Li Mobai also took advantage of this golden opportunity to buy and buy frantically.

  Change your hands to make a wave! Before doing chips, it was because the banknotes on the book were not enough. Now, there is money! Hundreds of billion! The sales volume of Li Mobai's Feibao battery car from the group is very good.

  Moreover, it has successfully penetrated the international market! The framework has been established.

  Zhou's group's strong foundry capabilities even more empowered Li Mobai.

  Qinzhou Electric Motor, which has been regarded as a small success in the field of batteries, is now developing well! Although Li Mobai doesn't care.

  But the number of orders is still scary! There is no other reason, in the final analysis, its own products are good enough! In addition, the purchase volume of revitalizing commerce and trade is large enough.

  After all, there are so many merchants that cooperate with them! Li Mobai pays and is very happy. Of course, everyone hopes to maintain cooperation with such high-quality customers! Under the same conditions, we will consider placing orders from Qinzhou Motor with high quality! Liu Yuzhou started The pace of massive expansion! Li Mobai is throwing a lot of money anyway! As long as he spends the money in Ming, he is not illegal! But where it is spent, it is up to me to decide! More than [-] college students and R&D personnel! And they have been assigned to various R&D positions! Not only production capacity, but also technology improvement ability! Li Mobai doesn't know much about this aspect! The top technology gods of the company must give full play to their ingenuity! Otherwise, the tens of billions of their own will not be wasted because Qinzhou Motor is willing to pay high wages for R&D! It is really moving There are a lot of science and engineering college students! They all said that the sky has eyes! In a small third-tier city, to get high wages that are not inferior to first-tier cities! Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well.

  Don't be afraid to travel all over the world! God really didn't lie to me! For a long time, the salaries of science and engineering graduates in Ming Kingdom are all.

  Look at those students who study finance all day long, in suits and leather shoes.

  A high-end place that looks like a dog, as for myself, it's bitter.

  Not only are there no bright and beautiful houses, but the wages are also unmatched! This is so frustrating! Isn't it said that craftsmen must have the spirit of craftsmen? The craftsmen are going to starve to death! Where do you go to improve the spirit of craftsmanship? It's very right: "If you want to retain talents, you can only spend money!"

  If the boss makes a big cake for the employees at any time, it is a hooligan behavior! Many companies should be strongly condemned. In fact, many companies are very funny! It is always said to encourage wolf culture, like learning! But the problem is that people are clearly wolves Sex culture is because people are willing to give meat! Employees earn hundreds of thousands a year, millions of dollars, of course they are screaming like wolves! Of course they are willing to fight and break through! How much do you pay? Ah, the monthly salary of [-], , also promotes the so-called wolf culture, whether you haven't woken up or what? Li Mobai is a scumbag himself! But he also knows to respect talents! Anyway, he has money on his books, and people are willing to Coming here to engage in research and development, it is reasonable to pay some high wages.

  At the same time, Li Mobai also suggested that we should build a special community to be more upscale! It will be divided into different floors! It is dedicated to the living of internal employees. After all, research and development is a long-term thing.

  It's a century-old plan! We must care about all aspects of our employees! Not only in work, but also in life, we must try our best to satisfy them! Even though the housing prices in Qinzhou have risen a lot over the years.

  But what Li Mobai thought was to take a piece of land and build a community by himself! It will not be sold to the outside world, but only to the employees within the company! This proposal was approved by Liu Yuzhou.

  But the question is, where did the money come from? Li Mobai: "!"

  "You just let it go! Money is not a problem! The last thing we need is money.

  I just made a fortune!"

  Li Mobai is full of pride! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "What the hell! What are you doing?"

  Li Mobai: "Short the stock prices of the international grain giants! Not much, I made tens of billions!"

  Originally, he wanted to be honest with Liu Yuzhou.

  But think about it, forget it! If the other party can't accept it, it will be embarrassing if he faints all of a sudden! Even so, he has already talked about it! However, Liu Yuzhou on the other end of the phone gasped for a while, "You.

