Inside the Mechanical Society's library

With some regret, Kane put "Rune Power Decryption" back in place.

The runes recorded here are far from the runes he perceives, and they don't look like a world or a civilization at all.

I can only continue to look at it one by one. I don’t know if there is any more suitable power technology for myself, or other rune interpretations.

After all, this is just a branch, and the information cannot be more comprehensive than that of the headquarters.

But unless extremely unpopular, most of the information will have a rough copy here.

Kane picked up another book, "Minimum Consumption, Decryption of Magic Circuit"

He casually flipped through the book and quickly memorized the information in it, looking for whether it could match his original skills.

The more he looked, the more delighted Kane's expression became, because the dynamic form recorded in this book was really suitable for him.

The book was written 200 years ago by a scholar who stopped short of being an intermediate mechanic.

It is written that a copper-colored dungeon appeared about 200 years ago.

After exploration, it is concluded that this is a dungeon with mechanical knowledge, and the monsters in it are also some mechanical structures.

But when the Mechanical Society began to send people to explore it, they discovered a magical place.

None of these mechanical creations had a power source, which puzzled the scholars of the Mechanical Association at the time.

Because at that time the association had already started to use the magic core as the power source of the machine.

At that time, the author of this book led the team to explore.

After they dismantled the mechanical monsters and deciphered the knowledge inside, they finally discovered that the leader of the dungeon was an extremely large source of magic power output.

When they hit the final boss, they found that it was not a machine or an energy group that exported magic power, but a human-shaped monster.

After their testing and the investigation of various devices, it was found that the magic power of this leader did not exceed the copper color.

So how did he supply magic power to so many mechanical creations?

This was an unsolved mystery for them at the time, until a certain explorer cleared the dungeon and revealed a design drawing.

This design drawing was finally bought by their team.

Relying on this blueprint, he finally wrote this book and understood how those machines worked.

It's a pity that the cracked operation method surprised them, but it was also a pity, because this operation method did not apply to them at all.

These mechanical creations must be made by themselves, and the core circuit is a certain material, which can accurately receive the magic power of the user, and there will be no additional loss in the process.

And relying on such a magic power circuit, the user can accurately spend magic power to control the machine.

And now the magic core used by the general public is similar to a battery.

Then the various systems of the machine are set up, and the core output magic power machine responds.

These processes will lead to the loss of mana during output, and are easily interfered by various explorer skills and equipment.

So had to spend more magic to keep the output stable.

And because the magic material is very easy to explode, there is no shortage of magic cores. Under such a favorable time and place, machines powered by magic cores have become the mainstream.

Although not suitable for the general public, this is simply tailor-made for Kane.

He may not be able to make such a material, and such a circuit that can accurately receive the magic of others.

But since this is him, the creation created by the original skill does not need to be transmitted at all.

As long as he is within range, Kane can directly make magic appear in every corner of these creations.

Really found a treasure.

This caused Kane's loss of magic power to be even less than what was recorded in this book.

After closing the book, Kane was going to buy it back, study it carefully, and ask if there were any other books that were similar.

Kane turned to look at Claire next to her, who was holding a book and reading it with relish.

Looking at the paper, the title is "Magic Power Weapons, Firepower Introduction and Future Use".

"How do you look? Don't you go to the Food House?"

After hearing Kane's voice, Claire suddenly woke up, and she accompanied Kai to check the information.

Embarrassed smile.

Cain didn't care, and brought Claire to the front desk of the puppet girl.

After noticing the arrival of a guest, the puppet girl immediately opened her eyes and broke away from her sculpture-like state.

"Do you need any help?" It was still a mechanical girl's voice.

Kane raised the book in his hand and asked, "Is there any book like this?"

The puppet girl took the book and performed a simple scan.

Then he nodded and said, "Yes, do you need me to point out the direction for you?"

Kane didn't answer his question, but asked, "If I want to buy these books, what do I need to do?"

After hearing his question, the puppet girl replied: "You only need to deliver the books you need to me, and I will transcribe them as quickly as possible. Then you can bring the books you need with you. Walk."

Kane nodded, then asked Claire to wait for him for a while, and he went to get all the books that the puppet girl said.

Claire didn't wait long in place, and soon Kane walked over with a few books.

He put the book in his arms in front of the puppet girl and said, "These are the books I need, please help me transcribe them, how much does it cost?"

The puppet girl's eyes flickered, scanning the books that Kane needed one by one.

After she finished scanning, she said, "A total of 321 gold is needed. Please put the gold coins in the machine next to them, and I will transcribe these books for you."

Needless to say, this knowledge is quite expensive.

Kane counted the gold coins he needed from the space equipment, and then put them into a mechanical container pointed to by the puppet girl.

This mechanism is similar to a money detector. After Kane puts the gold coins in, wait for a while and it will display the number of gold coins inside.

"Please wait a moment"

After speaking, the puppet girl carried the books that Kane needed to the room behind the counter.

Kane didn't wait long in place, and the puppet girl came out holding a stack of books made of white book covers.

The titles on these books are the ones that Kane just bought.

In such a short time, these books were all copied.

After wrapping these books, the puppet girl handed it to Kane.


After Kane took it, he put them all into his own space pocket, and there was a book "Magic Power Weapons, Firepower Introduction and Future Development" on it.

Then he left the Mechanical Association with Claire.

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