I'll do what you say! Okay?"

  Handing over the handling of the matter to Mu Nihuang, this is Li Mobai's way of advancing by retreating! At the beginning, this plan was set up by the two of us together.

  Now, at this point, I don't care! Anyway, I won't suffer! You are not that kind of...

  Sister Dong is also considered a victim of our calculations! How to deal with her is up to you, the eldest wife.

  After all, you have been in a relationship before.

Chapter 433 Mu Nihuang is the worst

  Li Mobai has a lot of brains, throwing the problem to Mu Nihuang, let her have a headache! We don't care so much.

  His Royal Highness is indeed very irritable.

  His personality is magnanimous! His personality is free and easy! He is destined to be a person who can't hide his thoughts.

  In the matter of Xia Dong, Mu Nihuang felt guilty.

  She calculated Xia Dong! Although, because of the old case of Chi Yanjun, there is a little bit of estrangement between the two strong women.

  However, just like Xia Dong admires Mu Nihuang! His Royal Highness the Princess also admires Xia Dong.

  Heroes cherish each other.

  Beauty is like that too.

  During this time, Mu Nihuang calmed down and thought about it, and felt that it was not unacceptable for him to be a sister with someone like Xia Dong.

  Not ashamed.

  For Mu Jiajun, if the Xuanjing Division has a person of his own, it will be a lot of benefits! Especially a senior official of the Xuanjing Division like Xia Dong! If Li Mobai can marry her back, it will be even more powerful, ah .

  Mu Nihuang knew very well that he not only wanted to live for himself, but also for Mu Wangfu.

  More importantly, he had to live for tens of thousands of soldiers of the Mu family army, as well as the families of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers.

  She can't be too selfish.

  When necessary, you need to make some sacrifices! "Simply! Just marry her as an equal wife!"

  Mu Nihuang clenched her small hand, and after hesitating for a long time, she finally decided! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Ping wife, you are so generous!"

  Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, then slapped his mouth and said! According to official regulations, this man has strict standards for marrying a wife and taking a concubine, and the difference between a wife and a concubine is completely different.

  The wife can be the master of the house and take care of the finances, while the concubine is only a tool for the master to vent his desires and have children.

  Therefore, the wife is honored as the lady, and the concubine can only call her the concubine.

  The wife is the master in the mansion, while the aunt can only be regarded as half the master, and her status is only higher than that of the servants and subordinates in the mansion! The aunt is also a slave in front of the lady, and only in front of the real slave can she be regarded as a master.

  Therefore, even the children they gave birth to were different. The children born by the wife were called Di out, and those born by the aunt were called Shu Chu! The direct descendants are naturally noble, and the concubines are naturally inferior.

  The children born by the wife will be treasured and cared for by the whole family.

  It can be seen that in the ancient feudal society, the hierarchical system of wives and concubines determined the extremely unequal status of wives and concubines! However, in addition to wives and concubines, there is a special existence between the two! That is equal wives.

  A flat wife, as the name suggests, is the same as a regular wife.

  But this is only in name.

  Flat wives are usually promoted by concubines whom the family man especially likes.

  Or the main wife died and the family needed a mistress, so a flat wife was chosen.

  It can be said that the flat wife is a zero-time substitute! The status is almost the same.

  But whether it is a sense of public recognition or official recognition.

  A flat wife and a regular wife are incomparable.

  Because of the custom of the past, there is no such thing as equal wives, only Daliang set the precedent! There will be equal wives, in fact, because the current emperor prefers the noble concubine Yue, but has no good feelings for the empress! , the next must be even worse: Yan.

  I don't like real wives.

  The officials below naturally dare not keep pace with the emperor! Under such a background, their status has been greatly improved.

  The new profession of flat wife has been opened up! Mu Nihuang is willing to let Xia Dong be the flat wife, which is still very willing to pay.

  This means that Xia Dong can at least be on an equal footing with her.

  A woman as proud as Sister Dong, once the official legal status is equal, she will be able to compete for favor with Mu Nihuang in an upright manner.

  The contest between the regular wife and the flat wife is based on their own abilities.

  There are not a few real wives who can't fight their equal wives.

  A lot of people were bullied badly.

  Mu Nihuang: "!"

  "Otherwise what can I do"

  The county master asked with a blank face! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Uh! Yes! Sister Dong is such a cold master.

  If we can't give her a satisfactory result, even if our plan is successful, I'm afraid she will turn against us!"

  Li Mobai nodded weakly and said, "It's good that you know.

  I'm all for you!"

  His Royal Highness's tone made Li Mobai feel as if something was wrong! How could it be called for me? The plan was made by you.

  I'm just a pawn in your hand that is being used.

  Now it's better to say than to sing.

  What did I do so early for this broken plan of yours, I almost lost my kidneys! You didn't buy me the Huiyuan Shengbao film.

  Although he was muttering in his heart, Li Mobai didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction. After all, it would not work for you to reason with an unreasonable woman like Mu Nihuang.

  You annoyed her.

  She might even turn her back on you, beat you up again, and find someone to reason with! "Yes! I can thank you for the eighth generation of ancestors!"

  Li Mobai pinched his nostrils.

  After attracting Xia Dong over, Li Mobai was not idle and asked Xia Dong to help him. He also wanted to build an espionage force.

  In these years, we must pay attention to intelligence work.

  If you have an elite force comparable to Jin Yiwei, you can basically walk sideways in this world.

  No... boasting, no one is invincible! Even if the Red Flame Army is resurrected on the spot, it is estimated that it is not an opponent.

  Mu Nihuang doesn't know what it means to thank you eight times ancestors.

  I just think that Li Mobai is quite Chen Ken.

  So satisfied.

  Since you're so sincere, I can't say anything more! Anyway, it depends on your performance! "You can't say anything in front of Xia Dong.

  You know that, then we'll lose everything we've done!"

  The county owner reminded! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Do not worry.

  I'm not stupid.

  If this is a mouthful.

  Can I have a good day?"

  Li Mobai rolled his eyes angrily and said! Mu Nihuang: "!"

  "Also, if you let Sister Dong know that you have intentions to steal her body.

  I'm afraid, you will die without a corpse!"

  The princess sneered and walked away.

  Li Mobai looked at the handsome back of the other party, and gritted his teeth angrily! There is a kind of urge to conquer it on the spot! You shit.

  Now it seems that it is even worse than Sister Dong.

  The worst is the worst! Xia Dong, a beautiful young woman who worked so hard to train spies for Li Mobai, sneezed inexplicably.

  Apparently I don't have a cold.

  who is talking about me behind my back

Chapter 434 Natasha's house is so old


  Natural resources are abundant.

  A superpower with a vast territory! After all, our ancestors were rich.

  So, although the present day is getting more and more sluggish! But the shelf is still there:.

  After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse! Moscow, where Natasha is located, is the capital of Russia, located in the plains of Eastern Europe.

  It is the political, economic, and cultural center of the country, the largest comprehensive transportation hub in the country, and the center of the machinery industry and textile industry.

  It is the second largest city in Europe after the capital of England, with a history of more than [-] years.

  The population is about [-] million! Such a city is obviously nothing to the Ming Dynasty with a long history! It is a large number of cities of the same size.

  But in Russia, and even in Europe as a whole.

  These are all short generals, the only one.

  Therefore, the Russians are very proud of Moscow, thinking that this is the pride of their own nation.

  But in Li Mobai's view, it seems like this! There is nothing too conspicuous! Moscow has a beautiful city plan and is hidden in a green sea, so it has the "capital in the forest"

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