  You are so horny!"

  Liu Yuzhou said with admiration! Li Mobai: "Where! Where! Be low-key!"

  Liu Yuzhou: "You are a god!"

  "Not worth mentioning! Not worth mentioning! Low-key! I told you! Be low-key! So, you can spend your money with confidence.

  As long as it is a reasonable investment.

  Don't be afraid! Just toss! I'll tell the truth!"

  Li Mobai promised Liu Yuzhou! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "Okay! No problem, since you have such a strong fund at the bottom! Then I have nothing to fear! Hahaha!"

  Liu Yuzhou feels that her strong woman attributes have been completely activated! She is going to do an earth-shattering career and she wants to prove to everyone that my mother is the son of heaven and those who laughed at her leaving the Wanda Group back then. Go eat shit

Chapter 714

  Li Mobai's hometown in Qinzhou has been a good news for this period of time! Cities in all provinces of Ming Dynasty put economic development in the first place! As long as it can promote economic development and promote employment! That is all welcome! Qinzhou naturally also No exception! Qinzhou Motor Factory's counterattack all the way.

  From a labor-intensive small enterprise with little technical content and mainly OEM, it has grown all the way to where it is today! It is really not to be underestimated! In addition, Li Mobai's work in Yanjing is very popular.

  In this soybean war, Li Mobai played an important role! The above is very satisfied! Li Mobai made a huge profit of [-] billion.

  The income of the national financial team is definitely more abundant! Therefore, Liu Yuzhou's acquisition of land here is very smooth! He easily obtained a large piece of land from Qinzhou City! According to Li Mobai's vision, the construction of the community should be detailed. Divided, for example, you can build a single apartment of [-] square meters, and then there are two bedrooms and one living room of [-] square meters! There are also three bedrooms and one living room of [-] square meters.

  Meet the needs of as many employees as possible! In addition, Li Mobai will also build a number of high-end villas.

  Or the large flat floor, which is used to allocate high-level R&D personnel! Talents who have already enjoyed a high reputation in the whole country and even the world! In short, he is very thoughtful! Liu Yuzhou naturally followed the trend! Bai Huahua's silver immediately.

  Sprinkle it out! But for Li Mobai's astronomical assets on the books, it's still only a drop in the bucket! This kind of feeling of having money and nowhere to spend is really lonely! In the past, it was foreign capital who harvested the blood and sweat of the Ming people! Now, the situation back.

  Li Mobai feels very cool! Raising his eyebrows, he is proud of his country! After wandering around in Yanjing for so long, he sees that the summer vacation will be over after the college entrance examination! After the summer vacation, Li Mobai will go to Jinling to go to university! For Li Mobai, who is a student, I am really not used to it! Although it is said that college life must be easier.

  But no matter how easy it is, it can't be compared with today's small days! Now this life is called beautiful!' I was in the same room with two beauties, and they were also big beauties from the east and the west.

  Although it is said, nothing can happen! However, looking at beautiful women every day is pleasing to the eye! Okay.


  After going to school, well anyway, at least there is still a summer vacation time to go swinging! Li Mobai plans to cherish this summer vacation time, enjoy Natasha's side, and help Li Mobai obtain a stable oil supply The transaction of [-] barrels per day is already a limit! Although Li Mobai knows that the more he sells, the more money he makes! But greed is not enough.

  He decided to go steady! So he didn't pursue money excessively! Make a fortune as silently as possible! Humans! Money in his own pocket is money! Otherwise, it's just wealth on paper! It doesn't mean much! Don't look at Li Mobai's age, but he already has a feeling of seeing through the vicissitudes of the world! Yes, that's right! It's the vicissitudes of life! In addition, Li Mobai's mingling in Yanjing is very popular.

  In this soybean war, Li Mobai played an important role! The above is very satisfied! Li Mobai made a huge profit of [-] billion.

