Send the most suitable people to the most suitable positions! In addition to the mountains of materials seized, there is also a terrifying view of Beijing! After being photographed by reporters, it was published in newspapers and spread across the country. It has spread! After seeing this photo, some people are happy and some people cry.

  For a long time, it was the little devils who made a fortune on the land of the Ming Kingdom! Burning, killing and looting! Today, this retribution finally fell on them.

  These bastards! Jiang Dingwen's momentum has reached its peak all of a sudden! No one knows that Li Mobai and Zhang Yunzhong are behind this. Everyone thinks that it is Commander Jiang who has made a contribution to the battle! Those who had some prejudice against this guy before changed. The prejudice of him, I respect him! After all, when the national disaster is in the first place, the one who can beat the little devil is the hero! Jiang Dingwen was also stunned all of a sudden!

  Rights, rewards, all at once.

  Let Jiang Dingwen, a rude man, get lost in it all of a sudden! He suddenly found out that I can be so well-received! Suddenly, he was promoted from a scorn of countless people to the position of a patriotic general! Various Letters flew towards him like snowflakes, saluting him.

  expressed willingness to come.

  There are even female students expressing

  The good guy who is in love, gave this old boy to the beauty and can't find Bei! This made him firm, he made a very correct decision at the beginning! This money is not just a waste of [-]. Lilu.

  This transaction is a bloody profit! In comparison, Li Mobai feels a little distressed! Seeing Jiang Dingwen getting this supreme honor, he expresses his unwillingness! Damn it.

  If I had known this, I would have increased the price by [-], and this guy is cheap! Zhang Yunzhong expressed his cynicism! Who made you not have enough heart in the first place! If you come up with a high price, you will get it! This is distressing! Li Mobai: "!"

  "You think I'm worried about money, don't you! I'm just for justice! Justice, you know what?"

  Li Mobai blushed and didn't have a good air! After the little devils visited this shrine, it was impossible for them to recover in a short time! After they pulled out of the South River, they were like frightened birds! The mighty devil was given a vivid image by Li Mobai. After one lesson, I suddenly became a lot more obedient! After defeating the devils, I can relieve disasters with peace of mind.

  Li Mobai also gave the young and strong people a three-day vacation! Let them send all the rations they have earned these days back to their hometown! For an old snack! In the years of chaos, people are worthless! Human lives are worthless! As long as you can eat your stomach! You can do anything! Do the heaviest physical work! Ten catties of food a day! Just this, you are still mad to do it, can you imagine it, no one can imagine it! You In modern society, you let people do such hard work.

  Then he turned his head and said, today's salary is ten catties of rice.

  Trust me, make sure the workers can knock your brain out of a dog's brain! The workers who have saved more than [-] catties of grain know that their family may still be hungry! But they are reluctant to go back! Because if you go home, it means It can't work these days.

  If you can't work, you won't be able to earn food! After considering this situation, Li Mobai simply swiped a big pen! Come on, let's give you three days of food prices! The so-called food prices, even within these three days, even if you If you don't come to work, we will still give you ten catties of food every day! You can take them home! This move warmed the hearts of all young people! They happily pushed the cart back to their hometown, loaded with food, and their faces were filled with joy. With the joy of a bumper harvest, Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 609 How to Realize the Ocean

  Thanks to Li Mobai's powerful and effective disaster relief! The famine has been effectively controlled! There has not been such a large-scale famine escape or riot in history! Although it is said that in the whole province of Nanhe, there are still many places where the disaster is serious.

  However, under the strong leadership of Li Peiji, coupled with the full support and cooperation of Li Mobai! The disaster has been greatly alleviated! Li Mobai has an endless supply of food.

  Li Peiji has excellent governance ability! When the two of them work together, it is of course a match made in heaven, which is perfect! Li Peiji can buy food at low prices from Li Mobai.

  It is then distributed to the hard-hit towns.

  Although it cannot be made: every disaster victim can fill their stomachs.

  But we can guarantee that people will not starve to death! In the year of catastrophe, it is not easy to stutter! Large quantities of food are put on the market.

  The panic of the people was gradually subsided! During the whole process, except for a group of profiteers who were successfully run to death by Li Mobai! There was no negative impact! His wife's belly is now getting bigger and bigger! This gave Li Mobai a headache !Because this child is not mine either.

  But, if I seem to be irresponsible, will I look like a scumbag? But I'm not the child's biological father.

