"Why? It's so good, why are you angry?" Li Mobai was very puzzled.

  "Why do you say? You are. I went to your uncle's house for dinner today, and your uncle talked about you again. He said that you are not good at studying, and you won't be able to go to university anyway. I suggest you find a better factory job, and now you can be a Skilled workers are also very popular. Then I replied with two sentences. Your mother is angry with me!" Li Mingwu furtively took out a chimney.

  Li Mobai: "Just because of this? Not so much. You are both old and married!"

  "Yeah. I think so too. You said that you don't protect your son when you are a mother. Let me say something, she is not happy anymore!" Li Mingwu took the opportunity to complain.

  In the past, my grades were poor, and I was used by relatives and friends as negative teaching materials. Although I was upset, I could only swallow it up.But it's different now.After all, we can be considered systematic men.In the novel, after the protagonist has a system, the aura of tyrants leaks, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.How come I'm like a gas worm?Can anyone come up and step on both feet?Can't stand it!

  "Dad, don't worry, in the final exam before the Chinese New Year, I will definitely show my hand and win glory for your face!" Li Mobai promised confidently.

  Li Mingwu: "Okay. I can rest assured that I have a son. Waiting for your good news. Dad has no hope in this life anyway. Whether you can honor your ancestors and honor your ancestors depends on whether you can live up to your expectations!"

  The father and son were murmuring, but Dai Qinqin, who was sulking in bed, was mad.These two heartless things, is the old lady still lying here?Don't know to take a soft?It hurts...

Chapter 36

  Dai Qinqin was very annoyed that Li Mobai and his father ignored their mother, and was thinking about how to find the father and son to settle accounts.Suddenly, Li Mobai's round face appeared in front of Dai Qinqin. Good guy, Dai Qinqin was startled!

  "Mom. Are you hungry?" Li Mobai said with a wicked smile.

  "Hmph. You still have your mother in your eyes? You can live with your father in the future!" Dai Qinqin said angrily.

  Li Mobai: "No way. I'm a piece of meat that fell from my mother. I have an idea. If I can get into the top five in the class this final exam, will you give me a reward?"

  Although still angry.However, when it comes to grades, all the unpleasant things are forgotten!

  "Okay, as long as it's a reward that doesn't affect learning, I'll agree to it!" Dai Qinqin said cheerfully with a carp.

  Top five in the class.This is something I never imagined before.Li Mobai's best result in his life was the top [-] in the class!

  Li Mingwu on the side also nodded.It means no problem!

  "That's alright, it's getting late, you should rest early!" Li Mobai patted his buttocks and went back.Only then did Dai Qinqin react, right?Should I not be angry?It's over, it's over.

  For Li Mobai, Mei Changsu was his favorite character on the Langya List.But compared with other people's unicorn talents, my brain is probably very different...

  After entering the system, Li Mobai's first reaction was to get up and look for a mirror.See if you are Mei Changsu!However, as soon as he got out of bed, he knew it wasn't!

  This Mei Changsu was suffering from the poison of fire and cold.Very weak.But my body is full of vitality and very healthy!

  The antique room has no mirror.Only bronze mirrors.This made Li Mobai very uncomfortable.

  "Little Marquis. The servants will wait for you to get up!" He was looking around curiously.Two young and beautiful maids came in.

  Li Mobai: "...!"

  Wow.Really beautiful.These two girls are the kind of young and beautiful little beauties.Although it is still a flower bone, it has not fully bloomed.But for Li Mobai, whether it's Lolita or Sister Yu, whoever comes is welcome.

  "Who am I?" Li Mobai said with a smile.

  The two girls didn't seem to be too afraid of him, they covered their mouths and said with a chuckle, "You are the little prince!"

  Little Lord?Li Mobai began to ponder in his mind, which character is Xiaohou Ye?Marquis of Ningguo or Marquis of Yan?

  "Where's my father?" Li Mobai pretended to be calm.

  "Master Hou has been out of the palace to seek immortals and worship Buddha for several months. Has Master Hou forgotten?" the little maid asked in surprise.

  "Of course I didn't forget it. Oh, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that my father came back. Mmmm!" Li Mobai had an idea and passed the scene.He already knew who he was.Yan Yujin.Ranked tenth on the Langya Young Master List.He is funny and fun, free and uninhibited, but he is not as absurd in reality. He was evaluated in the original work, and there is a man of great wisdom and wisdom in his laughter.In the TV series, he is usually playful and naughty, loves to joke, can be called everyone's "happiness", and loves to make friends. People, willing to stand up without hesitation to defend the family and the country.The son of Lianghou Yanque, Xiao Jingrui's best friend, and a long-term friend of King Ji.

  Although this identity does not have much performance in the TV series, it is not bad.

  In the costume drama, the most attractive thing is the labor of each character in it!It is said that Yujin is a disciple of Qianmen. Qianmen martial arts has always been known for his movement skills. It has extremely high requirements on the aptitude of his disciples. It doesn't matter whether he is hardworking or not, which is exactly the right temperament of Li Mobai.

