Just walk with me."

  Emperor Liang stretched out his right arm and was led by Gao Zhan across the vine corridor. All the maids and eunuchs who were standing or coming and going along the way all knelt down and bowed down at Gao Zhan's signal, not daring to make a sound.

  After entering the door of the main hall, there was a tenfold circle on the front: the embroidered screen, after the beautiful embroidery of the tulle, there was a faint figure shaking, and it was obvious that Concubine Jing was behind the screen.

  Emperor Liang was trying to scare her aloud.

  Frightened, another voice suddenly sounded behind the screen, and upon hearing it, it was Xiao Jingyan.

  Emperor Liang was a little surprised at the beginning, and immediately thought, if Jingyan didn't come today, it would only be an accident. The reason why he didn't expect him to be here was because he usually had too few of these two mothers, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

  "Mother's craftsmanship is really getting better and better. This lily brew is very uncomfortable to eat in summer. When my son is leading troops abroad, if the food and grass are not good, he will naturally have to go with the soldiers.

  At that time, when I was hungry, I thought about the medicated food my mother made to relieve my cravings."

  King Jing said with a smile, "If it wasn't for the fear of mother's hard work, I would really like to be able to eat it every day."

  Concubine Jing's voice was gentle and loving, and it sounded like she was bringing vegetables to her son! "I'm not afraid of hard work, but you can't come in at will, it's impossible.

  Eat more when you come.

  I made golden dumplings and green bean green cakes, you can take them back to eat when you leave."

  "My son, thank you."

  Xiao Jingyan said obediently! "Come on, try this Poria Chicken!"


  Listening to the homely gossip inside, Emperor Liang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and coughed deliberately.

  The emperor coughed, and the mother and son in the enclosure suddenly startled. King Jing stepped out to check. When he saw Emperor Liang, his expression changed, and he immediately turned over and bowed down! Concubine Jing took a few steps forward, put on her skirt and bowed down, saying : "My concubine didn't know that His Majesty was coming, and if I miss you far away, please forgive me."

  "stand up."

  Emperor Liang gently supported her on the arm, and then ordered King Jing: "You should also be flat."

  Emperor Liang didn't send anyone to report first, and came in quietly. Originally, he wanted to see Concubine Jing's surprise, but now people are surprised, but when Gao Zhan arranged to bring the gift in, he didn't see how happy she was, and still Serene look, soft thank you.

Chapter 952 There are always people who want to harm me

  Emperor Liang turned to look at her son again, and his performance was similar. He didn't see how overjoyed he was at his mother's favor.

  Getting used to being flattered and seeing Emperor Liang who was constantly fighting over a little favor for him, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart was a little more aggravated.

  The superior always likes this! I like to see myself giving a little gift, and the people below are grateful! After I got used to seeing it, I suddenly saw such a tough person, and I immediately felt panic in my heart! "When is Jingyan? came over"

  Lying on the soft couch, Emperor Liang asked casually.

  "Go back to the father and the emperor, the son will arrive in the afternoon."

  Xiao Jingyan said respectfully! "Why didn't you come to greet your concubine early in the morning on your mother's birthday?"

  The emperor was very displeased! Xiao Jingyan: "!"


  Xiao Jingyan was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say, and his face became a little flustered! Concubine Jing hurriedly said, "It was the concubine who ordered him to come back in the afternoon.

  In the morning, I have to meet the Empress to sit with me, and I have to kneel down for the Empress Dowager, and I won’t have time to see him when he comes.”


  Emperor Liang nodded, although his expression was light, but his tone was still calm! Looking at King Jing, what he said was also a word of praise.

  "Recently, the few things that I have assigned to Jingyan have been done very well. I am very satisfied.

  Right now in front of your mother-in-law, tell me what you want."

  Xiao Jingyan: "!"

  King Jing was a little surprised, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

  However, he couldn't help but answer, he thought about it quickly, and said, "Go back to the father and the emperor, the son and the minister are in charge of the errands, and they deserve it, and I dare not look forward to the reward.

  But the king's speech, since the father and the emperor love so much, then the son

  The minister dared to ask for a favor, asking the royal father to pardon the sinner who was serving in forced labor."


  Emperor Liang was also a little surprised, involuntarily became suspicious, frowned and said: "What kind of sinner is famous and respected, but you prefer to talk nonsense and talk about madmen, you have always been loyal, how did you learn to make a name for yourself and attract people's hearts? who taught you the means"

  He was suddenly reprimanded, but King Jing did not panic, so he knelt down and pleaded guilty, and then said: "This criminal is only a commoner, nameless and hopeless, because he forgot to avoid the holy ancestors in his article during the scientific examination, and he committed great disrespect. sin, and was therefore implicated in exile!"

  Emperor Liang's face softened a little and said: "A nameless and hopeless commoner, how can you labor and plead for him?"

  Obviously, the emperor is still suspicious about this matter! You are a prince.

  Although, it is not a favored prince.

  But after all, it is also a noble position! If you really are an ordinary person with no background, you will speak for it? This is unlikely.

  There must be some hidden secrets here.

  You must be hiding something from me! Hmph, there are always people who want to harm me! You are so hateful.