  The income of the national financial team must be more abundant! Therefore, Liu Yuzhou's acquisition of land was very smooth! He easily obtained a large piece of land from Qinzhou City! Zhou Yongwu quietly called Li Mobai, It is better for Li Mobai to keep a low profile during this time! Try not to show your wealth too much! Because the four major grain merchants have been secretly investigating this matter, international capital is not a fool! After they were disrupted in the early stage, they have now slowly After regaining their senses this time, they realized that something was wrong! There are ghosts! There are ghosts in here! Minguo has been madly scavenging goods these days.

  In just a few days, more than [-] million tons of soybeans have been imported in one go! Going straight to the goal of [-] million! This is completely inconsistent with their own propaganda of sufficient storage. Also, the people of the Ming Dynasty They shouted that they were trying to replace soybeans with corn! But the problem is, now that there is not much corn in the Ming people, it means that it is very possible that the Ming people sang an empty city plan with us.

  Yes, that's right! It's an empty city plan! We might be deceived! In fact, the Ming people have run out of stock! They are bluffing and a sense of being deceived rises in the hearts of the four major grain giants! They are angry! They are angry! They are I feel that I have been deeply deceived! Why! Why is this happening? We are the elites of capitalism. Have we been cut leeks by the people of the Ming Dynasty?

Chapter 715 Preparation for Construction of Subsea Oil Pipelines

  Cutting leeks is very cool! But the party who is cut leeks is not happy! The four major international grain merchants have reacted! They noticed something strange in the process of importing soybeans from the hungry and thirsty Ming Dynasty! The problem! Before the union, its own stock price was wildly shorted.

  The four major grain merchants realized that they had been fooled by the people of the Ming country! They were going to cut the flesh on the people of the Ming country! As a result, they were almost drained. The blood capitalists are not willing to fail! They want to get the account back Li Mobai can't wait for the four major grain merchants to find trouble again! In that case, he can easily achieve another wave of explosive growth in wealth! Minguo has suffered heavy losses in the field of communications! Mingxing Group was sanctioned! But in the field of agriculture and food.

  This wave has indeed made a lot of money! It is also a rare victory in the Ming Dynasty for so many years! Li Mobai is like a child who has tasted the sweetness. After opening the door to a new world at once, the whole person floats up! He feels that it is necessary to do business in a down-to-earth manner to make money, and at the same time to make money in the financial market appropriately.

  After all, as the old saying goes, horses have no nights and grass is not fat, and people have no windfalls and no riches. The smug and high-spirited Li Mobai has transferred [-] billion yuan to Liu Yuzhou in one breath! It is used to invest in his hometown! Qinzhou officials are of course excited. Yes! Investment is welcome, Qinzhou Electric Machinery Factory is welcome to expand its production capacity and create more jobs! Liu Yuzhou is full of energy. On the one hand, she is busy expanding her business, and on the other hand, she has begun to invest in infrastructure! If you have money in your hands, then Naturally, there is going to be a lot of construction.

  Li Mobai still has feelings for his hometown Qinzhou! Most of the money he earns will go back to Qinzhou.

  It is necessary to build large-scale communities and related living facilities to solve the problems of employees' clothing, food, housing and transportation! At the same time, continue to increase recruitment efforts! This year's employment situation is not good, and it is just in time for the graduation season! A large number of Facing difficult life choices, science and engineering college students are at a loss. Qinzhou Electric Motor has extended its warm hands to them! Come here to realize your ideals in life! The industry and even the whole country are ranked first in the generous treatment. Come here, you can't go wrong! The senior officials of the Ming Dynasty did not interfere with Li Mobai.

  As long as this flower is in the territory of Ming Dynasty.

  That is, the meat is rotten in the pot! Anyway, in the end, it is the people of the Ming Dynasty who enjoy the benefits! Standing at the national level, it is a good thing!

  The construction of the island is also more drastic! Increase investment and strive to complete it as soon as possible! The port construction of Emerald Island has been completed.

