Due to the drought in the spring and summer this year, several state capitals reported the disaster situation early, and some places even suffered a locust plague in the fall, and even no crops were harvested, and the hungry people scattered everywhere begging for food.

  In order to gain fame, Yuwang donated [-] taels of silver to save the people in addition to the grain and silver for disaster relief in the household department, and won a lot of praise.

  And King Jing's family background was not rich, and he raised a large group of orphans in the army, and Concubine Jing in the palace was unable to help, so he did not show his generosity, and it was dwarfed for a while.

  This time, King Yu is considered to have made a slight comeback! There is no way, King Jing has Mei Changsu's secret blessing.

  He could only think of a way to go the other way! Just at this moment, a major case of robbery and killing a dart team took place in Fuzhou, which alerted the Ministry of Justice to send officers to investigate. In the end, the case was solved, and the stolen property was recovered. A few robbers were caught, and the case was successfully closed! Originally, this matter is not small, but it is not too big.

  Unexpectedly, it was finally found out that what this escort team was protecting was the ritual gift given to King Yu by the prefect of Yuezhou, totaling no less than [-] gold.

  Yuezhou is one of the worst-affected states this year. People have already starved to death while waiting for the relief from the imperial court. The arrested robbers said that they were not angry, so they took the risk of looting their belongings. Go, give it back to the victims! When the news spread, many people's federations in Yuezhou asked for relief from the crime of the robbers, causing a lot of uproar, making King Yu disgraced and disgraced. He repeatedly stated that he did not know about giving gifts, which was also confiscated before. The ceremony at the state capital.

  Although he tried his best to get rid of it, it is difficult to say that some of the court officials will not send gifts to the year of disaster.

  Just because of this scandal, Emperor Liang did not honor the king, but he let him avoid suspicion, and was not allowed to intervene in disaster relief matters, so he reassigned King Jing.

  King Jing and the minister of households, Shen Zhuiyuan, cooperated tacitly and had no sense of restraint between each other. In addition, they were very self-disciplined and very principled people. They killed and evacuated a few unknown wind directions. After the acting state officials, the situation was quickly brought under control.

  Although I dare not say that the errands can be done from top to bottom, but compared to the previous year, when only three points of the ten disaster silver went into the hands of the disaster victims, it is really a sky and an underground.

  Shen Zhui is a doer, and he can't sit still in the capital, so he invites him to visit the disaster-stricken area in person, so as to ensure that there are fewer deaths, no riots, a peaceful winter, and no famine in the spring next year.

  King Jing exchanged letters with him every day, racking his brains to figure out other ways to restore people's livelihood as soon as possible.

  Although King Jing was a little weak in this regard, Mei Changsu had been in the arena for more than ten years and had a good understanding of the people. The Minister of the Ministry of Justice had been investigating on the spot for some time, and he had the same opinion as King Jing. He added a few more points himself, and finally reported it to Emperor Liang in a chapter.

  In previous years, major disasters were prone to riots. It was because the victims had no food or clothing, and secondly, they had nothing to do. After the disaster year, there was no way to arrange the spring ploughing in the next year, so they were desperate, and some small reasons could cause big chaos. It is the most troublesome thing for the court.

Chapter 1000 The way to clean up the seventh brother

  This year, King Jing and Shen Zhui's petitions are mainly aimed at this. Although there are many articles, in summary, the main purpose is to first let the victims eat food, and then according to the actual situation of each state, arrange for the people to manage other side jobs to overcome the famine.

  For example, Weizhou near the water is rich in cattails, which can be woven into bibs, tea sets, straw mats and other fabrics. They are transported to Beijing by officials and are very popular. Similar industries can be discovered in other states for supplementation.

  At the same time, while the weather is still warm for a month or two, the Ministry of Industry of the Imperial Court convened to build roads and bridges, dredging rivers, reclaiming mountains and mining and other projects. Work will continue until next spring.

  Seeds and grains during spring ploughing in disaster-stricken areas are allocated by the government with special funds, and farmers who have no seeds can come and receive them. The tax for the year is completely exempt. If the next year is a good year, the grain-planting fee will be added to the tax and will not be repaid.

  In this way, the disaster victims benefited more than in previous years, but the government’s money for relief was less. Most people had something to do, even if they couldn’t be completely self-sufficient, but it was better than begging for food and starving or sitting and waiting for the government’s reward. Mouth life porridge is good.

  If some local officials have a flexible mind and make appropriate arrangements, the suffering of this disaster year can be alleviated a lot.

  Since this proposal was approved and implemented by Emperor Liang, it has achieved very good results.

  Not only has the situation achieved no major disasters without major chaos, but the national treasury has not suffered major losses because of it.

  King Jing was able to fight, dismount, and the image of being able to rule was further established, Shen Zhui also became more official, and became more and more prestigious in the court. King Yu tried to find him a few times, but in the end he failed.

  Afterwards, the Sitianjian reported that there was red light invading Ziwei in the southeast, and the stars were fading.

