"Big brother!"

  Yu Wennian felt dazed in his heart, and called out again in a trembling voice.

  "Think about it!"

  Xiao Jingrui said lightly to her, "That's my friend, he called me, I heard it too, how can I ignore it?"

  "But, you promise" you can rest assured

  , I promised to follow you back to visit him, and I will definitely go.

  This is not an escape, my friend is here to see you off, what are you afraid of?"

  Just in between these two or three sentences, Li Mobai had already rushed to the front, and he looked like he was in the dust, and his clothes were not as fresh as the sun.

  At this moment, Li Mobai actually had the urge to scold his mother.

  Running so fast! After he got off the saddle, he rushed straight to Xiao Jingrui, grabbed his arm and asked, "Jing Rui, where are you going?"

  Xiao Jingrui answered four words without concealment: "Da Chu Yingdu."

  "Jing Rui!"

  Li Mobai feels that his acting skills are the best actor! "Niannian received a letter that her father is seriously ill and wants to see me! My mother also allows it, so it is reasonable, I should go and visit."

  Xiao Jingrui whispered! Li Mobai: "!"

  Li Mobai originally came to keep him, but when he heard this reason, he didn't say anything, and the hand that was holding Xiao Jingrui's arm loosened involuntarily.

  But he stayed: after a while, he was worried, and asked again: "Then will you come back?"

  Xiao Jingrui lowered his eyes, "Mother is still there: there is no reason to never come back."

  The tone of his words was light, but Yujin felt sad when he heard it in his ears.

  It's just that Xiao Jingrui can still keep calm, but it doesn't make sense for him to get excited, so he hastily pursed his lips to stabilize his emotions, and it took a long time before he said, "Jing Rui, after that day, I've been wanting to chat with you, but the timing is always wrong. .

  Since you are leaving now, you must say what you have to say.

  Jing Rui, you really shouldn't pay too much attention to some things, after all, that has already passed, it is the grudge of the previous life, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Chapter 978

  "Okay Yujin!"

  Xiao Jingrui interrupted him in a low voice, "Needless to say, I know what you mean.

  It's just that you can't say that it has nothing to do with me.

  My father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, this is a relationship that will be cut and cut, not to mention years of family affection and years of kindness, all of which cannot be torn apart by revealing the truth. !"

  Li Mobai: "!"

  "I understand that you are trying to persuade me to open up a little bit, you hope I am still the old Xiao Jingrui.

  But Yujin, I really can't do that.

  For me, in just one night, the people around me have changed. Since everything has changed, how can I remain the same? So whether I want it or not, Xiao Jingrui is no longer the Xiao Jingrui of the past, and I can only disappoint you. "

  Xiao Jingrui's voice is infinitely calm! What can Li Mobai say! He can't say anything! Helplessly, he took a deep breath, took a step forward, grabbed Xiao Jingrui's shoulders with both hands, shook it vigorously, word by word Said: "Yes, I do hope that you are still the same you were before.

  But if you can't do it, that's fine.

  We grew up together, anyway, you have been changing, from a chubby little dwarf before, to a tall and handsome now, from quiet and reticent to talk, to spit on me with Xie Bi.

  I don't mind if you keep changing, anyway

  No matter how you change, you are still my... one-of-a-kind friend, our friendship will not change! So listen to me, no matter what

  Wherever you go, you must remember my friend, if you dare to forget, I will never forgive you, do you understand?"

  When he said the last sentence, his voice was a little hoarse, his eye circles were already red, and the hand on Xiao Jingrui's shoulder was even stronger.

  It hurts to the point of pinching my fingers.

  His words were not long, but they were sincere, calm and warm, and no one would doubt them.

  Xiao Jingrui lowered his head, his eyes were a little wet, and even Yu Wennian, who was on the sidelines, couldn't bear it, and quietly wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingertips.

  "Okay, where do you want to go now, anyway, you used to be everywhere, it's just that Da Chu is far away, you have to take care."

  Li Mobai took a breath, took a step back, everything is alright, remember to write to me."

  Xiao Jingrui hummed and raised his head.

  The two stared at each other, and both tried their best to show a smile, but under the smiles on each other's faces, they saw that they couldn't hide their sadness.

  Because the two young people knew in their hearts that they would not see each other again after this separation.

  Once the mourning period of the Empress Dowager is over, even Princess Liyang will leave the capital to go to her own fiefdom. Even if Xiao Jingrui returns to Liang, it will be difficult for him to step on the land of God Capital again.

  The two of them have similar backgrounds, similar ages, and similar temperaments. They thought they could stay in this relationship forever, and they thought they would have similar life trajectories.

