Then chat with Li Mobai! Li Mobai: "!"


  Go to Jinling.


  I can't continue to wave in Yanjing!"

  Li Mobai said with emotion! Wen Changxi: "!"

  "Going to college is a good thing! You'll learn more on a college campus! It's great for your growth!"

  Wen Changxi smiled comfortingly! Li Mobai said, "I borrow your auspicious words.

  But once you get used to being lazy, well, you get hooked on that depraved feeling! That's how I am now! It's such a great feeling of being uninhibited!

  Wen Changxi: "!"

  "This is not good. For young people, a comfortable life is a deadly poison! If you are addicted to it, your whole person will be useless! If you want to succeed, you have to learn to get out of your comfort zone and face a more cruel society. Reality! Only in this way can we realize our life ambitions!"

  Wen Changxi taught Li Mobai earnestly! This is like reprimanding others who are used to reprimanding the Lord! Li Mobai was thinking in his heart, I am not successful enough, how can I succeed? God? Although I don't agree with Wen Changxi's words very much, But he still nodded again and again, which is very face-saving! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 730 Are You Biao?

  Li Mobai and Wen Changxi exchanged contact information for each other! They said that they will contact more in the future, although they don't know what to contact.

  But you have to be polite! It may be that the grain group intends to make up for the loss of the grain group in the Ming country. The United States has begun to sanction some enterprises in the Ming country! The first to bear the brunt of the conservative impact is the Mingxing Group! Demand compensation of two billion US dollars , and also accept the harsh conditions of the United States, for example, to install American people in Mingxing Group! Is responsible for supervising the relevant operation of the enterprise is legal! This is undoubtedly a blatant bullying! But there is no way.

  People are so arrogant! There is nothing you can do if you accept it or not! Li Mobai thinks it's abhorrent! But watching the news, it seems that Mingxing Group failed to stop the effective resistance! Seeing various comments, it is estimated that they will have to accept the sanctions of the Mili people !Otherwise, once sanctioned by the Murrays, it will be completely over. Murrays master the core technologies such as chips, and the Ming Kingdom is highly dependent on this! Therefore, no matter what

  How arrogant the American people are, and how harsh their opinions.

  The relevant enterprises in Ming Dynasty can only endure it! Otherwise, your company will collapse in the next second. Li Mobai suddenly realized that the motherland still has so many shortcomings in the cutting-edge field! Coupled with the impact of the trade war, Li Mobai felt that he had to Uncover the potential of the system as much as possible! Li Mobai, who has reached the world's leading level in the battery field, decided to make chips. Ming Dynasty lacks high-end lithography machines! Lithography machine is also known as: mask alignment exposure machine, exposure system, photolithography machine engraving system, etc.

  The commonly used lithography machine is mask alignment lithography! The general lithography process needs to go through silicon wafer surface cleaning and drying, primer coating, spin coating photoresist, soft baking, alignment exposure, post baking, development, and hard baking. , etching and other processes.

  The process is very complicated. In the world, the only high-end lithography machines are Nikon, Canon, and a company in the Netherlands! Minguo has a gap of about [-] to [-] years in this regard! High-end lithography machines are used to make high-end chips. If you don't have a high-end lithography machine, you can't make chips at all! Without high-end chips, the mobile phone industry is equivalent to being controlled by others! Minguo's mobile phones, the chips of several major brands are all It is deeply dependent on imports! Foreign-funded enterprises have also made huge profits from it! After all, this is the core component of mobile phones! Just like people, the importance of the chip is roughly equal to the brain and the heart! No matter how healthy your limbs are, you have no brain and heart , that's useless! In fact, it is not that the enterprises of Ming Dynasty are unwilling to make chips! However, the chip industry is almost a mature industrial project standing at the top of human science and technology, and it almost represents the highest level of human practical technology.

  The chip industry is really too high-end.

  It requires huge to massive capital investment, rich and uninterrupted talent reserves, and strong technical support in all aspects. More importantly, the development and production of chips requires a long time cycle! No matter what

  Whether it is in the research and development stage or in the production stage, it is often counted in years.