  Emperor Liang then decreed that the prince was immoral, and heaven had warned him, so he abolished the prince as king of Xian, and ordered him to move out of Beijing and live in Xianzhou.

  At the same time, two more pearls of King Jing are added, and together with King Yu, they are the Prince of Seven Pearls.

  When this decree was issued by Chaoge Ming, Yu Wang, who had already received the news first, was throwing a tantrum in his study. Basically, everything that could be smashed in the room was finished, even his own favorite pot of cymbidium orchid. Unlike the sharp-edged Concubine Yue Gui, Concubine Jing was like a soft water.

  Whether it is soft or hard, no means will work on her.

  She is not too careless, 2, not suspicious, no, she does not collect money, she does not win people's hearts, and she is meticulous in etiquette.


  If Emperor Liang gave her a reward, she would receive it, and if he didn't, she wouldn't either.

  If the queen treats her kindly, she will be respectful and respectful, and if she is in a difficult situation, she will be happy! In short, it is like a big ball of cotton, which cannot be crushed and rubbed, and it can be punched without any strength. The queen has dealt with it. The more noble concubine has not been so tired of paying her for more than ten years.

  King Yu is now without Qin's weak assistance, and there is another Mei Changsu who has been leading him on a crooked road before.

  The current situation is really difficult! His chest was surging with anger, and he slapped the table with a savage palm, making his palm numb with pain.

  But after just venting, he has calmed down a lot. Although he was so angry that he was stuffy and gasping for breath, he finally gritted his teeth and endured it! "Seventh brother, seventh brother! You are quite capable!"

  Yu Wang smiled playfully.

  I already have a new idea in my heart! King Jing is no longer a thing in the pool, and it is not Mei Changsu alone. I can't repeat the same mistakes and let him sit.

  Moreover, no matter how powerful Mei Changsu is, he is only a strategist after all. The weakness of a strategist is always in his lord. Is it the same as a wild dog adopted by people? When I think of this, King Yu's viciousness is beyond words! I don't know Mei Changsu's weakness, but King Jing's pain is clear.

  Over the past ten years, he has not been favored. The root cause is that he is stupid, can't do bad things, and has made mistakes.

  On the contrary, he has repeatedly made military merits and worked hard, but his father and emperor will not reward him.

  The reason for not rewarding is not the old case that stuck in the hearts of the father and son and no one would give in. The pain of King Jing was indeed the case against King Qi and Chi Yanjun back then."

  I can't count how many times King Jing rebelled against his father for these traitors, but after more than ten years of exile, the father became old and didn't want to care about it. King Jing learned to be good and no longer Hard top, everyone turned the page quietly, just kept it in the heart, no one mentioned it.

  But not mentioning it does not mean forgetting or recovering, as long as you find a good opportunity to find it again: Come on, it is still the deepest rift between them! Pause! This is not a completely bad thing for Li Mobai.

  At least, you can temporarily avoid the poison of Mu Nihuang! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 1001 The north wind blows the white grass

  On this day, the sky was clear, the sun was golden and it seemed to be warm.

  However, the imperial capital Jinling was even more dry and cold, taking a breath of cold air and spitting out a white mist, the feeling of... icy cold seemed to freeze all the internal organs and flow inwards along the nasal cavity.

  The weather is so cold, so people who can't go out naturally all stay at home, enjoying the warm fire and hot wine and food.

  And at this time, the people who have to run around outside are also more hard and lonely because of this.

  Early in the morning, the officers and soldiers of the patrol battalion opened the Sifang City Gate on time at the specified time.

  The first shift of four people at each city gate stands at the positions below the gates on both sides, monitoring the flow of people entering the city gate.

  When the patrol battalion was under the rule of Xie Yu, the military appearance was good, but King Jing managed the army more strictly, and no one dared to neglect, so it became more and more prudent. Although the feet were a little cold and painful after standing for a while, the four people on duty 4 did not walk around. Stomp your feet to keep warm.

  There are not many people in the morning in winter, especially the west city gate leading to the smoky land. Except for a few people who go out, no one has come in.

  When the sun reached three poles, it gradually gained some popularity, and the hawkers who set up stalls next to the city gate to make a living came out one after another, lazily selling to the sparse customers passing by the stall.

  After another half an hour, a group of black shadows faintly appeared on the skyline outside the city, heading towards the city gate.

  "Is that a caravan?"

  A guard stretched his neck and looked at it for a long time: "Such a long line is rare."

  "You newcomer don't know!"

  Next to him is a local veteran who stands

  Then he said, "That's a caravan that transports medicinal materials.

  In addition to two or three states in the west of our Daliang, there are large alpine areas and smoky areas, but the more such places are, the more precious medicinal materials are produced.

  My uncle runs a pharmacy, and he said that the best medicines come from the side, so there are often caravans passing by our west city gate.