  Even an optimistic person like Li Mobai couldn't help but feel at a loss at this time.

  "Brother, let's go"

  Yu Wennian rubbed her red eyes and walked over, pulling her brother's sleeve.

  Xiao Jingrui and Li Mobai raised their arms at the same time and hugged tightly.

  "Get on your horse, and I'll watch you go.

  Be careful on the way!"

  Li Mobai was trying to say the last goodbye with a smile, but his voice suddenly stopped, his eyes fell somewhere behind Xiao Jingrui, and his expression was a little weird.

Chapter 979 Reach out to Yu Wennian

  Xiao Jingrui immediately.

  Noticing that, he turned around and followed his line of sight, and saw that Li Gang was standing at the side of the road with a straight waist at a distance of ten meters. When he saw him turning back, he immediately raised his finger to the small hillside beside him.

  In fact, Xiao Jingrui already knew who he would see before he raised his head with Li Gang's guidance, so he hesitated for a moment, but after a while, he raised his eyes calmly.

  Above the Banpo gazebo, Mei Changsu stood leaning against the railing, the mountain breeze was full of sleeves, although the slight expression on his face could not be seen clearly because of the distance, but that posture clearly showed that he was here specifically to wait for Xiao Jingrui.

  "Jing Rui!"

  Li Mobai let out a worried cry.

  Xiao Jingrui calmed down, turned his head and said indifferently: "He is probably here to see him off, so let me say a few words over there."

  "I'll be with you!"

  The words that came out of his mouth stopped after half a sentence.

  As smart as Li Mobai, he naturally understands that some knots must be solved by the parties themselves, not others can intervene, so in the end, he just took a few steps back and said no more.

  Yu Wennian didn't know the former friendship between Xiao Jingrui and Mei Changsu, so he was a little confused. He was going to ask a few questions, but Li Mobai grabbed him and pulled him back! Yu Wennian: "!"

  "What are you pulling me for!"

  Yu Wennian still has a good impression of Li Mobai.

  After all, she received a lot of help from Li Mobai in Jinling! She must be polite and respectful towards her benefactor! During this period of time, if it wasn't for Li Mobai's shelter, she would have to live on the street, be a human being.

  You can't forget your roots! Li Mobai: "!"

  "you're so dumb.

  Do you have... a little eyesight, is it Jing Rui's younger sister?"

  Li Mobai said unceremoniously! Yu Wennian: "I, why am I not! You are not allowed to call me stupid!"

  "If you were Jing Rui's younger sister, why didn't you learn Jing Rui's intelligence? Jing Rui is very discerning.

  I will never rush up recklessly like you do!"

  Li Mobai taught a lesson! Seeing Yu Wennian's unconvinced expression, Li Mobai was lazy and continued to talk nonsense with her, but said directly: "Just wait here and see! There are some things that Jing Rui doesn't want to do. Let you know, and I don't want you to see it! So, don't make trouble! Although you may not agree with Li Mobai's words in your heart.

  However, for the sake of Li Mobai's taking in her, she still obediently stopped! Li Mobai: "!"

  "Well! That's good.

  you remember.

  listen to me.

  That's right, I can still hurt you."

  Li Mobai patted Yu Wennian's shoulder carelessly and said! Well, it still feels very good! Shu.

  You can't hold it like you're kneading dough! That would be a tease! Looking at the little princess' ruddy face, Li Mobai laughed and laughed at his salty pig hands! Not too much! "Thank you for taking care of me during this time, Jinling!"

  After taking a deep breath, the little princess said seriously to Li Mobai.

  Li Mobai: "!"

  "It's okay, it's okay! You and I are both the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes.

  Don't be so polite!"

  Li Mobai's performance was very free and easy.

  For him, money is not a problem! For him, making friends is far more important than making money.

  Yu Wennian is the county lord of Southern Chu. In addition to cooperating with Daliang in his own business, Nan Chu is the biggest trading partner! Li Mobai feels that it is very necessary to have a good relationship with a powerful person in Southern Chu like Yu Wennian! In the future, it's not a bad thing to have more people taking care of this business! What's more, the princess is still so beautiful! "Will you miss me when you go back?"

  Li Mobai was suddenly speechless! Yu Wennian: "!"

  "How can you be so rude!"

  The cute little princess suddenly blushed! She was so shy! Xiao Jingrui was already striding towards the pavilion at this time. Although her face was slightly pale, her demeanor and pace were steady.

  "Please sit down."

  Mei Changsu smiled slightly, picked up the silver pot on the stone table, filled a glass of sake, and handed it over, "It's a long way to go, a glass of wine, I wish you a safe journey."

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