"Okay, okay! Don't be noisy, Wen Jie, you and your parents are waiting outside.

  I'll have a good chat with her!"

  Fang Yuan is a man after all, old fox! He persuaded his wife and parents to go out, and then said to the financial manager: "I, I'm discussing with you now, I don't want all the interest, just return the principal of my parents. !On this point request.

  If we don't give it, we'll have to turn our backs on it.

  I can tell you.

  There is someone above me, and the deputy head of the district we are going to is my iron buddy.

  Don't force me to find my buddies! By then, everyone's faces will be ugly!"

  As soon as he heard that Fangyuan had an official background, the arrogant financial manager's face changed slightly! "Let me ask the leaders for instructions!"

  The wealth manager hesitated for a moment and went out to consult her superiors.

  In the end, after some very heart-wrenching negotiations, the wealth management company said that it would return the principal of one book as appropriate! The remaining principal will be returned in five months! Tong Wenjie said that at least [-]% should be paid first, and the remaining four months. Return it! Otherwise, call the police and find a relationship to deal with it.

  In the end, they got back more than half a million.

  The company promised to return [-] yuan per month for the remaining four months.

  Although this result is not satisfactory.

  But the money is in the hands of others, and there is no way.

  It's good to get back six achievements first! I hope this company can survive four 44 months! After leaving the wealth management company, the old couple is still thinking about it.

  They feel that such a big company.

  What could be wrong.

  It's just unfounded worry! If you have to mess around, this is good, and the high monthly interest is gone.

  There are still nearly [-] in four months to get it back! There is no interest during this time! What a loss.


  Mom, can you listen to your son? Let me tell you, there must be something wrong with this wealth management company! Really, you believe me! Wen Jie, look, in their office environment, they still have so many wealth management managers. , How high are the rent, utilities, and labor costs?

  And they also pay such high interest! Where did they get so much money, they must be tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.”

  Although Fang Yuan looked silly, he was also a great talent back then.

  Your brain is working! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 215 Li Meng is not very happy (please subscribe for flowers)

  In order to prevent my parents from being deceived again, Fang Yuan forcibly confiscated the bank card.

  Grandparents are not happy though.

  But this is the son.

  What can be done.

  Anyway, the property is left to him.

  Just take it! After sending the old couple home, the two of them rushed back to work! On the way, Fang Yuan sighed bitterly, calling it a fluke.

  Fangyuan: "Thanks to my son for reminding me that this company is really unreliable!"

  "I'm afraid of what you said! We still have [-] to [-] yuan, what should we do?"

  Tong Wenjie's nervous palms were sweating.

  "What can we do! Wait! Let's pay back all the money our parents borrowed first! It's also our fault, it's better to care more about the old couple."

  Fang Yuan felt a little self-blame! Tong Wenjie reached out and hugged him tenderly, so he didn't blame himself! In the school, Li Mobai was tested by the iron stick yam joint teachers.

  I want to see what his real level is.

  I thought that Li Mobai would make a fool of himself, so he went out of his way.

  But she was destined to be beaten in the face.

  Li Mobai behaved calmly and responded calmly.

  It attracted the admiration of all the teachers! "Very good! Very good.

  As long as you have such a good attitude to study, it will not be a problem to get into a famous university!"

  The English teacher was satisfied! Li Mobai hurriedly and respectfully stood up to salute the teacher.

  This is the teacher's affirmation for you! In fact, although Li Mobai's grades are a little worse, most teachers don't hate it.


  Because he is sunny and candid.

  There are not many children like this! Li Meng is in a complicated mood! She doesn't know whether she should be happy or not.

  A student who was lagging behind suddenly became a top student.

  This is logically a good thing.

  But the problem is, this guy seems to be doing this on purpose.

  It is clear that he sincerely wants to blackmail himself for a meal.

  Since my grades are so good, why did I hide my clumsiness before? Is it intentional to make me look ugly? "Come here!"

  Li Meng called Li Mobai over with a dark face.

  Li Mo walked up to Li Meng in a daze.

  The beautiful teacher clenched her fists tightly, her chest heaving rapidly.

  Obviously this is not in a good mood.

  It is understandable to think about it.

  Such a student, probably a teacher, will not be in a good mood! There are more tricks and routines than adults, isn't this annoying?

  "Don't think that you can be proud and indulge if you improve your grades this time.

  , you have to keep working hard for me, you know?"

  Li Meng said fiercely.

  Li Mobai said in a low voice, "Yes! Yes, I know, teacher, so what, you can't forget what you promised me.

  I'll find a good place and send you the address!"

  Li Meng: "!"

  "Get out!"

  The iron stick yam is extremely depressed.

  As soon as Li Mobai left, the other teachers in the office immediately.

  He couldn't help but said, "Mr. Li.

  Are you being too strict.

  Students have made progress, we still have to give appropriate encouragement.

  Otherwise, it will dampen the enthusiasm of the students!"

  Li Meng nodded irritably! If it were any student, even Ji Yangyang, she would not have such a tone.

  No matter what, it's Li Mobai, this nasty bastard! Cunning and treacherous, like a fox.

  Here, Li Mobai just returned to the classroom on the front foot, and Li Meng on the back foot announced the test results! There is no doubt that Li Mobai, the big dark horse, made the whole class take a breath! My dear, do you want to be so cruel?

  A person who has been hovering around the bottom for many years has become the top five in the class. Can this matter be any more bloody? Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao looked at each other, wondering if they were dreaming.

  Ji Yangyang is very angry! Very unhappy.

  Saying that everyone will win the last two places in the class together.

  However, you quietly rushed to the top five, and you still have my brother in your eyes. Is it too much! Lin Leier was so excited that she couldn't wait to take a photo of the ranking list, and then sent it to Fang Yuan and Tong Wenjie.

  "Aunt, uncle, my brother has made great progress, this time he is fifth in the exam!"

  When the couple saw the WeChat message, their expressions were extremely shocked.

  "Oh my God, Fanfan is fifth and Lei'er is first, am I confused?"

  Tong Wenjie, who was originally ignorant, was extremely surprised.

  Fangyuan checked the car very well and confirmed it with wide eyes.

  "Really, did this kid cheat and copy Lei'er's test paper when he took the test!"

  Fang Yuan ranted.

  Tong Wenjie: "!"

  "No, how do you talk, can we be a little more confident in our children! It's really annoying.

  ! "

  Although Tong Wenjie scolded her son very hard, she still felt very distressed in her heart.

  After all, it's a piece of flesh that fell from her body! Li Mobai has achieved good results, she can't be more excited! Even Fang Yuan can't speak ill! Fang Yuan: "Of course it's good to have progress, and I'm also happy.

  But character is also very important.

  It’s not good to practice favoritism and cheat because of the pursuit of performance rankings!”

  The three views of this couple are indeed honest and nothing to say!

Chapter 216 Good to be unbelievable (please subscribe to flowers)

  Li Mobai became famous in one test.

  Gained a lot of fans! Especially the first place Lin Leier is his loyal little follower, this is very interesting! Because the second place and the third place are Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi.

  It can be said that the top students in the class have a good relationship with him.

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