Prosperous conscience.

  This is absolutely true! Nor is it groundless.

  Only after solving the most basic survival problems can a person think about spiritual satisfaction at a higher level! Gao Lao is highly respected.

  Of course, his status and status need not be said much.

  His son and daughter also have a certain social status.

  The father is kind and the son is filial.

  Li Mobai cured Gao Lao's old problems.

  The whole family is very grateful to him! Of course, no one can offend the doctor these days.

  Especially young, but skilled doctors.

  No one with a brain can be found guilty.

  Who can guarantee that he will not get sick in the future young genius doctor over time.

  In the future, medical skills will only get better and better.

  It can be said that this is more popular and sought after than a senior official.

  Old Gao's family insisted on taking Li Mobai to dinner.

  Li Mobai couldn't push it.

  Asked Ji Shengli for help, Ji Shengli said, the elders gave it, but dare not quit.

  Just go.

  If I wasn't busy with official business, I'd have to go too! So, Li Mobai was surrounded by Hai Se's meal at mealtime.

  At the banquet, Mr. Gao's family asked him to see if there was any problem with his body.

  Li Mobai glanced at the flowers and said that they were all healthy.

  All alive and well.

  Don't stay up late, smoke and drink less.

  Everyone lives a hundred years! Anyone can say that.

  But the identities of the speakers are different.

  Naturally, the amount will be different.

  When Li Mobai said it, the effect was like the imperial decree, which made everyone in the Gao family smile.

  Excited! It goes to the bottom of my heart.

  After eating and drinking, the Gao family even called for a special car to take Li Mobai back! Elder Gao took Li Mobai's hand and said kindly that he would come to play at home anytime in the future.

  The relationship is stable.

  Li Mobai didn't go home for dinner, so Fang Yuan and Fang Yuan were naturally anxious.

  Fortunately, Ji Shengli greeted them, and they were relieved.

  When Li Mobai came home, Tong Wenjie immediately.

  Catch him and ask, what the hell is going on! After explaining it lightly, Tong Wenjie was dumbfounded.

  How dare you to give acupuncture to others, you are really bold.

  What should I do if I stab people out? "Okay.

  Okay, stop talking

  It's not all right.

  Our son is so smart, he won't mess around!"

  Fang Yuan stopped his wife.

  Cover for Li Mobai.

  "You say this is too daring and fat!"

  The beautiful woman was furious.

  Fang Yuan: "How can you say that about your own son?

  Are you a mother like this? We have to do good for our children!"

  The couple had a lot of fun here, and ran back to copy Lin Leier's homework.

  His big-mouthed brother's only use right now is to copy homework.

  "elder brother.

  You didn't go to class today.

  Then Mr. Li Meng didn't say anything at all!"

  Lin Leier pushed his glasses and said.

  Li Mobai: "!"

  "Well! She certainly won't say anything!"

  In Li Mobai's mind, the scene of himself giving Li Meng acupuncture and moxibustion in the palace cold instantly appeared, and he couldn't help laughing! Who would have thought that the iron bar yam would have such a pitiful side.

  Lin Leier looked at her brother with this weird smile.

  Suddenly I feel like something is not right! When my brother smiles like this, it means that he must be thinking something bad.

  He must be playing something bad again.

  "Brother, shouldn't you really deceive Teacher Li Meng!"

  After Lin Lei'er was stunned for two seconds, she suddenly spoke in shock.

  Li Mobai shivered in fright! Whoever said this, who said it.

  How can you bastard have such a brain "Don't talk nonsense, I'll tell you.

  If you dare to go out and talk nonsense, I will sew up your mouth with needle and thread, you know?"

  Li Mobai threatened fiercely.

  Lin Leier shivered in fright.

  Immediately, he nodded obediently, indicating that he didn't say anything, and Li Mobai was secretly grateful.

  It seems.

  I still underestimated this kid's brain.

  Although I don't have emotional intelligence, I can't stand people's brains.

  Anomalies can be detected from the smallest details! If this is a little emotional intelligence, it is bound to become his biggest competitor.

  Seriously affect yourself to pick up girls.

  Don't underestimate! After copying the homework, Li Mobai went upstairs to find Huang Zhitao and went to sleep with his bag on his back.

  Goddess Huang can't sleep alone.

  How can you bear it yourself.

  You must help her warm the bed. This is the most basic moral quality of a good man! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 386 Goddess Tao Zi Wants a Big Castle

  The warm big bed of Huangzhi pottery home.

  Although the house is full of spring.

  But the conversation is still going on! "You didn't go to class today!"

  Goddess Huang whispered! "Yes.


  "what are you doing"

  "I have something to do with Ji Yangyang's father!"

  "Oh! Teacher Li Meng seems to have become a lot gentler towards you.

  I didn't even ask you about it today!"

  Huang Zhitao also has the same suspicion as Lin Leier.

  Of course, she doesn't think about the relationship between men and women.

  Because it's too shocking! The love between teachers and students is impossible in a place with a strict school spirit like Chunfeng Middle School! Li Mobai felt inexplicably guilty for a while.

  But then he said calmly: "That must be Ji Yangyang's father saying hello.

  When he speaks, the principal has to listen.

  What's more, Li Meng is a little teacher."

  Huang Zhi Tao: "!"

  This is very reasonable.

  Huang Zhitao's doubts disappeared.

  He turned around and hugged Li Mobai actively.

  A shy face! "Are we in love now?"

  Goddess Huang said softly.

  Li Mobai: "Of course.

  Now you are my little cutie!"

  After Li Mobai finished speaking this earthy love story, he felt very nauseous and disgusting.

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