Extraordinary coach

Chapter 124 This little girl is so cute!

"Juanjuan, hurry up, we can't arrive too late. People will say that we are trying to be a big name."

As soon as the taxi arrived, Sister Liu hurriedly drove the little girl Juanjuan out of the car.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sun. We have something urgent to leave first."

Sister Liu picked up the bags, pulled Juanjuan along with her, and trotted away towards the Tuileries Garden.

The little girl Juanjuan turned her head and waved as she walked.

"Brother Sun, goodbye."


"Huh~" Sun Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as he watched the two people disappear from the doorway.

This road is really terrible! That Sister Liu kept asking questions like a police officer interrogating a suspect. It can be said that we only have to ask the eighteenth generation of Sun Yi’s ancestors.

This middle-aged woman! It's really scary!

Sun Yi suddenly thought that he was lucky that he had not promised Mathilde to introduce her teacher before.

Sun Yi shook his head and saw the driver staring at him, so he quickly asked in French: "I'm sorry. Mr. Driver, how much does it cost?"

"Are you Sun? Sun, the head coach of the Nice team?" The driver asked instead without answering.

"Well, yes. That's me." Sun Yi nodded unexpectedly.

It seems that I am somewhat famous now. Even the taxi driver knows me.

"Oh, my God! That's great. It's really you. Can you sign your name for me?" The driver looked very happy and quickly found a notebook and pen.

"Of course, no problem." Sun Yi agreed with a smile. Not only was the name signed in Chinese, but also in Pinyin. And he even thoughtfully took a photo with the driver.

After finishing it, Sun Yi asked how much the fare was. The driver actually said generously that he would not accept it. Sun Yi didn't allow him to do this. After insisting, he still resolutely paid the fare.

After saying goodbye to the driver, Sun Yi looked at the time.

"I'm going, I'm almost late."

Sun Yi hurried to the reception desk at the door and handed the invitation letter to the receptionist.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Sun. This way please, it's about to start inside."

The receptionist took a look at the invitation and then led Sun Yi in.

"Mr. Sun, your seat is over here. It is next to Miss Song Zuer, who is also from China."

The receptionist said as he led the way.

"Song Zuer?" Sun Yi was very unfamiliar with this name. Not the slightest impression.

It turned out to be someone he didn't know, so Sun Yi didn't think much about it.

Unexpectedly, when Sun Yi was led to the location, he found that sitting next to him was Juan Juan whom he had just met.

"Hey, Juanjuan."

"Ah! Brother Sun, it's you!"

Juanjuan was obviously surprised and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother Sun, are you here to watch the fashion show too?"

Sun Yi felt very good when he saw an acquaintance sitting next to him and she was a pretty girl. "Yeah. Haha, I didn't expect that we were participating in the same event. It seems that we are quite destined."

"Yes. I really didn't expect that not only did we participate in the same event, but we also came here in the same car. It's really a fate." The little girl Juanjuan smiled happily.

And the way she smiles is really interesting. Sun Yi couldn't help but be stunned. He soon realized that he couldn't stare at the little girl like that, so he asked, "Where's Sister Liu? Why don't you see her?"

"Sister Liu. She is over there." Juanjuan pointed to a place outside the show and said.

"Oh." Sun Yi looked along and was blocked by the people around him, unable to see Sister Liu at all.

"Brother Sun, I heard that there was a fashion show with Chinese elements today. Do you usually like to watch fashion shows?"

"This is my first time watching a catwalk show. If the friend who invited me hadn't said it had Chinese elements, I wouldn't have come."

"Oh, me too……."

After the two chatted for a few words, the show began.

Pairs of long legs began to appear in front of Sun Yi's eyes. Dazzling.

This was his first time watching supermodels catwalk at such a close distance. Those long legs really had a big impact on him.

And these also had a great impact on Juanjuan next to him. Sun Yi noticed that when she looked at those supermodels, her face was full of envy.

This little look is so cute!

The little girl Juanjuan was watching and commenting on the design of the clothes with Sun Yi. Sun Yi looked at her while following the comments.

I don't know why, but Sun Yi thinks those long legs are not more attractive than Juanjuan's cute look.

In this way, a catwalk show that Sun Yi had little interest in ended unknowingly.

As the catwalk ended, Sun Yi felt that time passed too fast.

"Hey, these model sisters have such good figures. Especially those long legs, I'm so jealous of them." Juanjuan still seemed to be interested in what she was doing. His eyes were fixed on the thighs of those models.

"Yeah, not bad."

"Brother Sun, do you men like this kind of long legs the most?"

"Hmm~ Not bad." Sun Yi glanced at the models and nodded noncommittally.

"Brother Sun, what do you think of that model? She's very pretty, isn't she? She's blond and has a great figure." Juanjuan took Sun Yi's arm and pointed at a model and said.

"Yeah. Not bad."

The catwalk is over, but things are not. Later, the host invited the guests to come on stage to take photos and communicate with today's designers.

After all the steps were completed, Sun Yi finally completed the task of cheering today.

After adding each other on WeChat, he said goodbye. He didn't go back with Juanjuan because they had other things to do.

"Next time you come to France, remember to come find me. I will definitely do my best to be a good host. Goodbye."

"Okay. Goodbye, Brother Sun."

After Sun Yi left, Sister Liu took Juanjuan and said, "Juanjuan, do you have his contact information?"


"That's good. I didn't expect it. He seems to be quite famous in France. From the looks of him just now, he was treated like a heavyweight guest."

"Yes. But Brother Sun is a football player. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the fashion industry, right?"

"I don't know. But I know that from the looks of him today, he must be quite famous in France. This is a resource."

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Let's go. We have to finish our work early and rush back to China to shoot a TV series."

"Okay. Juanjuan, let's go now..."

When walking out of the Tuileries Garden, Sun Yi couldn't help but look back. I want to take another look at that lovely girl.

"Sun Yi, let's go. Don't think too much. She's just a little girl. She's only in her teens, too young! Don't harm her!"

After returning to the hotel, Sun Yi did not take the initiative to contact the girl. The age gap seemed a bit big to him, so he didn't want to do anything unnecessary.

He was originally planning to fly back to China the next day, but for some reason, he suddenly wanted to visit the city of Paris.

After playing for one more day, he decided to return to China.

When he got on the plane and entered the business class, he actually saw the girl who he thought might be hard to meet again in the future.


"Brother Sun!"

"I didn't expect to meet again. It seems that we are really destined to meet!"

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