Our generation is under a great change unseen in a thousand years! They are all trend-setters of the times! Tsk tsk! What will the future look like and which direction will it develop? It is really curious!"

  Li Mobai couldn't help smacking his lips and said! Wen Changying looked at him with strange eyes when she heard his emotion.

  Apparently I think it's incredible that he can have such a high level of thought! I used to underestimate him! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 643 The Three Women's One Show Failed

  UK and Kyrgyzstan is out of the EU! This is big news.

  Li Mobai was even a little excited! But in the blink of an eye, the princesses of Yingji were not worried about this.

  Let's not worry about eating radishes salty! Melissa is young.

  But it seems that she has fully understood the kind! She has mature thoughts that do not match her age. She should eat, drink, and play! The changes in this world have nothing to do with the old lady! The old lady doesn't care! Live well Just live your own life! With such a state of mind, it really is.

  Absolutely! You have to learn from her! After breakfast, everyone is busy.

  Find your own mother! Li Mobai's task today is to do another big job! After having the Zhou Group as an OEM for him, he feels as if he is full of strength again! The output keeps rising! Do you want to consider doing another big vote? Feibao electric car's profit is still very good! But no matter how high the profit is.

  It's not enough to support Li Mobai to start a brand new industry! We can only try to optimize the Feibao electric car as much as possible! Besides, there is a news that has received great attention recently! Sanctions from Mingxing Group! The impact of this incident in Ming country is not low! Because Mingxing Group is a first-line technology company in Ming country! Its subsidiaries are considered small giants in the field of communications! The strength should not be underestimated! Such a company , was suddenly sanctioned by the United States! The impact is huge! At the same time, the most surprising thing is that Mingxing, who seems to be powerful, seems quite vulnerable when facing the sanctions of the United States! Imagine, The scene of a fierce battle between the two sides did not appear! Mingxing Group hardly made any effective frontal resistance.

  The kind of crushing defeat! This is beyond everyone's expectations! Such a huge gap shocked everyone! This, this is really unacceptable! It's like a boxing match! Originally, everyone had expectations for one side! Because The previous record is good! The audience can accept that you have been defeated! But they can't accept that you are directly knocked down! You fell down before you hit a punch! It's serious that people can't help but wonder if you are in Fake punches! Li Mobai also finds it incredible! Could it be that the gap between the people is really that big? Ah! If there is any benefit to the sanction of the American people, it is not for nothing. It can be regarded as awakening the people of the Ming Dynasty.

  Recognize it! Technology can’t be acquired by buying it! If you don’t keep up with it, you will really be controlled by others forever! You will always be strangled by others! The kind that can't be farted! The former Li Mobai wouldn't worry about these things.

  Because it is too far away from him! It belongs to the meat eaters.

  But it's different now! He thinks he has to do something, not me. Well! I'll see if there is any technology that can be exchanged! Even if I can't fight the Murray head-on, I have to find a way to be disgusting. Disgusting you! After tossing around for a while, Li Mobai found that the easy-to-use technology was too expensive! He couldn't exchange it! The exchanged technology seems to be far from being able to quench thirst.

  Let’s forget it! Let’s do it first! Love is dripping and dripping! I’ll just wait and see! After Liu Yuzhou finished the work at hand, he was excited to come to Yanjing to meet Li Mobai! Stop by for a stay This just bought Yanjing flat floor! Experience the life of the people in the imperial capital! Li Mobai: "!"

  Although Liu Yuzhou is very welcome to come over.

  However, the big problem facing Li Mobai right now is what kind of sparks will come out after Liu Yuzhou meets Wen Changying and Melissa? No one can tell if it will turn into a fierce battle.

  When the time comes, there will be trouble.

  Three women in one play! Another Li Mo has a big white head! This woman.

  Sometimes it's really troublesome, or shaking his head Natasha moves very fast, Russia is a big energy country! They have oil and natural gas! As long as Li Mobai needs it.

