Extraordinary coach

Chapter 136 New Ability

Sun Yi didn't feel any more guilt except saying sorry in his heart.

That's what competitive sports are like. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

One day, if the Nice team loses like this, Sun Yi himself will have to dismiss get out of class.

And getting out of class is also part of the coaching profession. Like a shadow, no one can escape it.

Therefore, Sun Yi quickly put aside the matter of his opponent's dismissal.

After returning home, Sun Yi couldn't wait to check the mission rewards.

"This mission is so difficult, so I should give you an awesome reward."

Congratulations! The mission "Let's Have a Big Victory" is completed. The reward has been distributed, please check it in time.

"Peak stimulation? What is this?"

"Hmm~ Good stuff!!" After checking it carefully, Sun Yi became excited immediately.

Sun Yi is really satisfied with the ability rewarded by this mission.

"Peak Inspiration".

This ability allows the user to activate their peak state. This peak state is the strongest state of each ability that the user has ever achieved.

"The strongest state, this is awesome!"

Indeed, the ability to bring out the best in a player is absolutely incredible.

Think about it, if Messi or Ronaldo can bring out their strongest state in the game, how amazing would the effect be?

The reward of "Peak Inspiration" is really nothing to say. However, the use of this ability is also limited.

First of all, the state can only be maintained for an hour. After that, the body will enter its lowest point, which will also consume a lot of players' bodies and require twice the time to recover.

This should be considered a side effect.

In addition, this ability cannot be used just by wanting to use it. Conditions need to be met to enter the excitable state.

And this condition is a bit speechless. It turns out that the team needs to be penetrated by the opponent 30 times before it can be triggered once.

Seeing such conditions, Sun Yi was a little dumbfounded.

Although it is inevitable for opponents to break through in any game, Sun Yi felt strange. It would be great if the conditions were changed to thirty shots or steals.

And it is not easy to meet the condition of being broken through by opponents thirty times. Under normal circumstances, it takes three or four games to achieve this. If the team is in good shape and plays well, then I don’t know how long it will take to meet the conditions.

Although the conditions to achieve it are a bit strange, it is still a great ability. Moreover, this ability can still be used by different people and does not need to be limited to one person.

Because of these characteristics of the ability "Peak Inspiration", this ability can become a real coaching ability. Sun Yi can hand it over to a strong player in a certain game depending on the situation.

Therefore, Sun Yi is really blessed with this ability. In his opinion, this ability is not even inferior to that of "Miao Hand Rejuvenation".

It is precisely because of this ability that Sun Yi needs to carefully consider the item that can be given to players at any time.

After much deliberation, Sun Yi set his sights on the captain's armband. Only the captain's armband can be given to any player, and there will be no problems such as whether it fits or not.

After thinking about it, Sun Yi went to the club to ask for a captain's armband the next day.

After asking for the captain's armband, Sun Yi sewed a green clover logo on the armband himself to prevent confusion.

After that, Sun Yi took the captain's armband, closed his eyes and called up the system to attach the "Peak Inspire" ability to it.

After he finished it, he held it in his hand and watched it with interest.

"Brother Sun, what are you doing?"

At this time, Dong Fangzhuo walked in with a smile.

Sun Yi looked up and Dong Fangzhuo said nothing. I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

Is Dong Fangzhuo born in the year of dog? Every time I get an ability, this guy always appears first.

Fortunately, this ability is not once available to players. There is no need to worry about being taken away by this guy.

"Brother, are you going to give this to me?" Dong Fangzhuo said with bright eyes when he saw the captain's armband in Sun Yi's hand.

Sun Yi gave him a look.

"Give me the second captaincy. No, third or even fourth captain will do." Dong Fangzhuo said expectantly, staring directly at the captain's armband.

Sun Yi ignored him.

"Otherwise, you can give me this captain's armband. This captain's armband looks very unique. The pattern on it is clover, right? This is good, I like it. Maybe it will bring me good luck."

As he said that, Dong Fangzhuo reached out to take it from Sun Yi's hand.

"You have a beautiful idea!" Sun Yi quickly dodged and then continued: "The captain's armband on my hand has a special meaning. I will not give it to anyone easily. Only I value a certain player and hope to win in a special game. I only let him wear this when he needs to play a special role.”

"As for you, behave well. When one day it makes me happy, I will wear it for you too."

Upon hearing this, Dong Fangzhuo found a chair and sat down with a disappointed look on his face. But his eyes were still staring at the captain's armband in Sun Yi's hand from time to time.

Seeing Dong Fangzhuo's look, Sun Yi put it in his pocket. Then asked.

"Tell me, why did you come to me?"

Upon hearing this, Dong Fangzhuo immediately changed his serious look, put on a flattering smile on his face, and then called softly.

"elder brother."

"Eh~~" This shout made Sun Yi get goosebumps. "You have something to say, don't be so disgusting."

"Hey, it's like this. Isn't there a French Cup match in two days?"

"Yeah. Then what?"

"I wonder if I can get a chance to start. I think I'm in good shape recently, and I hope to perform well. As long as I start, I promise I won't let you down."

Sun Yi thought about it and nodded. "Okay. Give you a chance."

"Yeah! Thank you, brother." Dong Fangzhuo cheered happily immediately.

"Verbal thanks are useless."

"Then I'll treat you to dinner tonight. You choose the place, order whatever you want."

"You~you said that yourself." Sun Yi originally wanted to say that verbal thanks were useless, and you had to perform well in the game. I didn't expect this guy to want to bribe him.

Since you want to bribe me, then prepare a bigger wallet. I'll give you a good meal tonight.

"Of course, I keep my word." Dong Fangzhuo patted his chest and promised.

When he walked out of the restaurant after dinner that night, Dong Fangzhuo's face was full of pain.

"Brother, you were too harsh today. My wallet is so thin that it has lost its human shape."

"Wallets are not human-shaped to begin with."

"My wallet is empty. Brother, you spent my hard-earned money on this meal."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you score a goal in the next game, you will earn it all back."

"Okay. You are right." Dong Fangzhuo nodded. The pain on his face disappeared. But the pain in his heart was still there.

Not only did Sun Yi spend a lot of his money on this meal, the key point was that Sun Yi ordered so many foods, but he could only look at many of them but could not eat them. The reason was that Sun Yi said that he was a professional player and could not eat anything that met the requirements.

So, Sun Yi was full and sang enough, but Dong Fangzhuo's stomach was not even half full.

He spent a lot of money to treat people, but he himself was not full. Is there any more depressing way to treat people in the world than this?

This book has enough words. It will be on the shelves this Friday. Please support it when the time comes!

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