Standing in front of them is a majestic mountain, the peak of which reaches straight into the sky.

Clouds and mist surround it.

The appearance of the entire mountain looks like a volcano, like a flat cylinder, covered with dense green vegetation.

Kane and others stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the mountain in front of them.

At the foot of the mountain, there are densely packed spirits around them at this time, and it feels like there is already a gathering place of human beings in front of them.

However, after a little exploration by Kane, there is no trace of human beings on the entire mountain.

There has never been a sign of human existence, and this is a truly deserted place.

But even in the area at the foot of the mountain that has not had time to climb the mountain, there are already so many spirits.

The number of spirits around the gathering places of people is no more than this.

"Your goal is on the top of this mountain?"

Kane looked at Umberto next to him and asked.

Umberto also looked a little surprised. He stood at the foot of the mountain and looked at the surrounding situation, looking at the peak of the mountain.

Hearing Kane's question, he nodded vigorously.

"My intuition did lead me to the top of the mountain, which should be Mount Hachime."

Judging by his expression, he seemed to recognize the mountain.

"You know? Or have you ever been to this mountain?"

Regarding Kane's question, Umberto shook his head.

Looking at the mountain, he said: "I know this mountain is very famous in our circles, especially after the world is broken.

But I haven't been to this mountain, you know, we have no sense of direction, we can't come here unless there is something we need or something that needs us. "

Then he began to tell from what he knew from memory.

"Hachimei Mountain should be the most famous area among the only remaining areas around here, especially after the world is broken."

"According to the records, Mt. Hatchmei is also known as the nest of spirits. Almost all spirits can be seen here, even rare spirits that are difficult to see in the outside world."

As he spoke, he pointed to a kind of ring-like spirit floating around.

"This is the first time I've seen this kind of spirit, and I've seen it in books before."

"So even now, when the world is broken and almost all the spirits are gathered around the human gathering place, there are still spirits gathered here."

Having said that, Umberto turned his head and stared at several people.

"This also means that it may be more dangerous here."

Then he stared at the eyes of several people looking at them, and turned his head helplessly.

"Well, no matter how dangerous it is, it is impossible for you to be in danger."

After speaking, he went straight to the top of the mountain.

Kane and the others shrugged and followed.

"I have to say that there are indeed quite a lot of spirits here."

Claire looked at the surrounding situation and said that they had just started walking from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

The surrounding spirits have already begun to increase, floating in the air, and almost the entire tree is covered with all kinds of small but shimmering creatures.

Kane and the others have passed through several gathering places, but they have never seen such a density of spirits around any gathering place.

However, at this time, only the part at the foot of the mountain has such a density.

They continue to climb upwards.

Perhaps the density of the spirits had reached a certain limit. Even though they had come all the way to the mountainside, the number of spirits did not necessarily increase, but there were many larger spirits.

In the past, most spirits were probably only the size of a thumb, or at most the size of an index finger.

But now various fist-sized spirits would appear around them from time to time.

According to Umberto, Ling's strength is directly proportional to his size.

The surrounding spirits are all relatively powerful.

Going up from the mountainside, the road becomes steeper.

In order to maintain their speed, Kane waved his hand directly, and artificially created a gentle crawling slope in the popular place.

In this way, mountaineering has become a sport of climbing.

The size of the surrounding spirits has completely become the size of a fist, and even spirits as big as heads can be seen from time to time.

The higher the spiritual strength is, the stronger it is. It seems that the closer they are to the top, the better their life will be.

I can already feel that these spirits seem to have a certain amount of wisdom, and they no longer act on instinct.

When Kane and the others passed by, they could feel these spirits, looking at them as if they had eyes.

Of course, they just watched like this, and didn't do anything radical.

"It's the first time I've come here, didn't I expect such a sight?"

Umberto looked at the surrounding situation and couldn't help but said.

Due to the special nature of the spiritual doctor, even though this place is very famous and fascinating, he has never been here.

These powerful spirits made him want to stop and study them, but there were too many of them.

And based on the feeling, these spirits should not just let him study quietly like this, so forget it.

Thinking of this, Umberto suddenly squatted down, opened the wooden box behind him, and took out an old-looking book from the bottom.

Then I took out my homemade charcoal pen and started to write and draw on it.

As he walked, he observed the surrounding spirits, and then flipped through the book, adding a stroke here and a stroke there.

Seeing such a situation, Kane walked over from behind.