  It can be in place at any time! What's more, Li Mobai picks it up by himself! That's even more convenient! When Li Mobai's dollars arrive in the account, they are already ready! You have to pick it up as soon as possible, or you will have to pay the warehouse fee at the terminal! This price Not too low! Of course, since Li Mobai is an old customer, a grace period of one day is given! In the future, if there is still a need, just come here! For big customers, old customers! The services of the sellers are all Very enthusiastic! After all, business is not easy to do these days! If it wasn't for disturbing the relevant order in the real world, Li Mobai would have wanted to be a bad guy! But this might affect the national strategy.

  So I can only temporarily give up this way of making a fortune! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 644 Gan Hong is shocked by the car you rented

  Li Mobai brought a lot of oil into the world of "I Am Yu Huanshui"! Usually, he got up early like his third grandson to make breakfast for the family.

  Today, he doesn't want to move! Why should I do it all? Is Gan Hong really so precious?

  I really think of myself as a fairy. The dissatisfied Li Mobai would rather take his son out to eat than cook! Gan Hong woke up and found that Li Mobai had no plans to get up.

  Still here: Slowly touching the phone on the bed.


  He kicked him subconsciously and said, "Get up and make breakfast!"

  Li Mobai: "!"

  "I want to make it myself! I'll take my son out to eat!"

  Li Mobai is not in a good mood! Gan Hong: "!"

  "You! You are really capable!"

  Gan Hong got up and wanted to find Li Mobai again! She was accustomed to looking for trouble with Yu Huanshui early in the morning! It's an unspoken rule! Li Mobai: "!"

  "You take a half-day leave this morning! Or go with me to drop off your son! Bring your household registration book, ID card, and marriage certificate! We'll go straight to the divorce procedure!"

  Li Mobai's voice is cold! It's the kind that doesn't have a trace of emotion...! Obviously, he has lost interest in Gan Hong for a long time! He just wants to get divorced! Gan Hong is so angry! That...the fire has nowhere to vent!

  Being stimulated by Li Mobai again, I immediately felt that my heart, liver and lungs were aching! Even so, Li Mobai had no idea of ​​pity and cherishing jade.

  He is not Yu Huanshui! He has never experienced the marital relationship with Gan Hong for more than ten years! In his eyes, this Gan Hong is a stranger! That's all.

  Speaking of relationship.

  That is, sharing the same bed, but having a different dream in the same bed.

  Anyway, Li Mobai felt that he didn't do anything to be sorry to you Gan Hong.

  I also left the house to you! Although, Yu Huanshui has been really useless over the years and has not made any money! But he is waiting for you! You don't have to do any work, which is also a kind of sacrifice for the family. Also, I gave you [-].

  You don't even have to pay child support.

  I can still visit my children normally! Li Mobai feels that he really is, and he has done his utmost to be benevolent and righteous! He is a good man in the new era! A model ex-husband! "Dad.

  What did you eat in the morning for a few years! The son who got new shoes said excitedly! That's how good it is, kid.

  It is very easy to be satisfied.

  The world is very simple.

  Maybe a piece of clothes and a pair of shoes are enough to make them very aware! In this case, Li Mobai certainly hopes to make his son grow up as happily as possible! It's just money, it's so worth it! After all, No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer children! "Today.

  We're going out to eat, didn't you say you like to eat chicken or something, Panini? Dad, will you take you to eat?"

  Li Mobai touched his son's little head and said! This feeling of being a father is really different.

  The whole person suddenly has that kind of..., what to say! I feel a lot more loving! Maybe this is what people call father's love! The well-behaved son is very excited.

  Because my mother didn't let me eat it before! I said that my father is poor and can't make money, so I need to save a little for my father! "Okay! Good! Then let's go, Dad! Mom, Mom, can you go?"

  The son asked Gan Hong with his schoolbag on his back! Li Mobai: "Your mother is not going! She doesn't like it, let's go!"

  Gan Hong, who is busy changing clothes: "!"

  She has always done all kinds of things on Yu Huanshui's head and trampled on her self-esteem.

  As a result, the role was reversed all of a sudden today! Gan Hong couldn't take it anymore! She felt an unprecedented sense of grievance! The kind of tears that were swirling in her eyes...

  The mood is extremely bitter, and it can be called a mixed taste.

  But Li Mobai didn't care about this, he took his son to the car and went for breakfast! Ordered his son's favorite meal.