  "Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

  Concubine Jing hurriedly stepped forward and said, "This person is still a member of the Ichiro in the countryside, and my concubines and concubines studied medicine from him and have been under his care for many years.

  In January, the former ministers and concubines heard that he was exiled to Lingnan. He was pitifully old and old, still suffering from hard labor and miasma, but because he was so disrespectful and implicated, this amnesty was not among them. Therefore, the courtiers and concubines couldn't bear it, and just now he sighed with Jingyan, but he never thought that he would remember it!

  Hearing Concubine Jing's words, Emperor Liang's face became a lot better! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 953 The Emperor's Mind

  "So it is!"

  Emperor Liang smiled and said, "You are so soft-hearted.

  In fact, this is nothing, Jingyan, a prince, asks the people in the manor to come up with an idea, and there is a way to save him back, why do you need to ask me for forgiveness in exchange for other rewards?"

  King Jing frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, he endured it, and bowed his head again: "My son thinks that only the sage has the right to forgive the sin of great disrespect.

  Even if the son is a prince, there is no other way to think.

  In order to relieve my mother's worries, this is the only request, I hope Your Majesty's permission."

  Emperor Liang looked at him deeply, but he could hear the unspoken meaning in his words! The emperor moved slightly and sighed: "You are still this stubborn temper.

  However, I am very relieved that you can not abuse your authority and keep yourself clean.

  I have done what you asked for, and I will give you my decree today."

  "Thank you, son."

  Emperor Liang raised his hand to wake him up and stood beside him.

  I usually didn't pay much attention to it, but today, when I looked seriously, I suddenly found that this son was tall and handsome, and he had never thought him so pleasing to the eye, and a thought flashed in his mind.

  "Jingyan, you are very skilled in leading troops. I want to leave the patrol camp under your control, how about"

  As soon as this statement came out, Xiao Jingyan was extremely surprised for the second time today, so long after Emperor Liang spoke, he did not reply.

  Emperor Liang waited patiently at first.

  He thought that King Jing's silence was considering how to express his gratitude. After all, this child leads troops all the year round and has little favor. Naturally, he is not as responsive as King Yu. It is a set of sweet words to open his mouth. .

  But after waiting, Emperor Liang gradually felt that something was wrong.

  King Jing's expression became less and less like how to thank him, but was considering whether he should accept this.

  An appointment.

  Emperor Liang was suddenly displeased.

  The crown prince and Prince Yu were fighting in the court, but it was not that Prince Jing didn't see it. The favor that no one else has won is now given to him. Not to say thank you, you should be excited, no matter what. Such a hesitant expression.

  "Jingyan, are you afraid of hard work?"

  Emperor Liang lowered his face and asked coldly.

  "My son doesn't dare!"

  King Jing hurriedly knelt down and said, "Father's kindness and letter, my son is very grateful.


  "just what"

  King Jing hesitated for a while, then calmed down and said solemnly, "It's nothing.

  My son is willing to take up this position, and from now on, he must fulfill his duties and live up to the entrustment of his father."

  Although he didn't say anything, just this hesitant look, Emperor Liang already understood most of it.

  Although King Jing's indifferent reaction to the favor of the Holy Grace slightly touched his Ni Lin, but on the other hand, this son's attitude of obviously unwilling to get involved in the current strife in the court still reassures him.

  If the Crown Prince and Prince Yu could be so well-behaved, then I would be relieved too much! It's a pity! "You don't have to worry too much!"

  Emperor Liang stretched out his hand and patted King Jing's shoulder and said: "You are a dignified prince, and you have a lot of military exploits. What is it like to control a small patrol battalion with your father supporting you, see who dares to say something, and if you feel wronged in the future, you will also be Even if you tell the royal father that you know, it will naturally make the decision for you."

  In fact, the reason why King Jing hesitated just now was not as indifferent as Emperor Liang thought.

  Since he has set the throne as the goal, it is good to have more real power! The reason for the hesitation is that his own strength is still weak, and he does not want to appear too favored suddenly, so as not to be jealous of the crown prince Yu Wang prematurely.

Chapter 954 Hypnosis pillow? Rich is best

  Facing the emperor's gift, King Jing had mixed feelings in his heart. He thought, it would be great if he could discuss it with Mr. Su first! However, Emperor Liang was offering his favor in person at the moment, and he did not allow him time to go back and talk to Su. Zhe discussed it, and he could only grit his teeth and accept it before talking about it.

  During the whole process, Concubine Jing stood by and said nothing, as if it had nothing to do with her.

  It wasn't until the father and son were almost done talking that she came over with a cup of snow toad soup and said softly, "Your Majesty hasn't had a nap today, let's have a little bit of soup and just sleep here for a while."

  Emperor Liang took the porcelain cup and took a sip of the fine product with a small spoon. Compared with the usual snow clam soup, it was less fragrant and more mellow, with a light sweetness. There was a thin layer of aroma on the tip of the tongue. Half a cup! After rinsing my mouth, Concubine Jing lay down with the support of her head, her head resting on the pillow, and there was a fragrant fragrance around her mouth and nose.

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