There are different spirits drawn on every page of the book, and the paintings are still very easy to identify. The main reason is that these spirits are also relatively simple, as if they are composed of simple lines at will.

It seems rather perfunctory.

Below the painting are various introductions.

Self-made spiritual illustration book?

And now Umberto is taking advantage of this rare opportunity to supplement the pattern on the scroll.

After a few glances, Kane looked away without interest.

It's not that he's not interested, but that he now has a more detailed electronic illustrated book.

Because Yoyo under her feet is constantly scanning the surrounding situation.

Technology has changed life.


When they were about to reach the peak, a slender white silk flew from the side and hit the soil in front of them.

A huge pothole was punched out of the rocky ground in front of him, and the sand tide splashed around.

Faced with this situation, they stopped in their tracks.

"It seems that there is something that doesn't want us to continue climbing."

Looking at the pothole not far away, Kane smiled and said.

"It's the guard of this mountain. I've heard people say that it seems that I can't walk on the mountainside in the past."

Umberto said beside him.

At this time, Lumbe scratched the beard on his chin, and went directly to the front of the team, walking forward.

Seeing such a situation, Kane and the others just smiled and followed behind.

Umberto opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed his mouth and followed.

call out!

The white cloth belt flew over again, extremely fast, but still did not aim at Lumbe and hit it, but hit directly in front of Lumbe, only one or two meters away from him.

A stone pit was punched out on the ground again, and a thin layer of hoarfrost was spread around the stone pit.

It made them feel a cold breath around them, a bit like the cold wind in winter.

Lombe looked at the last warning in front of him, and then went on without hesitation.

When Lumbe stepped forward again, Bai Ling didn't keep her hand this time, and directly bumped into Kane's body.

There was a sound of breaking through the air.

With a crisp sound.

It was like a cloth belt hitting the steel without any effect.

Lumbe's body didn't even shake, and even the hoarfrost produced by the attack didn't have any effect on his body.

This attack doesn't make any sense.

Lombe still kept on walking.

The white silk began to change from one strand to several strands, and then even turned into a dozen strands, flying continuously from the surroundings and striking Lumbe's body.

It seems that they want to win by quantity.

However, Lumbe continued to move forward as if he didn't feel it.

From time to time, he reached out and scratched the place where he was hit.

"A little itchy."

At this time, Kane waved his hand, and the transparent cover enveloped them, and all the white silk and satin were blocked from the outside.

To be honest, if they keep attacking Lumbe like this, it will affect their vision a bit.

Seeing this situation, the white silk and satin stopped attacking.

Then, in front of them, a spirit body condensed out.

A spirit body about 1.5 meters tall and shaped like a human began to condense.

Finally, with the change, the five senses began to appear, until it was completely transformed into a human form.

It turned into a little girl about sixteen or seventeen years old. She wore clothes that looked like some kind of religion, and her black hair hung all the way to her waist.

The delicate face was expressionless and the eyes were empty.

Staring at them with a numb blank expression.

"Stop, stop, stop..."

The voice was hollow without any ups and downs, and the words that had stopped were repeated over and over again.

Looking at this situation, Kane turned his head to stare at Umberto and asked, "Is there such a spirit? Can it become like a human?"

Umberto shook his head: "There are so many spirits in the world, and it's impossible for me to know all of them. Only those that are related to people and affect people, I may understand better."

"Then it seems that we can only forcefully break in."

Kane shrugged helplessly.

Hearing this, Long Bei didn't hesitate anymore, and walked directly towards the mountain, completely ignoring the girl in front of him.

Seeing that the people in front of her completely ignored her words, the girl also closed her mouth, and then dispersed into balls of light.

The whole mountain began to shake.

"Why do these spirits always like to do things like earthquakes?"

Kane said helplessly, then stomped his feet, and the whole mountain stopped shaking immediately.

In this way, they reached the summit unimpeded all the way.

Nothing happened along the way, trying to stop their footsteps.

It seems that these spirits have given up and want to block their thoughts.

when they came to the top of the mountain.

The entire top of the mountain is bowl-shaped and sunken toward the middle, and the middle part is like a volcanic vent.

But what comes from below is a relatively huge amount of magic power, of course this is relative to Umberto and the others.

"It should be below."

Umberto pointed to the sunken place.

"I think so."

At this time, densely packed spirits appeared around them, and these spirits gathered together.

A huge 10-meter-tall creature resembling a giant appeared in front of them.

The whole shape seems to be condensed by light clusters.

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