  What do you want me to do? Li Mobai has no choice but to take a money offensive, leaving [-] oceans for Fan Dianyuan and his nominal wife! In this way, even if he leaves, he should be able to live a prosperous life! The frustrated little devil did not make a comeback, but licked the wound in secret! Li Mobai's trick of the black tiger made them lose a lot! It won't cause any more damage in a short time! After selling a large amount of food to Li Peiji, In the end, the number of people who died of starvation indicated by the system was forty-six! It was far from meeting the system's requirement to judge that the mission failed! Judging that Li Mobai's mission was successful! You can leave with a large number of rewards! A menacing event.

  The catastrophe and famine that could have caused countless casualties, was successfully strangled in the cradle by Li Mobai! He felt that he had done a good deed! Deep down, he was very proud! Back to the real world.

  Li Mobai found that he had received more than a dozen text messages on his mobile phone! All of them were sent from below to ask him for instructions! Their movements were too great! If the trend continues to buy, we will almost buy out Chen Liang! So many expired food let us buy it! Li Mobai: "!"

  More than [-] million mouths, what do you think! That's all, they didn't open their stomachs to eat! "Temporarily stop buying!"

  After giving the latest instructions, I began to think about how to make the white flowers bigger.

  The foreign currency is replaced by money! Gold bars such as large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker are no problem! There are many ways to realize cash! It is also relatively simple.

  After all, no matter what era, gold will always be a hard currency that preserves value! However, this ocean is difficult! If Li Mobai only has a small amount, then it is no problem! It can be easily cashed out! But the problem is that the inventory in his hand is really It's too much! Millions are now in the ocean.

  This is not a small amount! If you sell a lot to the market, it will definitely hit the price directly. To be honest, this is not in his interest! If you want to make the most money.

  Don't be in a hurry, take a small amount and cash out slowly! This will not disrupt the market! Call Mr. Ma as usual! I have a batch of oceans in good condition, can you come and see and help me find a buyer! Mr. Ma: "!"

  Oh what's going on.

  You are selling antiques and selling oceans. What background do you have, boy! Are you someone from above or what! Why is someone else's rare treasure, when it arrives at you, it looks like a rotten street! Annoying but not irritating! "No, you say you, where did you come from with [-] oceans!"

  Mr. Ma really can't sit still! He expressed his doubts, even if they are descendants of the royal family, I am afraid they are not as lavish as you! You are too good! Li Mobai: "!"


  Li Mobai said nonsense! Mr. Ma: "!"

  "It's passed down from the ancestors, so I can't pass on so much to you.

  Who is your ancestor! The founding emperor!"

  Mr. Ma joked! Li Mobai: "!"

  "I don't know about that. Anyway, I feel that my ancestors are very beautiful! Great landlord!"

  Li Mobai boasted! Mr. Ma: "!"

  "Even if the small landowner belongs to your family, they are not so wealthy! Okay, you can keep your things! I'll see if you can help you ship it! But this will take time! If you sell it cheaply, you must be unwilling.


  As an old Jianghu, Mr. Ma has been thinking about Li Mobai's mind! Why did Li Mobai come to trouble him? He just hopes that he can help him sell a high price! I don't know if I am careful about this. "Yes! Yes! How vicious your old eyes are! If you don't say anything else, I will leave this batch to you! I'll invite you to dinner another day!"

  After leaving Mr. Ma's Guanfu Museum.

  Li Mobai has started to study the matter of buying a house again! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 610 Zhou's Group that has accumulated hard to return

  Li Mobai made an appointment with Zhou Qin to go through the relevant procedures! As long as the money is transferred, he will have his own home in Yanjing! Zhou Qin has repeatedly said that Li Mobai does not need to pay the money in such a hurry.

  But Li Mobai said that he must pay! And he can't be in arrears. If he can pay in advance, he has to pay in advance! Because it's not easy for you.

  Before, Li Mobai had done some simple investigations on the Zhou Group! Although he was not very clear about the specific situation.

  But it is also possible to make some guesses.

  It should be that the operator has encountered some problems! There is a problem with the cash flow! Therefore, the property has to be put up for auction.

  Under such circumstances, don't say that Li Mobai has money on hand! Even if he has no money, he will try his best to help.

  After all, the friendship is there! For Zhou Qin, she felt that she had to thank Li Mobai, if it wasn't for him, the beasts in the Zhou family wouldn't have been exposed so quickly! This guy with a face and a beastly heart.

  They take the Zhou family's salary, but they are digging the corner of the Zhou family secretly! It's absolutely hateful! They have to clean up the door! But here, Zhou Qin has just made some moves.

  Over there, the big rats in the Zhou Group can move one by one! They have been in the same spirit all these years! Because of Zhou Qin's personality.