  The starting point of this industry is really too high. This is a winner-takes-all industry, and the loser can almost lose money! Take the sanctioned Mingxing company as an example. It doesn’t look very beautiful on the outside, but in the end, it’s still Build high-rise buildings under the technological framework of Mili people! As long as Mili people are willing to take away the base, Mingxing, a splendid looking building, will collapse in an instant! This is why the threat of sanctions by Mili people, Mingxing The reason why Xing Group gave up so quickly! No way, it's not that they have no confidence! They are really strong! The lifeblood is in the hands of others! What can you do with domestic mobile phone manufacturers, there are many in the research and development of chips! Most Mingwei is famous! In addition, there are still several companies that make cores at the same time.

  It's just that Mingwei's technology is indeed relatively high at present, far away from those other players.

  In the field of mobile phone chips, Mingmi wants to do and is also making its own chips, but it does lack a lot of its own core technologies.

  Once upon a time, Li Mobai hoped that he could afford a Mingmi mobile phone.

  Because the price is very high.

  It's a good deal! Looking back now, I feel that all this happened too suddenly! Li Mobai has read a report.

  It's talking about Mingmi chips! On the one hand, it's because Mingmi's chips started much later than Mingwei's.


  It's more because, with the current size of Mingmi, it is not really able to support it and directly start a completely own chip industry! Mingmi is also a big company in China, but from the perspective of the chip industry, it is still far from enough. grid.

  Mingmi's mobile phone is indeed quite good, and for a long time, it can be used as a "conscience"

  's name.

  However, Mingmi's overall profit is actually not too high.

  Moreover, the competition situation in the domestic market that Mingmi faces is much worse than that of Mingwei. Compared to that, it has already broken through the siege and ascended to the position of the leader of domestic mobile phones.

  For the sake of clarity.

  Mingmi is still there: fighting in a cruel Red Sea.

  face enormous competitive pressure.

  It needs a lot of money to support the company to survive! The funds that can be invested in the independent chip industry are actually very limited, even for a large listed company like Mingmi, and other small and medium-sized mobile phone companies in China.

  It's not a question of their willingness or not, they don't even have the qualifications to engage in the chip industry.

  Even if it does, the most likely estimate is that it will just fall behind and eat ashes.

  And Mingwei, although there is a certain technical reserve before.

  But it is only when they have relative advantages and the various industrial chains of their own companies are developing well, they really enter the more cruel chip industry.

  I hope to be able to make a breakthrough for the mobile phone chip industry in China, but compared with mainstream first-tier chip brands such as Qualcomm, the gap is too great. The industry is good! TSMC's strength cannot be underestimated! But the problem is, um, not to mention Li Mobai's research, he feels that the chip industry is really too sophisticated.

  Without your own help.

  It is estimated that it will take more than ten years to overtake a car in a corner! Today, the chip industry has become an industry that makes people look up and down, which makes companies with insufficient strength and even most countries dare not even think about it.

  The international situation is turbulent.

  One bad news after another.

  It's time for me to make a move! The smug Li Mobai is ready to make a big ticket! Let's see which chip company in China can't do it! I bought it! Zhou, let me tell you something! I'm going to make chips!"

  Li Mobai called Liu Yuzhou and said! The ambitious Liu Yuzhou is planning to punch Wanke and kick Vanke one day! Become a giant in the Ming Dynasty! You can also be on the Forbes Rich List and stay for a while! Good It's so addicting! As a result, I heard the boss say that I want to make chips! Her heart is the galloping Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  "You are going to make chips, you are crazy! You are stubborn!"

  Liu Yuzhou is in a hurry! If Li Mobai was not in front of her, she would really not help giving him a slap! Do you know how much the chip investment is? You know our family property, our financial resources, even if If you invest all in it, then it won't even make a splash! If you still want to make chips, it's better to burn money directly! Li Mobai: "!"

