By the time Kane and the others walked out of the city, the sun had completely set on the mountain, but the afterglow of the sun still didn't make the sky fall into darkness at this time.

"Don't you have a permanent residence?"

Kane suddenly turned his head and asked Umberto next to him.

Umberto shook his head: "I'm always on the road."

"Really, where are you going now?"

He pointed in one direction and said, "My instinct tells me I should head in this direction."

"Is it so magical?"


When the sky was about to completely darken, Umberto found a small hillside and planned to rest here tonight.

The surrounding area is completely surrounded by dense forests. Although the entire sky has not yet completely darkened, it is already pitch black inside.

"It's already dark. It's inconvenient and very dangerous to travel at night. Let's make do with it tonight, shall we?"

Umberto sought Kane's opinion.

If it's just him, then it doesn't matter, but now he has to consider the following, transcendent existence behind him.

"It doesn't matter, just rest here for one night."

Hearing that Kane agreed, Umberto was going to go around to collect some dry wood.

Then, he saw Kane waving in front of him.

A small villa appeared in front of him, in the deep mountains and dense forests.

Very abrupt, but also very fantastic.


He was a little dazed, and turned his head to stare at Kane.

His intuition, his spirit, everything told him that this was not false.

Claire and the others had already entered the small villa, while Kane stood at the door and waved to Weng Beituo.

"What are you doing there? Don't worry, even if we just met, I have created a room just for you."

Umberto opened his mouth, but finally did not ask, and walked in silently.

As long as one thinks that Kane and the others are as powerful as gods, it seems very normal to suddenly build a small villa.

He comforted himself like this.

This should be a small villa with 3 floors. When you walk in through the door, you will find a spacious living room, which occupies almost all the area of ​​the first floor.

The stairs leading to the second floor and an unknown cubicle can be seen in the living room.

An open kitchen connects to the dining and living room.

The layout of the whole living room makes people feel very warm.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Umberto always feels that all the furniture in this villa is a bit big.

Then he turned his head and saw Claire, seeming to understand something.

When he came to the sofa in the living room, Kane threw himself directly on it, sinking into the soft sofa.

There was a comfortable sound in his mouth.

At this moment, Kane suddenly felt something and opened his eyes, but he could see that his eyes were slightly dull.

At this time, his vision had already drifted into the distance.

And in the house of the Prophet.

The mechanical ball that Kane dropped when he left before flew in mid-air, recording the scene in front of him.

The magic circle on the surface concealed his figure.

At this time, in the hall on the first floor, the prophet suddenly stuck his neck as if he was suffocating.

The other hand slapped the table in front of him, but the whole person began to slide off the stool uncontrollably.

"Hurry up, the prophet is stuck, save him!"

"You, go outside and call the doctor!"


At this time, there were still rich delicacies on the table, and looking at the napkin around the prophet's neck, he seemed to be stuck with some food.

All the servants around were in a hurry.

They were a little at a loss, but they still started with some first aid methods that could be searched in their memory, and performed first aid on the prophet in front of them.

Even the middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper was flustered and at a loss.

And their methods were all ineffective, no matter how they slapped or induced vomiting, nothing could be spit out from the prophet's mouth.

His complexion became more and more ugly, and he was already starting to turn blue and purple.

Then the prophet was in front of the crowd, suffocated and lost his life.

Of course, this is only in the eyes of ordinary people.

In the eyes of the machine, through vision contaminated with magic power, it is possible to see the cloud bracelet that was wrapped around the prophet's hand before, suddenly poured into his throat while the prophet was eating, blocking his trachea.

Just like that, he was suffocated here alive.

Following his death, silver flowing liquid began to continuously emerge from his eye sockets.

It was the ones that popped up in his eyes before.

After the silver flowing liquid came out, it moved more and more slowly, and finally flowed on the floor like death, turning into ashes.

And the mechanical ball in midair faithfully recorded this scene.

Kane, who was far away in the small villa in the wilderness, also had a panoramic view of this scene.

At this time, Kane's eyes recovered.

"You killed that prophet? Why?"

Kane didn't understand, so he asked directly.

Hearing Kane's sudden words, Umberto raised his head and looked at him.

Can see his expression, a little shocked.

Although I don't know how Kane did it and how he knew it, even he doesn't know if he succeeded.

But thinking of Kane's strength, he still didn't ask much.

"Did you make it?"

He muttered to himself, then nodded.

"Yes, I want to kill him."

"Is it convenient to explain to us, including the situation of this prophet and why you want to kill him."

This is a good place for conversation right now.

Regarding Kane's question, Umberto nodded.

For the few people in front of him, he was not going to hide anything.