  Li Mobai wondered if he should build this crude oil transportation pipeline first.

  Although the international oil price is indeed plummeting now! But it will definitely rise back! Anyway, if you have money, let's build it! In this way, you can directly transport oil to the country in the future! Start construction at the same time! Too many! I'm afraid there will be no orders! After thinking about it, Li Mobai found Zhou Yongwu and said that he had a large construction order! I don't know if the national team is interested in contracting! Zhou Yongwu: "!"

  "What kind of big order can you tell me!"

  Zhou Yongwu said eagerly! "I rented an island in India, you know! Well, now, my client hopes to build an oil pipeline from where to our Ming Kingdom! Subsea oil pipeline! This project, Leave it to the construction company of Ming Kingdom to do it!"

  Li Mobai said frankly to Zhou Yongwu! Li Mobai rented a big island in India.

  He firmly believes that the Ming Kingdom knows about it in all likelihood! After all, it is difficult to hide such a big thing from the eyes of the state! So he is also very frank! When he comes up directly, he will showdown Zhou Yongwu: "!"

  "Building a submarine oil pipeline is a big project.

  Besides, why are you building this submarine oil pipeline? Do you have oil?"

  Zhou Yongwu said with concern! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Um! I'm not very clear about this, maybe there will be! The customer asked for it! So, I can only execute it! We can pay first! What the company won!"

  Li Mobai said! Zhou Yongwu: "Okay.

  I'll ask the above for instructions!"

  In the process of communicating with Li Mobai, Zhou Yongwu is actually just a microphone! His task is to convey some official attitudes to Li Mobai! And also to convey Li Mobai's opinions upwards! Play the role of a middleman! Build a submarine oil pipeline Dao, this is not a big problem for the Ming Kingdom.

  But the premise is to consider whether this construction is meaningful and whether it will cause meaningless waste

Chapter 717 The Gan Family Is Completely Finished

  Gan Hong is kneeling in front of her! Not only Gan Hong, but also her ex-mother-in-law standing beside her younger brother! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Please! Save my father!"

  Gan Hong hugged Li Mobai's thigh and said! Li Mobai's face was bewildered.

  What's the situation.

  Your father was arrested for embezzlement, so it's entirely his own fault. Is it related to me? Very big! You have good personal relationships with those high-ranking officials in the city, just go and say a few good words to my father! They will definitely sell you a face!"

  Brother-in-law also begged! Li Mobai: "!"

  For him, he always thought he was a very ordinary businessman! That's all! He really never thought about his influence! However, how did Gan Hong and the others know that they were doing business? The big ones, they've done enough meticulous intelligence work!" Don't introduce.

  You are so polite! I'm a poor man with no prospects in my life! I can't stand up to your Gan family! If you have the spare time to talk nonsense with me, you should go back and think about how to help your father win leniency! For example Say, take out all the money your family has embezzled over the years! If you can make up for it, maybe your father will be sentenced to a few years less!"

  Li Mobai is very cold-blooded! Gan Hong: "!"

  "Yu Huanshui, are you talking about people? We are a family.

  That's your father-in-law! Do you want to die?"

  Yu Mu couldn't sit still, she came up and roared at Li Mobai! Li Mobai: "!"

  Seeing the excited look on this old lady's face, Li Mobai is also helpless! What are you exchanging for me! Did I ask your old man to embezzle and take bribes? Why are you pushing me now?

  This has nothing to do with me half a dime, okay? Your family didn't let me take advantage of it when it was beautiful! You guys are popular, but you didn't do me any good when you drink spicy food! You didn't leave me a bite of the leftovers. Good or bad, of course, and I have to thank you for watching.

  Do me a favor! Otherwise, I'll have to get in too! "Old lady.

  You have to make things clear! I'm with Gan Hong.


  We are strangers now.

  Do you know that you can't look at it when you are beautiful! My family mocks me! I didn't kidnap you morally! I didn't tell you that I was a family, so don't do this.

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