  "No, don't get excited, it's like this, we don't need to invest too much at the beginning! Several billions, the meaning will be fine! If it can produce results, I'll calculate it, no more than [-] billion, I can make this piece It's done! Trust me!"

  Li Mobai explained seriously! Liu Yuzhou: "!"

  Dozens of billions mean! No more than [-] billion! You are so loud! Who do you think you are! You think the bank is opened by your family, why don't you go to heaven "No! I don't agree, it's too risky Yes! And the odds are against the odds!"

  Liu Yuzhou frantically said Li Mobai: "!"

  "Believe me.

  I will not do anything I am not sure of! I will definitely make money! And I will make a lot of money! I can also defeat the technological blockade of Western countries such as Europe and the United States! How wonderful!"

  Li Mobai works hard to do ideological work, Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 731

  Li Mobai wants to make a chip! But the resistance is very, very big! Especially Liu Yuzhou, he can't wait to have the urge to slap him with a big mouth and wake him up! Although Liu Yuzhou is not a research and development staff of science and engineering! But she also knows , How unrealistic Li Mobai's idea is! It's just a daydream! It's so naive! It's so brainless! Li Mobai: "!"

  "I'm telling you, um.

  Aren't you in charge of all the money anyway? You can take a look at it for me first, help me find out, and let's talk about whether we can do it or not! Look for me first! If there is a suitable person to contact me!"

  Li Mobai reluctantly made some compromises and concessions to Liu Yuzhou! Indeed, this idea is really crazy! Other European and American technology companies have been investing every day for decades! The R&D consumption of hundreds of billions of dollars in real money, how can you break through in a short time? If the technical blockade is as simple as you think, I would have become the number one power in the morning! It would not be a problem if the red flag was planted all over the world! The problem is, it is not that simple. Li Mobai can't tell him that he has You can do it all easily! You can only make some compromises first! Liu Yuzhou is still chattering! Obviously he is not happy! , She was working for Li Mobai! Li Mobai trusted her and discussed everything with her. She was not good at showing control. It was not good to cause Li Mobai's disgust! After talking with Liu Yuzhou, Li Mobai began to think about how to answer What should we do when we come down! Right now, there is still a hot news in Ming Kingdom that the shared bicycle industry has collapsed, it can be said that it has collapsed! What little yellow cars, little blue cars, little white cars! The deposit or anything could not be returned. In short, the entire industry is like a pig in the air. After a short-lived blip, after losing the capital blessing, it fell to pieces at once! I can't help but let out a long sigh! This thing belongs to the carnival of capital! After harvesting the user's deposit, it burns up the investor's money and runs away. It seems that there is no other better way! Fortunately, everyone The losses are basically around [-] or [-]! Still! But there are too many people! One person is [-], and the [-] is a million.

  After millions of people are collected, it is a huge sum of money. I hope this time can make a lot of households

  Learn the lesson! In the future, for such so-called innovative sharing companies, you should pay more attention to snacks! However, Li Mobai also found an opportunity, and he decided to buy bargains at a low price! Because of the crazy influx of capital in the shared bicycle industry some time ago A large number of bicycles have been produced! However, there is no market! The company has gone bankrupt. How to deal with these shared bicycles produced is undoubtedly a very difficult problem! The manufacturer went to the original company to ask for money, but When the company closed down, the boss ran away! Who can get the money or not, the bicycles can't be sold, because the market has been saturated, and the city management departments of various cities are now tasked with cleaning up all kinds of random piles in their jurisdictions every day. This kind of bicycle! It has greatly hindered the normal travel of the mission. It can be said that it is no exaggeration to say that the shared bicycle has degenerated from a star enterprise to an urban cancer in the shortest time! Among them, the waste of resources is even more important. Needless to say! Li Mobai believes that what he can do is to turn these industrial wastes into treasures as much as possible! Just like when he tried his best to buy all kinds of expired but not spoiled food from all over the country, they are all going to be scrapped anyway. If you have dealt with it, then I will accept it! I can help you recover a little bit of your losses and get back some cash and silver. So, Zhenxing Commerce began to buy back all kinds of bicycles that no one wants on the market. The first day It has received more than [-] units! And almost all of them are brand new, which shows how miserable this industry has been tossed! Many bicycle manufacturers have been pitted.