Because his intuition told him that it was of no use.

"When he is unwilling to separate from the spirit of quicksilver, he will surely die."

"The spirit of quicksilver is what you saw at the time, the silvery liquid that drilled out of his eyes like a living thing."

"Those silver mercury spirits are the reason why he can predict the future and become a prophet."

After listening to Umberto's explanation, Kane nodded.

At this moment Li Lulu suddenly asked: "Are those silver things also spirits?"

"Yes, they are also a kind of spirit."

Having said that, Umberto seemed to be lost in memory, and generally began to tell.

"I met him about 12 years ago. At that time, he was not as distinguished as he is now. At that time, he was just an ordinary businessman."

"At that time, he was very restrained and able to control his desires. Even with the ability to predict, he only obtained limited wealth and made his life slightly better."

Having said that, he suddenly sighed.

"When I met him, I was planning to separate him from the Quicksilver Spirit, but seeing that he was principled and able to restrain his greed, I just warned him not to predict too much."

"In this way, he can maintain a certain balance with the spirit of mercury and live a normal life."

At this time, Claire said from the side: "That is to say, if he is greedy, he will fuse with the quicksilver spirit if he uses too much foreknowledge. The reason why you kill him is because the fusion may cause harm to the surroundings." Make an impact?"

Hearing Claire's words, Umberto nodded.

"Yes, if you continue to let it go like this, when he completely merges with the Spirit of Quicksilver, he will predict the disaster at that moment. And the disaster will definitely come, and the Spirit of Quicksilver will personally complete it."

Kane understood this passage.

In other words, this kind of thing must have been recorded, otherwise Umberto would not have known it as clearly as he does now.

The predicted end will definitely be a disaster, and the disaster will come and be caused by your own intervention.

This is not predicting, this is completely self-directed and self-acted.

"Can that ball of silver water do such a thing?" Lumbe asked a little puzzled.

They had seen the so-called Spirit of Mercury before, and the sensory feeling it brought to them was not strong, and it was not as dangerous as what Mumberto said.

Umberto nodded: "Spirits don't have their own consciousness, they only act according to their instincts."

"After predicting the disaster, the Spirit of Mercury will start to act instinctively, and his actions will drive the surrounding spirits to move together, causing the disaster to come."

In this way, it roughly understands why the Spirit of Mercury can do relatively large damage with its weak body.

Although he is not strong himself, he can influence other spirits around him to move with him and cause destruction.

But now, the closer to the human gathering place, the more spirits there are.

And looking at Umberto like this, we know that these so-called predicted disasters must be related to the gathering place.

When the time comes, these spirits will act together, and they may directly destroy the entire small city before.

Hearing this, Kane couldn't help but became very interested in these so-called spirits.

"Are there many spirits like this? It is this kind of spirit that can cause relatively large damage."

Hearing Kane's question, Umberto nodded after thinking for a while.

This aroused everyone's curiosity, and everyone focused on him, waiting for him to speak.

Seeing such a situation, Umberto couldn't help but continue talking.

"According to records, spirits are all kinds of strange things. They coexist with humans but are separated from each other, but there is no doubt that spirits are very strong."

Having said that, Umberto stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, as if thinking.

"For example, there is a kind of spirit called dream bird. They gather in groups, and sometimes the number can reach hundreds of thousands."

"This is a bird that is the size of a human head and covered in black and white. They reside in human dreams, but once there are too many dream birds lodged in a person's dream."

Having said that, Umberto paused for a while, and let it go.

After seeing Lumbe's unfriendly eyes, he immediately continued, "They will fly out of the dream."

"Depending on the number of dream birds flying out, they may bring the things in the host's dream into reality."

"Bring into reality? What do you mean?" Lumbe asked curiously and puzzled.

Turn dreams into reality?

Umberto reorganized the language and said: "It is to make the dream come true. If the dream of the host at that time was a good dream, the dream will turn the dream into reality according to the number of dream birds."

"If it's a nightmare..."

At this point he shut his mouth.

But most people understood what he meant.

If it is a nightmare, and there are just enough dreambirds to fly out, it is possible to bring the nightmare into reality.

But dreams are something that people cannot control. If you happen to dream of some not-so-good nightmare, once it is brought into reality, it will indeed bring disaster to the surrounding area or even a large area.

For example, dreaming of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and so on.

"But don't worry, the number of this kind of dream bird we inhabit here is very small, and with the shattering of the world, it is almost difficult to see."

"The number is not large enough. Even if they fly out of the dream, they will not have any impact on reality at all."

Umberto told the reality beside him.

The shattering of the world has greatly reduced the spirits of the entire world.

If it weren't for the fog, there might be fewer spirits now.

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