  After playing a few sets of boxing in the yard, I saw that his clothes were fluttering all over the table, and the bottom of his fan was breezy. It was impossible to tell whether his lethality was amazing, but his handsomeness and unrestrainedness were indeed top-notch.

  The two little maids looked crazy, which greatly satisfied Li Mobai's vanity.If I had known that I had such a high status in the costume drama, I would have come yesterday.

Chapter 37 The Ivory Fan with Li Bai's Inscription

  Yan Yujin.This is Li Mobai's identity on the Langya List.

  Bearing the name of Xiaohou Ye, Li Mobai began to fantasize about his happy life.What's the matter, let's find a beautiful girl to discuss the ultimate meaning of life.

  "Little Marquis. Jade pendant!" the maid reminded.

  Bring Li Mobai!

  "Little Marquis, sachet!" The maid reminded again.

  Bring Li Mobai again!

  "Little Marquis, the jade hairpin!" The maid never tires of it!

  Li Mobai has already expressed his collapse.What the hell.There is no end.Can't we do it all at once?Wearing clothes is so troublesome, I miss the era when a pair of jeans and a shirt were enough.

  "Is there anything else?" Li Mobai felt that he was a puppet who could be dressed up by anyone.The maids kept decorating themselves with all kinds of flashy gadgets.As I walked, the bells clacked.

  "Your folding fan!" a waitress said with a beautiful folding fan in both hands.

  Li Mobai used to play with the fan when he was a child.Later, there were electric fans and air conditioners, and fans basically disappeared from ordinary people's homes.Only a few arty people would dangle them around without authorization.For example, the well-known critic, Mr. Short and Tight!

  "This fan feels good. What material is it made of?" Li Mobai said subconsciously.

  Although the maid beside her was surprised, after the little Marquis fell asleep, she felt that she suddenly became ignorant.But if the master asks questions, naturally, he has to know everything and answer them.

  "If you go back to Little Marquis, this is your favorite jadeite ivory fan. Because it has an inscription from the great Tang Dynasty poet Li Taibai!" the little maid said obediently.

  "Ah! I'm going! What the hell!" Li Mobai had a good time playing with a fan.Hearing this, the frightened hands loosened, and the fan fell to the ground.Painfully stomped.

  Li Taibai's inscription.If this Nima was put up for auction, wouldn't it be worth a fortune.It seems that there are not many authentic works left by Li Taibai.

  "Little Marquis, what's wrong with you!" The maids hurriedly picked up the folding fans and said in fear.

  "It's okay, it's okay! I just didn't wake up, I'm a little confused." Li Mobai took the folding fan and held it tightly.This Nima is priceless.If I take it to the real world to auction.Omg.The houses in Yanjing and Zhonghai are probably bought casually.

  The maids felt that little Hou Ye seemed to be a little wrong.Could it be that he drank too much online yesterday and hasn't woken up yet?

  "I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Li Mobai held the jade ivory fan with Li Bai's inscription, his mood was indescribable!As far as our treatment is concerned, it is estimated that Ma Yun's father can't match it?Does he have such a precious emerald ivory fan?No!But I have it!

  "What did I do yesterday? Why does this forehead hurt so much?" Li Mobai said to the people around him.

  Maid: "Little Marquis and Ningguo Marquis drank and had fun last night before returning to the mansion. Usually, Little Marquis sleeps until noon before getting up? What's the matter today!"

  Although the royal family has strict etiquette.grades are distinct.There is a difference between superior and inferior.But the old man was not at home.And the little Marquis said Yujin is a free and easy child.Not harsh on the people below.Especially like to play with the young and beautiful maids.Therefore, these girls are not afraid of him.On the contrary, they would make jokes with them and make fun of each other, which is very harmonious.

Chapter 38

  This said Yujin has a very good friend on the Langya list.Xiao Jingrui with dual identities!He is not only the eldest son of the Ningguo Hou family, but also the second young master of the Zhuo family.The Xie Zhuo family, who had never had contact with each other, became like relatives and had a close relationship.

  As a bystander, Li Mobai was very sympathetic to Xiao Jingrui.Because it is a superficial beauty, in fact, it is carrying too much pressure.The Xie family emphasizes the text, the Zhuo family emphasizes the martial arts, Xie Yu wants his son to master the magic of the generals, and Zhuo Dingfeng asks his son to be familiar with the rivers and lakes.Although he was under great pressure, Xiao Jingrui finally lived up to expectations and performed extremely well. Yan Yujin said, "It's enough to be perfect like this..."

  Unfortunately, with the exposure of Xie Yu's conspiracy, Xiao Jingrui eventually became a victim.But in any case, at least the current Xiao Jingrui is infinitely beautiful!Ranked second on the Langya Young Master List.Compared with Yan Yujin, the unsatisfactory playboy, he is far ahead by a long way!

  The first task for Li Mobai in the Langya List was to be a C-rank character!And this C-level task turned out to require Li Mobai to remain a virgin before completing the first S-level task...

  If this task cannot be completed, close the film and television drama extraction system directly.can never enter again.

  Li Mobai: "...!"