  The control of the group is not too strong! The hilltopism is rampant within the group! There is more than one greedy high-level executive like Sun Feiwen in the Zhou Group! You said that under such circumstances, how could the Zhou Group develop well ! The enterprise is in trouble both at home and abroad! If it can develop well, it is hell.

  Li Mobai, as a bystander who eats melons! Naturally, it is impossible for him to understand these inside stories in such detail.

  However, it is still possible for him to cooperate with the Zhou Group! Because of what the Zhou Group does.

  It's a machine tool.

  Machine tools are a heavy part of the national heavy industry.

  Like motors, machine tools also belong to the foundation of industrialization! Whether the machine tools are advanced or not is also related to the country's low level of labor! Zhou's group's machine tools belong to the middle and high end in China.

  As far as Eye International is concerned, it belongs to the mid-end category. It is similar to the Qinzhou Electric Machinery Factory before Li Mobai took over!

  rather than strong.

  It is impossible to be a leader in technology! So the added value is very low! It belongs to the end manufacturing industry! It is hard-earned money! However, the Zhou Group is not only a machine tool.

  At the same time, we also do OEM for major companies! What TVs, air conditioners, washing machines and so on.

  Zhou's Group has worked as an OEM! It can be said to be a generalist! He can do anything! But unfortunately, these have no added value! If the market is not good, then it will not work! At the same time, Zhou Group has also deployed in the field of new energy, making photovoltaic products! Sales were very good at one time.

  However, because of the trade protection of European and American countries and the rapid rise of domestic counterparts.

  Therefore, the pressure of competition is very high! It is difficult to occupy the market! Therefore, the photovoltaic industry of the Zhou Group is naturally half-dead! How should I put it, in general, the Zhou Group has not been idle all these years.

  Always: tossing! Always looking for a way out.

  It can be said that all methods have been thought of! All paths have been passed.

  But the results are very small! The internal high-level has become rigid! The vested interests are occupying high positions and stealing profits.

  And don't think about making progress! They agree to things that are in their interests! Resolutely oppose things that go against their interests! Zhou Qin wanted to reform several times.

  But it’s all because of the pressure! In the end, it’s over! After a few years, the current Zhou Group has naturally changed into the sunset! It’s only a matter of time before selling the house to relieve the cash pressure! How long! What do you do next time? Continue to sell houses? Do you have so many houses to sell? Li Mobai has done a very good job in the battery car industry in Qinzhou!

  There is an urgent need to expand production capacity! Although the scale of production is already expanding.

  But there are not enough skilled industrial chain workers.

  At this time, Li Mobai actually turned his attention to Zhou Qin! He felt that Zhou Qin's Zhou Group could consider becoming a partner! Technicians, this is a very valuable asset! Joining forces with each other will greatly increase production capacity.

  One plus one is greater than two, isn't it beautiful Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 611 The undisguised act of forcing the palace

  Feibao battery car has exploded.

  The output is completely incomparable with the market demand.

  Even if the factory does not stop for [-] hours, that is not enough! Li Mobai has to think of a new way to solve this problem! At this time, the Zhou Group with production capacity will naturally come into his sight! side.

  Sitting on the perfect industrial workers! No need for nothing.

  Not to mention that many workers in the Zhou Group have no jobs at all.

  If you can get a big order from Li Mobai.

  That can really bring the dead back to life! On Zhou Qin's side, Sun Feiwen and others have joined forces to attack! They know that the workers on the front line are very unstable right now! They are quite impatient.

  Because there is no work! They are all industrial workers who work one day and get one day’s wages! If they don’t work on this day, it means that they have no income today! Under such circumstances, workers will inevitably be anxious! Our children have to go to school! There are elderly people at home to support, and the pressure of life is overwhelming them.

  At this point, if there is no salary, or if you can only get a little basic salary, the workers will not be able to stay! "Mr. Zhou, this order is very important to us! If we can't get it, everyone will drink the Northwest. Let the wind go!"

  Sun Feiwen brought a group of veterans up to force the palace! They won a big order for the Zhou Group! They are helping Japanese companies to do OEM! But, the conditions are very strict! Of course, the conditions are strict, and the quality control It is not impossible to have high requirements.

  But the question is, since your requirements are so high, do you have to increase the price? You can't say, I'm going to buy an Apple phone with the money of a Xiaomi phone! You can't play like this! Take the money to buy an Alto to buy an Audi.

  In other words, you have to compare Alto with Audi! Those who do this must have lost their minds! Either it's bad or stupid! Although Zhou Qin doesn't know much about related businesses.

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