  They took the order and mobilized the staff to finish the order! I thought it would make a fortune.

  As a result, the customer ran away! The poor deposit cannot be found. Compared with the labor cost and material cost paid by the manufacturer, it is not worth mentioning! If the money is not received, the wages of the workers have to be paid! The downstream raw material manufacturers have to settle the bill. Ah, the majority of factory owners want to cry but have no tears, and they want to die. However, at this critical moment, at a critical moment, a hero has made his debut. Yes, it is Qinzhou's revitalization of commerce! He is here! , he came with a lot of banknotes! You can't sell everything, sell it to me! Although the price I offer is low, it's not that it can make you blood again. In the world of "Langya Bang" , all of a sudden, there are many, many good-looking little bicycles. Li Mobai is a resource that has made outstanding contributions to the healthy development of both worlds. Please download Fei Lu's novel for the ununderlined version of the novel.

Chapter 732 Do I Have Fat Land For You To Plant?

  Although Li Mobai is extremely low-key.

  But his brilliance is destined to be due to Zhou Yongwu, who cannot be hidden in the vast crowd, and brought good news to Li Mobai. The construction team of Ming Dynasty has done the relevant survey work! In general, everything went relatively smoothly The relevant construction plans can be carried out quickly. It is not a problem! As long as the money is in place! Of course, Li Mobai's money has already been in place! "The construction period will be at least one year!"

  Zhou Yongwu gave Li Mobai a vaccination! Li Mobai: "!"

  "A year is not too long"

  Li Mobai scratched his head and said! Zhang Yunzhong's advancing speed is very fast, and he will definitely conquer Shata Zhou Yongwu in less than a year: "!"

  "This is already very fast! That's why the work efficiency of our Ming Kingdom can be so fast! If you leave other countries, at least three years! This is still fast! I will give you five years, ten years. !"

  Zhou Yongwu complained! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Yes! I know, but my client wants us to be faster while ensuring the quality of the project!"

  Li Mobai smiled bitterly! Zhou Yongwu: "!"

  Customers are God! Especially big customers like Li Mobai can enjoy preferential treatment! As long as the money is in place, no matter what

  Any requirements against the sky can be satisfied as much as possible! "Okay! I will convey your requirements to the construction unit!"

  Zhou Yongwu said cheerfully!, "Do you have any other requirements?"

  Zhou Yongwu said with concern! Li Mobai nodded with satisfaction, but he didn't have any special requirements in other respects. "By the way, my client still has a lot of fertile land! I want to see if we can exclusively cooperate with us to plant some in Ming Kingdom. The food our country needs.

  After the harvest, sell it to our country!"

  Li Mobai said! Zhou Yongwu was stunned again, is this for agricultural cooperation? "Okay.

  How big is it?”

  Zhou Yongwu took out a small notebook and started recording! Li Mobai: "I didn't say how much area! Anyway, the land will not be small.

  And the land is fertile! It depends on our needs anyway! If we want more, he will do it for us!"


  I'll go back and ask for instructions.

  Soybeans, corn, etc., the country needs it! If we can cooperate steadily, I believe the above will be very satisfied!"

  Zhou Yongwu is self-confident! Li Mobai also thinks so! There is no reason to refuse such a perfect cooperation opportunity.

  Zhang Yunzhong has built such a large piece of land, although it is a barren land! But the land is fertile! If it is used to grow soybeans and other food urgently needed by the Ming Dynasty, there will be no problem! The next year will have a bumper harvest and sell it to the Ming Dynasty! Earning money has also given the country an additional channel for importing grain! Avoid being caught by the four major grain merchants! Kill two birds with one stone, and kill two birds with one stone! After chatting with Zhou Yongwu, the two got up and said goodbye! I'm going to Yanjing for a while.

  At that time, I'm afraid that the connection between us will not be so convenient!"

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