Thanks to his light work, it's okay, otherwise this wave will be abolished directly.

  "I'm going to dinner.

  You rest!"

  This thorny rose is pretty though.

  But it really sucks.

  Li Mobai said that I can't afford it! It's better to do it step by step! Xia Dong sorted out the clothes that were messed up by Li Mobai, and his face was cold! For the sample, you are more tender.

  Tomorrow I will go to pay homage to the ancestors of King Mu's Mansion.

  There may not be much time, so Li Mobai has to go to the territory today.

  The large and small businesses in Ruili County have made a fortune these days.

  Li Mobai's territory is becoming more and more prosperous, all the necessary materials are purchased from the county, and the refugees in the county are leaving the city one after another.

  For a time, the road in the county town did not pick up things, and the beggars who used to be everywhere disappeared! The county magistrate smiled happily! He wished that Li Mobai would pack all the poor people in the county away! In this way, his political achievements must be excellent.

  You can't even promote yourself to the next level in the Ministry of Personnel! Along the way, all of them are refugees who drag their families and take their children to Li Mo's white territory to seek a way to survive.

  According to the posture, within a few days, there may be a population of two to thirty thousand people in the territory! Xia Dong followed Li Mobai with a cold face. It was this morning that made her unhappy! Li Mobai didn't dare to provoke her. what.

  I had to pretend something happened and hurry on my way.

  At the beginning, I gave Qin Banwei [-] taels.

  It is estimated that some of them have already arrived in the hands of Qin Zhuangfei and others.

  Therefore, they have sufficient funds to purchase various materials.

  The participation of refugees has accelerated the development of the territory. Every time I look at it, there is a big change! A large number of trees have been cut down,

  Stacked up in the warehouse! Although I don't know why the warehouse suddenly becomes empty every night.

  But everyone said that the lord can do fairy magic! People in this era don't have any science museums.

  I just think Li Mobai is amazing.

  It's a fairy! The old rule is to transfer the materials accumulated in the real warehouse to the warehouse in the territory.

  But because there are too many.

  If it can't be piled up, simply store all the [-] bricks in the open air! Everyone looked at a mountain of bricks that was created out of thin air.

  They all knelt down and said that this is a miracle, "The big guys are now taking turns to work and rest.

  They are all suffocating to build a new home! We have reclaimed more than [-] acres of land."

  Qin Zhuangfei excitedly reported to Li Mo Baihui.

  Li Mobai: "!"

  "Well, it's slow and fast.

  But don't slack off.

  Still keep trying.

  I have brought you a wealth of supplies.

  The granary is full.

  Hurry up and build another granary.

  Store food well! Don't get wet!"

  Li Mobai ordered.

  This time, I brought two hundred tons of grain in one breath, and the original granary was naturally not enough.

  We have to continue to expand! The full grain of the warehouse makes all the people in the territory feel extremely at ease.

  As long as you can fill your stomach, it is already the happiest day.

  "We will start working on the granary right away! My mother, there is so much grain that we can eat for two or three months!"

  One-eyed old Liu said excitedly.


  Li Mobai was choked immediately.

  "How many people do we consume how much food a day"

  Li Mobai was shocked.

  "Up to now, there are seven or eight thousand people, right?

  I'm counting on [-] people.

  A pound of food per person a day.

  A day is [-] pounds.

  Lord, it doesn't matter if there are too many.

  We can halve it!"

  Lao Liu has been in the army: for more than ten years, his eyesight is still there.

  Seeing Li Mobai's expression, he thought it was the lord who felt sorry for the food.

  Expressed hastily.

Chapter 345 Another new way to make money

  One hundred tons of grain is [-] catties! The current stock of the territory is more than [-] tons.

  That's [-] pounds.

  Look a lot.

  But it's enough for [-] big-bellied men to eat for two months.

  From the perspective of modern people, Li Mobai thought it was nothing.

  Actually it's wrong! Modern people eat less staple food because they eat a lot of snacks and fruits.

  Every once in a while, I have to go to eat and drink.

  Of course, you can't eat much staple food.

  But people of this era don't have much hot pot, barbecue, and fried chicken to eat.

  Purely rely on meals to supplement calories! It is all heavy physical work.

  So the appetite is naturally large! "Open your belly to eat.

  In addition, the newly built granary should be bigger! At least one million catties of grain must be stored, you know?"

  Li Mobai ordered.


  Old Liu rubbed his hands excitedly.

  The big deal is to buy Chenliang at full speed after going back! "Our preliminary statistics are that we may reach two million people within seven days!"

  Qin Zhuangfei carefully reminded Li Mobai.

  "It doesn't matter, my attitude is always clear.

  The larger the population, the better.

  You don't just cut down trees to make fields.

  Also, pay attention to the collection of medicinal materials.

  Store them in the warehouse for me, I will be of great use!"

  Li Mobai ordered.

  Qin Zhuangfei and others nodded their heads and recorded on the shore.

  "By the way, lord, we also discovered a hot spring!"

  The following people report.

  Li Mobai: "Oh, this is a good thing.


  Li Mobai said excitedly.

  For some reason, Li Mobai felt a little itchy when he heard the word "hot spring".

  "The hot water in this hot spring pool is terrifying! It can cook wild boars!"

  Old Liu smacked his lips.

  Li Mobai has never soaked in a natural hot spring pool.

  Lao Liu's words made him a little disappointed.

  It was so hot that it was obviously impossible to soak.

  Go back and check the information.

  He vaguely remembered that a pool could be dug two or three miles away from the hot spring pool.

  The water temperature will be relatively suitable! Take a group of followers and Xia Dong to check the hot spring pool they found! From far away, you can see a mist.

  "This place is good, this place is good.

  I think I can put it to use!"

  Li Mobai said with great satisfaction.

  "Lord, you say, we will listen to you how to use it!"

  Lao Liu is very discerning.

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