Extraordinary coach

Chapter 15 Termination of contract and return home

"At noon today, Chelsea announced that it had terminated the contract with former head coach Mourinho. The two sides parted peacefully after negotiation..."

"Terminate the contract? Impossible? This must be a rumor!" Sun Yi was stunned when he heard the word "terminate the contract". He thought he had not woken up from his dream.

Rubbing his eyes and patting his head, Sun Yi confirmed that he had indeed woken up from his dream. It is very likely that the news that Mourinho was terminated by Chelsea is true.

"How could this happen?" Sun Yi really couldn't figure out why this happened. If Chelsea wanted to fire Mourinho, they should have done it as early as the beginning of the year. Why did they wait until the end of the season and the results improved before doing so?

Sun Yi quickly called Mourinho to confirm the news.

"Boss, what's going on? The news said the team fired you. This can't be true, right?"

"Well, no." Mourinho on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and when Sun Yi began to feel happy, he continued: "To be precise, I broke up with the team peacefully."

"How could this happen? Why?"

"Because I suddenly feel that staying here is boring."


"Sun, work hard. I believe in you. Maybe in a few years, I will see you become the head coach of Chelsea."

"Boss..." Sun Yi didn't know what to say. The news was too sudden, and he didn't have time to digest it.

"I plan to go back to Portugal to rest for a while. If you are free, you can come and play."

"Okay. If you are free."


After hanging up the phone, Sun Yi stayed on the sofa, his mind was blank.

Yesterday he was still looking forward to following Mourinho to the top of the Premier League next season, and even the Europa League and the Champions League in the future.

However, when he woke up, he heard the news that his boss was fired. Sun Yi was not mentally prepared at all. For a moment, my mind was in a mess.

Mourinho is gone, what should I do in the future?

Sun Yi is Mourinho's assistant in name, but he is a staff member directly hired by Chelsea. He is not a member of Mourinho's personal team. Therefore, he is a little confused about his future.

Leaving with him is naturally out of the question. It is natural for him to stay in a Premier League giant. He can't leave just because Mourinho is fired. Unless Mourinho wants to take him to other teams, this is possible.

But if Mourinho leaves, can he stay?

"Don't think about it, what is coming will always come. What situation have you not experienced?!" After being in a daze at home for a long time, Sun Yi finally digested the news of Mourinho's departure and walked out of his residence to go out for a walk.

After waiting for a few days, there was no news about himself. Instead, the outside world has been spreading the news that Chelsea is contacting Conte. And the news also stated that the two sides seem to have signs of hitting it off.

"Conte?" Sun Yi was not opposed to the idea of ​​working with Conte in the new season. For him, working beside a famous coach is the best way to learn and improve himself.

Two days later, after finding that there seemed to be nothing for him, Sun Yi decided to return home. He had been away for more than a year and had not even been back for the New Year. It was time to go back and take a look.


A few days later, in front of the Nan Guo Hotel in Guangzhou.

A 40-year-old man with glasses and a thin middle-aged man with bright eyes were pacing back and forth, seemingly waiting for someone.

Later, a taxi slowly drove over, and before it stopped, a joyful shout came from the car: "Lao Xie, Lao Liang!"

"Hey, grandson." The two people at the hotel entrance immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Fuck you. Good morning, you two wretched uncles!" The taxi driver was Sun Yi, who had just returned from China. He was angry and laughed as he went out of the country, and then immediately punched the two men in the chest.

"Cheers to your return, Monkey King." The two men didn't care and gave Sun Yi a hug.

"Thank you. Old Xie, Old Liang. Two brothers, I miss you so much." Sun Yi said happily.

"We miss you too." Old Liang with glasses said with a smile.

"Let's go, we have prepared a banquet to welcome you back. Welcome the future world-famous coach back to China." Old Xie also said with a smile.

"Okay, lead the way." Sun Yi was not polite and waved his hand to let the two lead the way.

Soon, Sun Yi followed the two men to a private room. Later, the waiter also came in and served the dishes and wine.

"Come on, brothers, let's have a drink!" Sun Yi raised his glass.

"Cheers to Sun Yi's return!"


After clinking the glasses, Sun Yi drank it all in one gulp, and then pointed the glass downward. Lao Liang and Lao Xie were the same.

"Come, eat!" "Eat!"

"Brothers, how have you been in the past two years?" Sun Yi asked after taking a bite.

"It's the same as before! Nothing has changed. It's just that my health is getting worse day by day, and now I have three highs." Lao Liang said nonchalantly while eating.

"Lao Liang, then you dare to do it to the end, don't you want to die?" Sun Yi said dissatisfiedly.

"You are back from abroad, brother is happy. Naturally, I have to sacrifice my life to accompany you." Lao Liang said heroically.

"Thank you first. Wait, you are not allowed to drink anymore. Eat more vegetables, big fish and meat, I will help you eat it." After saying that, Sun Yi turned his head and looked at Lao Fangxie.

"I eat everything delicious. Business is booming, and the whole family is healthy!" Lao She patted his chest and said.

"That's good." Sun Yi nodded, but Old Xie's head was almost like an ancient Japanese samurai, so he couldn't help but say: "It's your head. If you keep thanking me, my sister-in-law will thank you."

"His wife still thanked him? She wanted to break his legs and let him stay at home instead of going out to spend money." Old Liang interrupted.

"Old Xie, you're still the same. Didn't you say you don't want to do it?" Sun Yi frowned at Old Xie and said.

"Don't do it? Tell me, who can let it go? If you can let it go, Sun Yi, you won't go to England."

"Yeah. Who can let it go? But I didn't go to England just for football." Sun Yi sighed, and then poured himself a glass of wine.

"But I didn't expect that you would actually become Mourinho's assistant. Not bad!" Old Xie said at the end, but he looked proud.

"Yes. When I first saw it on the news, I thought I had seen it wrong. OK. Sun Yi, it seems that you are the only one among us who is really on the right track! Come on, let's toast to your first step to success!" Lao Liang said, preparing to fill his glass.

"Lao Liang, what the hell? Are you jealous of me and ready to drink yourself to ruin my future?" Sun Yi grabbed the bottle and handed him a bottle of drink instead.

"You grandson. I'm just going to drink myself to death so that you can inherit my football legacy." Lao Liang said, but took the drink from Sun Yi.

"Inherit your shit."

"Okay, let's all look at the situation ourselves. Come on, cheers!" Lao Xie raised the already full glass and said.


This time, the three of them did not drink it all the way, but only took a sip.

"Sun Yi, you stay at Chelsea. In a few years, my brother will revive Zhicheng. Then, you will come back to be the head coach. Brothers, let's set out again for our club dream. I believe that if we do it again, we will definitely succeed." Old Xie said excitedly.

"Okay." Sun Yi didn't say much. Instead, he solemnly agreed loudly.

"Then I will start to control my diet from tomorrow. I have to live until that day." Old Liang also said seriously.

"Come on, raise your glasses and toast to our unfulfilled dreams again!"

"Cheers to the unfulfilled dreams!"

The two glasses collided with each other after being filled with drinks. The splashes of water from the collision seemed to reflect the figures of them who were crazy about their dreams back then.

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