  Li Mobai, who fantasized about being able to hug Loli to the fullest, was stunned.How could there be such a bizarre mission?How does this get me done?

  After careful study, Li Mobai realized that this was a commitment-type task.As long as he can ensure that he remains a virgin, the task is complete.You can get rewards in advance and go to the next stage.But on the contrary, if he violates this promise later, he will be punished!will strip all acquired skills.At the same time, the extraction system will be shut down forever.He doesn't expect to use this system to achieve a counterattack.

  It's simply interlocking.Really clever.

  Originally, he hoped to use his identity as a young marquis to pass through the flowers, and the leaves would not touch his body.It seems impossible now!What a pity in life!

  Although attractive.But Li Mobai warned himself that as a human being, you must never give up your future because of temporary happiness!have to endure.Eighteen-year senior bachelor.We haven't seen any big scenes.Don't care about this moment.Maybe in a few days, we will be able to complete the S-rank mission.

  After confirming that you can do it, the system prompts you to complete the task, and you will be rewarded with a lottery and [-] experience points.

  Compared with Xiao Huanxi, the tasks in this Langya Ranking list have very high experience points.It is twice as much as the former.However, this extraction system requires [-] experience points to upgrade from level [-] to level [-].Enough for Li Mobai to be busy.

  The C-level skill that was drawn was Yan Yujin's archery.This skill seems to be very useless.In real time, there is no archery in war for a long time.We all use aircraft and tank missiles.Who still shoots arrows?I'm not going to the Olympics!

  The new task is to send Xia Dong to Binzhou to investigate a B-level task.Give away top-quality soft armor!

  This mindless task made Li Mobai a little confused.Is the system brain flooded?Is giving gifts to people a B-level task?On this level of difficulty, I should be S-rank to keep my virginity.Isn't this nonsense?

Chapter 39 Sending Soft Armor to Xia Dong

  Li Mobai is going to send soft armor to Xia Dong.

  It never occurred to me that giving gifts to people is actually a task.And it's not too difficult.

  Co-authoring it turned out to be so worthless to keep yourself virgin!Chill!

  I thought that the breakfast in this Hou Mansion should be very exquisite.But after eating, Li Mobai felt that it was nothing more than that.It's just a bowl of rice porridge with rich ingredients, similar to the kind of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, plus a few dishes of delicate side dishes!The others are gone!

  It's nothing like what he eats at home!The imaginary brocade clothing and jade food, this brocade clothing is available.But this thing is uncomfortable to wear.Very cumbersome.messy stuff.It's like a cornucopia.Although beautiful, it is not practical.Li Mobai somewhat misses the easy and neat dress up in reality.

  The software given to Xia Dong is definitely not acceptable.Must be top quality.They are the high officials of the Xuanjing Division!The general stuff is definitely not eye-catching.Li Mobai thought about it and remembered that Yan Hou seemed to have an ancestral golden silk soft armor.A good thing for sure.Take it out and be a good friend.

  For Yan Hou, Li Mobai doesn't have much father-son affection for him.Picking up the ancestral treasure armor has no guilt at all.

  "Little Marquis, this soft armor is the treasure of the house of the Marquis. It is enshrined in the ancestral hall and shared with the ancestors and ancestors. It will bless our family with wealth and good luck. The old Marquis will not use it easily!" The officials of Hou Mansion jumped out to block the road.

  Li Mobai: "...!"

  "My father is not here, I have the final say in the Hou residence. Is it possible that I need your consent to use the soft armor?" Li Mobai scolded the old housekeeper.

  This old housekeeper is the old man of Hou Mansion.Watching Yan Yujin grow up.I understand the temper of this little master very well.Although he is laughing and laughing on weekdays, he looks very unreasonable.But once the decision is made, the nine cows can't pull it back.Right now, the old marquis is not in the mansion. In this mansion, he naturally has the final say.

  "The old slave doesn't dare, but, I just hope that the little master can cherish it. But don't buy wine and drink it. Otherwise, the old master will not be able to spare the old slave when he comes back!" The old butler said with a sad face.

  "What are you talking about? My lord, am I the kind of playboy who doesn't know anything? How can I buy wine as an ancestral treasure? Really, do I look like a prodigal?" Li Mobai While stroking the soft armor, he shook his head.

  In this era, when forging technology is backward, such a piece of gold wire soft armor is really valuable.Putting it on is no different from putting on a body armor!

  "I'm relieved to say that, little master. What's the use of this soft armor, little master? Or should the old slave send a few masters to protect the master?" The old butler said diligently.

  Li Mobai: "No, I'm not wearing it anyway. I'll take it as a gift!"

  "Oh. It's a gift. That's not right. Little Marquis, this is an ancestral treasure, how can you give it away? Yanhou knows that he has to get angry!" When the old housekeeper came back to his senses, Li Mobai He has already mounted a high-headed horse and left the house with soft armor.

  He had to deliver the soft armor to Xia Dong before he went to Binzhou.After leaving Jinling City, I rode a horse and finally saw two beautiful girls on a hillside!

  Xia Dong, the monarch of Nihuang.The two heroines of female middle school are here!

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