane and the others looked at each other and smiled, and jumped down one after another.

"Although there is nothing to gain, it is very rare to see such a scene, isn't it?"

Kane said with a smile, and then condensed a photo stone in his hand, and took a photo of the mountain and the giant corpse in front of him.

It would be a pity that such a scene was not preserved.

After Kane finished taking pictures, he looked at the huge mountain-like corpse in front of him.

"After all, there is such a powerful existence, and it is too disrespectful to look like this all the time in pain."

With that said, Kane clapped his hands to the ground.

The huge peak piercing his chest began to collapse, and then the side of the corpse also began to collapse due to the loss of support.

It was frightening to watch such a huge object collapse.

Kane controlled the ground in front of him, and there was a huge deep pit that collapsed downward.

As the mountain peak and corpses collapsed, billowing smoke and dust splashed up.

Kane quickly created a cover to protect everyone.

Billows of smoke and gravel hit the cover, making tinkling noises, preventing everyone from seeing the situation outside clearly.

By the time the smoke and dust had completely dissipated, the corpse had already been dumped into the deep pit.

Under Kane's control, the surrounding broken mudstone began to wrap around it, filling the deep pit again.

Bury the corpse in the deep pit again, and let this huge corpse rest in peace.

Claire and the others stood silently behind Kane, waiting for Kane to complete his actions.

This can be regarded as a casual good deed, which can make one's mood better, so why not do it?

Looking at the slightly raised hill, Kane clapped his hands.

"It's done, let's rest here tonight. After the rest, mark this fragment tomorrow."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone nodded.

Then Kane waved his hand casually, and a luxurious villa appeared on the spot for everyone to live in.

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