Today is the time to pass the dungeon.

After leaving the Great Golden Teeth Tavern, everyone came to the hall in front of the dungeon without stopping.

Some impatiently stood on the teleportation stone, silently experiencing the dizziness brought by teleportation.

Everyone stood on the floating platform, looking at the surrounding starry sky, with a rare silence.

Kane stopped in front of the fog door, looked at the fog door in front of him, clenched his fists, and then relaxed.

The people behind him also stood silently in place, even Longbei didn't say anything in such an atmosphere.


Kane exhaled slowly, and the clenched fist beside his thigh slowly loosened.

"Are you ready?"

"no problem"

After hearing the answer from his teammates, Kane took the lead through the fog door.

The people behind followed closely behind.

After the whole body felt like passing through a layer of film, the scene in front of him was no longer a dim corridor.

Instead, he came directly to the familiar arena, but the sky was no longer bright, and it was slightly gloomy like dark clouds.


When he found that the location where he came in changed, Kane quickly became vigilant, and loudly reminded the people who were coming in behind him.

Hawkeye swept around, vigilant for possible dangers.

Except for the crystal hourglass floating in the middle, there are no objects or magic reflections around.

Everyone looked at the hourglass in the middle with vigilance. It was rising into the sky, and the surface was covered with cracks.

when it stops in mid-air


crystal hourglass broken

The crystal shards flew out and scattered in the air.

The things I've protected these days have just cracked open by themselves?

And in the information I learned, there is no such scene.

Kane is more vigilant

The crystal-like fragments began to float and spin, and gradually fit together, as if trying to shape something.

As these crystal fragments quickly fit together, a humanoid female sculpture was slowly shaped.

The shimmering sand grains in the hourglass turned into two streamers that gathered behind the sculpture.

The statue is in a baby-like posture, curling itself up, and two streamers begin to wrap around the statue from behind.

The streamer gradually began to solidify, and the shape began to evolve into a pair of wings.

The pair of wings wraps the sculpture in its entirety.

The wings gradually turned white, and the rays of light rushed around with shock waves.

Claire and Lombe dodged to the front of the team, raised their shields, and resisted for the team.

The light and wind pressure made them unable to open their eyes.

When the movement stopped, they could finally see the original appearance of the statue in the sky.

The white wings that wrapped the sculpture spread out suddenly, and the feathers floated around.

It was as if the dark cloudy sky was broken open, and bright light shone into the arena.

The woman in the air, with her eyes closed, her hands crossed on her chest, her long black hair scattered behind her, floating with the wind.

The white light armor was draped over her body, dotted with golden patterns, and the light armor hung down with smooth silk cloth. With the wind blowing, the silky skirt swayed back, and the silky skirt wrapped around the lower body, printing the outline of her slender legs.

A pale golden cloak also fluttered in the wind, with a square pattern printed on it.

The huge white wings behind it stretched wantonly, blocking the light and casting a shadow.

holy, poignant

But this is completely inconsistent with the information Kane and the others have obtained. The last dungeon leader should be a champion gladiator, or a champion beast.

How could it be such an angel with full special effects? Could this be the special effects that a copper-colored dungeon should have!

The angel opened his eyes, pale golden pupils, deep and charming, with fascinating magic.

She stared at Kane softly, and stretched out her hands to him softly.

Claire in front of Kane quickly became vigilant, holding the shield firmly in her hand.

"Ah, warrior, you're here, but it's too late."

A light and soft voice with a hint of regret.

When the voice fell, her eyes burst into light, and two lines of twinkling teardrops flowed down, and then the light faded.

"Ah! Warrior, die!"

The light in her eyes turned purple, and her voice was sharp and harsh, not as soft as before.

A spar surrounded her head, forming a circle similar to a halo.

Although I don't know why she seems to have changed before and after, Kane will not be polite to her because of this.

Aim the launcher in your hand and pull the trigger.

4 crossbow arrows shot straight at her.

When it was about to hit her, a transparent protective shield was exposed on her body, preventing the arrow from reaching an inch, and finally slipped to the ground.

"It's really over the top."

A shrill voice came from her holy face again.

Then she began to hold her hands empty, and in Kane's eyes, the magic twisted in her hands.

"Stop her," Kane yelled.

Mekez had already put a potion bottle on everyone, and with his control, the gain brought by the potion bottle entered everyone's body, and a team of goblins appeared beside him to protect him.

Then a cloak was approved to hide the figure.

A long time ago, Kane handed him the Goblin Summoning Talisman and his cloak.

Lombe also activated his skills and jumped over with a burning beard.

Everyone unanimously launched an attack on the angels in the air, but their attacks all fell on the barrier and could not advance an inch.

With a contemptuous smile on the angel's face, he continued to launch his own ritual.

She sang loudly, her voice no longer as soft as before, but shrill, full of malice.

"Sin! Protect your body"

Among the cheers in the stands, the bloodthirsty roars and roars came to an abrupt end.

On the stand covered by the fog, a trace of black smoke rushed towards her hand, and gradually a dark, shaking shield formed on her left hand.

The shield is like a mass of burning black flames, and the painful face appears and disappears in the fire.

The left wing she unfolded also turned bloody and corrupt with the black smoke.

"Redemption! Destroy the enemy"

The cheers in the stands had all stopped, and the remaining fog that covered her vision all poured into her right hand.

These mists condensed into a milky white lightsaber in her hand, and the blade was still singing holy.

The unfolded left wing was also plated with a thin layer of golden light.

"Now, feel the gift and accept the destruction."

She raised the sharp blade in her hand, waved her wings, and charged straight towards Kane.

"Where do you want to run, you goddamn birdman."

Lombe scolded and started taunting, and rushed towards her, trying to prevent the enemy from approaching Kane.

This time his taunting failed, and the angel ignored it and seemed to have only Kane in his eyes.

Lombe slammed into the angel's protective cover, but the blow did not break the protective cover, but was undulating.

This blow did not stop the angel, nor did it slow her down.


After hearing Claire's call, Kane directly launched a spider silk and put it on her hand.

Then Claire forcefully pulled Kane towards her.

Kane's crossbow also shot frantically on the angel's shield, and the internal explosion caused by the [Knowing Combo].

Finally, after triggering a few times, her shield was destroyed.

When she wanted to turn around and continue rushing towards Kane, this time both Lombe and Cleia stood in front of her.

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