  But the day after tomorrow, it will be thirty, and the caravan has just arrived. It's really hard work! As the two of them are talking, the team in the distance has already moved away, and they can gradually see the chariots, horses and people's clothes.

  "Why do I think it's not a caravan?"

  The recruit stared at it for a long time, and finally couldn't help expressing his opinion in a euphemistic manner! "The caravan won't be escorted by officers and soldiers, right?"

  At this time, the old soldier also noticed the difference, hissed twice, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "It's really not a caravan! There is only one car in the middle, it doesn't seem to be transporting medicinal materials, that... It looks like, yes, ah , it's a prison car!"

  When he came to a conclusion in a very positive tone, the other guards also saw it clearly.

  Coming toward the city gate was a team of escorting prisoners.

  However, what was different from usual was that there were at least [-] officers and soldiers in the escort, and there was only one prisoner van being escorted.

  What kind of important prisoner is it that he has to work so hard and escort them into Beijing under high security? Could anyone still dare to intercept the official prisoner car? Under the curious eyes of the guards at the West City Gate, the long procession finally reached the bottom of the city tower.

  Unlike the escorting officers and soldiers in the queue, who seemed to be the officer at the front, he was wearing only ordinary soft clothes.

Chapter 1002 Arrow Rain? Ambush? Slaughter

  This man was riding a gray horse, with a slender and flexible figure, very well-proportioned and straight, although he had a bun on his head, his shoulders were spread out.

  Looking at the appearance on his face, he was very handsome. Although there were some wrinkles, it was difficult to judge his age. His temperament also had a taste of androgyny, and in the tall eyes at the end of his eyes, there was always a cold aura.


  The veterans had already judged who was coming, and they all bowed their heads and bowed in salute.

  The situation of the recruit is unknown, but if he wanted to lead such a large escort team, the man was a high-ranking official, and he hurriedly saluted.

  In the middle of the team is the prison cart. Although the size and style are basically the same as ordinary prison carts, upon closer inspection, the cages of this cart are actually made of wrought iron. Welded to death.

  In the car, the prisoner was curled up in the corner, chained with heavy chains, and his face was covered with black messy hair. He couldn't see his face at all. From the way he was sitting and the blood soaked on the bandage, it could be seen that his left thigh was He also suffered serious trauma, and I don't know if he had fought with officers and soldiers when he was arrested.

  The city walls of Jinling are very thick, and the gate tower is naturally very long, but after the man who led his horse slowly walked into the shadow of the gate tower, he restrained the horse and stopped.

  The soldiers of the patrol battalion guarding the city did not dare to ask what was wrong, and could only stare at him blankly.

  After a while, the man laughed coldly and suddenly raised his voice: "We are about to enter the city, and we will have no chance when we enter the capital. Do you want to try again?"

  This sentence flew through the air, and people were confused when they heard it.

  However, there was not much time left for the guards to be confused. There was only a moment of silence, and the murderous aura instantly flourished. From the woods on the west side of the city gate, about [-] famous and sturdy men rushed out, all armed with long knives, and attacked directly. The convoy is coming.

  At the same time, the small vendors on the main road of the main gate of the city also neatly pulled out swords and weapons from the shadows and quickly formed a formation. Three or four of them were the main attacker, while the rest detoured and cut between the leading man and the prisoner team behind. Suddenly, it seems that he intends to hold him first! Immediately, the man's pupils shrank slightly, and when he raised the blade in his hand, it turned out to be a hugely curved Hu Dao. Imminent! No matter what the angle of the person rushing towards him, the sharp edge will hit him, and he has to stop and protect himself.

  Only one of the people in the red shirt seemed to be unaware, his figure remained unchanged, but when he approached, he suddenly swayed and appeared in another direction in the blink of an eye.

  The lead man "Huh"

  One, it was extremely unexpected, his face was condensed, he didn't dare to be careless, the sword's stance was changed, and the response was very fast, and he had already fought several tricks with the comer.

  One of the other people who attacked the leading man at the same time as the red-shirted man seemed to be the commander of the attack. Seeing that the red-shirted man had successfully dragged the leading man, he immediately whistled a few times and led the attack. All the people who were killed in the city rushed to the prison car, and together with their companions outside the city, they flanked the guards.

  Although the number of [-] officers and soldiers escorting the prison cart was large, they were only ordinary soldiers, and the combat power was not balanced with those who were clearly armed with martial arts. The others were separated by several dashes, and they didn't show the advantage of the crowd. Not long after, two prisoners rushed to the side of the car. Unfortunately, the cage was too strong. Without opening the cage, the only option is to try to escape in a full vehicle.

  I don't know if it was because someone came to save him or something else. The prisoners in the prison car were very excited, trying to drag the heavy shackles on their bodies and shaking the iron bars of the prison cage. It was as if someone had gagged his mouth! Because of his unusually excited appearance, the prisoner commander moved in his heart, suddenly realized something, and immediately shouted: "Evacuate! All evacuate!"

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