  After seeing that he was full, he sent his son to school for class! After making arrangements for his son's side, Li Mobai drove his Mercedes-Benz back home and happened to meet Gan Hong who was going downstairs! When he saw the black luxury car in front of him, Gan Hong subconsciously stood to the side! But unexpectedly, the car stopped in front of her, and then lowered the window! The driver turned out to be her husband, Gan Hong, wondering if she was dreaming.

  But she was all too familiar with the face on the driver's seat! Who else could it be if it wasn't Yu Huanshui, "Bring everything with you! Get in the car!"

  Li Mobai said in a calm tone! How can this seem to be talking to his wife! It's exactly the tone of speaking to a stranger! Gan Hong: "!"

  "When did you buy the car or you rented it!"

  Gan Hong questioned! Li Mobai: "!"

  "You don't need to know that.

  Let's go.

  Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau as soon as possible to complete the formalities!"

  Li Mobai was too lazy to answer her, but urged her again! Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading are collected and pushed

Chapter 645 The refreshing divorce is completely relieved

  Li Mobai can't wait to divorce Gan Hong! It's true! Every time he sees Gan Hong's indifferent face like a dead fish, he has a feeling: I feel sick and want to vomit. One step, the problem is very complicated! Li Mobai knows it himself! Surely Yu Huanshui is also responsible! But Gan Hong, as a wife, you should encourage your husband and support him to stand up again! Instead of holding him back! Yu Huanshui is outside It has been very difficult! In the end, when I got home, I had to be a cow and a horse! It's not like this.

  Life is already so hard, so hard! You, the wife, don't want to encourage your husband and reawaken her fighting spirit.

  Instead, laugh at him with outsiders.

  Despise him! Do you say this is what a wife should do? "I asked you something! Where did you get this car?"

  Gan Hong asked! Li Mobai: "!"

  "I'm renting, can't I rent it? Hurry up and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

  Li Mobai didn't want to talk nonsense with her.

  Let Gan Hong get in the car! Looking at her husband who has completely changed, Gan Hong is a little flustered! She has a full set of documents in her bag.

  Once in the car, she and Li Mobai will go to get the divorce certificate, and the two of them will be completely over! The marriage life of more than ten years will come to an end! In fact, Gan Hong has thought about it more than once.

  But she wants to act! She wants to play the role of a good wife and mother in front of outsiders! So she forbears.

  No matter how uncomfortable she is, she doesn't take the initiative to talk about it! In this way, this kind of resentment will continue to brew and ferment in her heart! In the end, it will become a kind of resentment! He will vent all his dissatisfaction on Yu Huanshui! And Yu Huanshui, who is ashamed in his heart, can only bear it silently.

  Over time, it's a vicious circle! Li Mobai doesn't want to go on like this! He wants to cut the mess with a quick knife and cut off everything! "You think about it"

  The one who got in the car took a deep breath and said! This car is really comfortable to sit in! It's a pity that he rented it! However, Gan Hong is a very smart woman.

  She always felt something was wrong.

  But can't tell.

  Could it be said that he made a fortune! No! No, this is absolutely impossible.

  Musty look.

  It's like a tattoo! Said that he would make a fortune, but even if he killed Gan Hong, he didn't believe it! His son didn't even have the chance to make a fortune! In this way, Gan Hong was disheartened and went to get a marriage certificate with Li Mobai! The process went smoothly

  ! The staff of the bureau were surprised by the divorce agreement between the two.

  I have been working in the divorce office for so long! I am used to seeing too many couples fighting during divorce! Those who rob children and property.

  Anyway, there are all kinds of farce! However, it is very rare for these two to divorce calmly! Not only can they achieve a peaceful divorce.

  And the man is willing to give up all his property! The house is given to the wife, and the child support is not borne by the woman!

  The man was at fault, so he accepted such a severe request. The staff confirmed it to the two of them again! After finding that they really had no problem with it, the formalities began! Anyway, Li Mobai was seeing the staff press the button. At the moment when the steel seal was placed, there was an urge to laugh! Everything should be over at this moment! Say goodbye to the past! "You two, you are officially divorced!"

  The staff handed the two divorce certificates to the two! The corners of Li Mobai's mouth rose slightly.

  After being in this world for so long, the first feeling is so relaxed! So comfortable! "Thank you!"

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