Extraordinary coach

Chapter 1 Mourinho's Assistant

December 15, 2015, Walker Stadium.

"Leicester City, well done!" The home team fans shouted enthusiastically, their voices filled with joy.

"SHIT! SHIT! Did you have your eyes open? We should have been given a penalty for this ball. Instead of judging Hazard for diving!"

"SHIT! Bald guy, did you get the money?" Mourinho excitedly made a money-counting gesture to the referee, his face full of anger.

"Shut up, you can leave now!" The bald referee on duty showed Mourinho a red card and pointed at the stands.

"Send Q!"

"Shut up, leave quickly."

Seeing the bald referee's cold appearance, Mourinho almost rushed up to pinch his opponent, but was stopped by the assistant next to him. After being persuaded by the assistant and the substitute players, Mourinho could only turn around and leave with a sullen face.

"SHIT!" Mourinho pulled his tie as he left the sidelines. "Where's Sun? Where is he?"

"Sun seems to have left a USB drive behind, and he went back to the locker room. It's strange that it's been more than ten minutes, why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Damn it, tell him to come find me."

"Okay. I'll go right away."


At the same time, in the away locker room, Sun Yi, with a thin face and sparse chin, was lying on the ground. His hand was pressing on a pool of liquid, and there was a bottle of drink and a laptop next to him.

First, Sun Yi's fingers moved a few times, and then the whole person moved.

"Ah!" Sun Yi groaned and climbed up with difficulty. After getting up, the whole person swayed from side to side, and was a little unstable.

"Oh my god, my soul is about to be sucked out." Sun Yi stroked his forehead with his hand, looking very uncomfortable.

"Hey, why is it so dark? Sun, are you there?" At this time, the door of the locker room was opened, and a Chelsea staff member walked in shouting loudly. When he saw Sun Yi in pain, he asked, "Sun, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I almost went to see God. Hey, he didn't take me, probably because I didn't believe in him." Sun Yi said while rubbing his temple.

"What's wrong with you? And why is it so dark here?" the staff member said nervously.

"It's probably a short circuit. I just accidentally fell and got electrocuted. Phew~ I almost got taken away by God." Sun Yi explained with a still uncomfortable look. That's why he was lying on the ground.

"Oh my God. Electric shock? Then you should go to the hospital quickly." The staff member exclaimed when he heard it.

"No need. I think I should be fine now. Just let me take it easy." Sun Yi waved his hand to refuse.

"OK! Okay then. By the way, I almost forgot. The boss was punished to go to the stands. He asked me to come find you. Go quickly. He looks very irritated now." The staff member then thought of his task.

"Okay. I'll go right away." Sun Yi replied.

"Then hurry up. I'll go first. Yes, I have to ask the stadium staff to fix the circuit."


After the staff left, Sun Yi rubbed his temples again, then took a bottle of water and unscrewed it and drank a few sips. He stood up after feeling that his headache was easing.

Sun Yi saw the laptop on the ground, bent down to check it, pressed it a few times and found no response, and pressed the power button again and still no response. "Damn. It broke at the critical moment. I hope the hard drive inside doesn't burn out. Alas, people are cheap when they leave their hometown. Even God doesn't bless me."

He, named Sun Yi, was born in 1983 and is from southern China. He is currently a technical analyst for Chelsea and Mourinho's assistant, commonly known as a handyman.

This obviously broken laptop is his main work tool. Now it broke down because of an accident, which made him a little annoyed.

"What a bad luck I have today!" First, he left a USB flash drive with data, but he accidentally fell when he came back to get it. When he fell, he knocked over a bottle of drink and was electrocuted. After finally waking up, he found that he was fine, but his work computer was broken. This series of bad luck was unmatched.

Sun Yi shook his head and prepared to leave. He found that there were still water stains on the ground, so he took a mop or something to wipe it dry before leaving.

Sun Yi hurried out of the passage, and the first thing he heard was the excited cheers of the home fans. No need to guess, this must be a big disadvantage for his team. Looking up at the big screen, 2:0, the situation is really not good.

Turning around and looking for it, he soon saw his boss in the stands with an anxious look on his face. So Sun Yi immediately climbed up the stands and came to Mourinho's side.


Mourinho just glanced at Sun Yi and turned his head to stare at the field, and said quickly: "Go find some pens and paper for me. Then stay next to Clark and pay attention to my instructions at any time."

"Okay." Sun Yi nodded. He immediately did what Mourinho said.

Mourinho was definitely anxious. If you are sent to the stands, you cannot continue to command the team. If you are found out, you will be punished. He had a history of secretly communicating and commanding during the suspension period when he coached Chelsea last time. There was no means of communication in this urgent situation, so this is the only way to do it.

After Sun Yi finished dealing with Mourinho, he returned to the bench. The boss was sent to the stands, so only assistant coach Clark could act as the commander temporarily. Clark was also very anxious at this time, and didn't care why Sun Yi had been away for so long and came back just now.

No one paid attention, so Sun Yi started to pay attention to the game on the field.

It would have been fine if he hadn't paid attention to it. Once he paid attention to it, Sun Yi felt a throbbing pain in his head, and it was very uncomfortable, as if his soul was being sucked away again.

"Oh my god, it hurts again... Wait, what the hell is this?" Sun Yi thought that the sequelae of the previous electric shock came again. But he was suddenly stunned, and even forgot that his head was still a little uncomfortable.

In Sun Yi's vision, a transparent interface similar to the FIFA game suddenly appeared: a human figure and a question mark appeared in the middle, and a line of words "Database damaged, incomplete functions, insufficient data, collecting..."

As the collection progress bar continued to move forward, the human figure gradually became clear, and finally generated a 3D model and some data.

Collection completed!

Observer: Oscar,

Position: Frontal Midfielder,

Integration ability: A,

Status: Poor (gray).

...Other situations, incomplete functions, insufficient data. Please collect more data.

"Uh~this~this is..." Sun Yi was somewhat familiar with this picture. It was very similar to the "FIFA" game he played on his laptop last night when he was bored. It's just that 70% to 80% of the things are missing, but the interface is quite similar. And there is a WIFI-like label in the upper right corner, but it's very dim.

Sun Yi closed his eyes and rubbed them a few times, then opened them and looked at Oscar on the court, and the same interface appeared. He couldn't help but get excited, and the whole person was enveloped by ecstasy.

Oh my God! Did I get the legendary golden finger that only exists in novels?

It turns out that I am the protagonist! No wonder I am so handsome!

Sun Yi's mood suddenly became excited, but he was a little worried that it was just his own illusion. So he quickly turned his attention to other people and observed them carefully.


Observation completed. Observer: Costa, comprehensive ability A+...


Observation completed. Observer: Ramirez, comprehensive ability A...

"Oh my god. This is true. I really got the golden finger. Haha..." Sun Yi observed several Chelsea players in a row. These people are the objects of his daily technical analysis. After matching them one by one, most of them match. This time, he was completely excited. I couldn't help laughing.

Sun Yi quickly covered his mouth to stop laughing. He nervously looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he felt relieved. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and he could only try his best to control himself and not let himself laugh too obviously.

After all, the team is in a difficult situation now. If others see him laughing, it will cause big trouble.

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