Extraordinary coach

Chapter 176: 2 to 0! (Happy New Year to everyone!)

One to zero!

The Louis II Stadium instantly quieted down from the hustle and bustle, and cheers suddenly broke out after a while.

"Wow!!! Goal!!"

"It's Adriano, my god!! He scored another world wave!!" The players on the Nice team cheered wildly.

"Well done!!" Even Sun Yi couldn't calm down and jumped up to cheer. He excitedly punched the air several times.

The arrival of this goal was completely beyond Sun Yi's expectations. Even though Sun Yi knew that Adriano, who was stimulated to the peak state by "Peak Stimulation", would be terrifying. But he never expected it to be so terrifying.

And this goal came when the Nice team had just driven away one player and was in low morale. This sudden goal was really exciting.

"Haha. Adriano is so strong. I am a little scared of him. He is just like an alien. He is so strong now. If he loses weight, he will be even stronger! In the future, we should start him in every game." Dio was so excited that he almost lost his words.

After listening to Dio's words, Sun Yi smiled but said nothing. After patting him on the shoulder, he turned around and sat back in his chair.

But he stood up as soon as he sat down. After rolling his eyes, he said, "We will make a substitution immediately. Replace Slarfi and add a defender."

"OK!" Dio nodded. In the case of one less player and in the knockout stage, he would not encourage Sun Yi to attack instead of defend. He agreed with Sun Yi's idea.

The Nice team has already started to prepare for substitutions. But the people on the Monaco team are still a little confused. Especially their fans, they were stunned and couldn't believe what they saw.

"Please tell me this isn't true. How could they score a goal when they were one man short and had one player sent off?"

"Ah. There's nothing we can do. They have that demon!!"

"Demon! He really is a demon. He was sent by Satan to destroy us."

Adriano's goal was a huge blow to Monaco. The horrific scene of the last matchup once again loomed over their minds.

However, this time they were not so easily discouraged.

"Don't lose heart. They are one man short, so we still have a chance."

"Yes, yes. We still have a chance. This time is different from the last time. We have the advantage of numbers. We can definitely equalize the score and achieve a reversal in the end."

The Monaco team could only cheer themselves up like this. After all, this was the semi-final of the French League Cup, and falling behind by one goal did not make them give up their fighting spirit.

"Cheer up. Cheer up for us. We have no way out."

"This is our home court, with tens of thousands of fans watching us. Cheer up for me." Jardim had no way out. The oath he made before the game made him no longer in the mood to be depressed. He could only grit his teeth and cheer up Monaco.

Yes. We have no way out.

This is the Stade Louis II, where there are tens of thousands of our fans.

We have lost to Nice twice, and we can't lose a third time. If we play one more player and still lose the game, we will be nailed to the pillar of shame from now on.

Jardim's words made the players of Monaco shudder. This is a fight for dignity, and they also have no way out.

"Fight!! We have no way out. Fight them!!"

The players of Monaco rekindled their fighting spirit. They had nothing to lose, and the heavy sense of shame made them forget the huge psychological deterrence that Adriano brought to them.

When Monaco kicked off again, they immediately burst out with a terrifying and resolute momentum. This made Sun Yi couldn't help but be shocked.

Fortunately, I have made adjustments.

Really, if Sun Yi hadn't made adjustments after scoring the goal. Without a defender, Monaco's desperate counterattack might not be stopped immediately.

After Sun Yi changed Nice's formation to 4221, the defense had sufficient defensive forces. This allowed Nice to temporarily withstand the powerful offensive of Monaco.

"Come on, Monaco!!!"

Monaco fans also cheered for their team crazily in the face of desperation.

The Monaco team, who were determined to counterattack, began to play crazy. They began to inspire extremely terrifying fighting power with a desperate fight.

Originally, Monaco was stronger than Nice in overall strength. After playing one more player and completely letting go of their psychological burden, their offensive swept towards Nice like a tsunami.

Even though Nice defended with all their strength and even shrank near the penalty area, they still couldn't stop Monaco from constantly creating killing opportunities.

"Brothers. Hold on! Grit your teeth, we will definitely defend the goal. We will definitely defend this victory!!"

In the face of a critical situation, as the captain and the oldest person on the field, Adriano began to constantly encourage his teammates.

Now Adriano has experienced the baptism of time and has a lot of responsibility.

In addition to shouting, he also led by example. He dragged his fat body and continued to invest in defense.

Of course, Adriano is not a defensive player after all, so his defensive effect is not very good. However, as long as he is willing to run and participate in defense, it will help the team.

Led by Adriano, the lucky guy who was regarded as a god by his teammates, Nice played very tenaciously.



... Monaco's crazy offensive constantly threatened Nice's goal. One shot after another made Nice's goal like a boat in the wind and rain, which could capsize at any time.

"Hold on! You must hold on! God bless you." Dio prayed nervously.

Sun Yi's heart and hands were sweating. Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually very nervous from standing there.


At this time, Bakayoko of Monaco suddenly kicked a high-quality long shot. The angle was so tricky that even goalkeeper Cardinale was unable to save it.

"Boom!" The goalpost saved Nice.

"Wow!" It was a close call. But Sun Yi was scared.

If this ball was scored, the situation would be very unfavorable for Nice.

"Hey. Just a little bit short!"

"If this ball goes in, we can completely turn the situation around!!"

A seemingly impeccable shot was blocked by the goal post, and the Monaco team was very helpless and regretful.

The Monegasques, immersed in regret, panicked next.

Nice actually took advantage of their regret to launch a counterattack.

To be precise, it was actually the defender of the Nice team who kicked the ball away. But this forward clearance became an opportunity because of Adriano's crazy rush.

Under Adriano's pressure, Monaco defender Glick wanted to kick the flying ball to the goalkeeper behind. But he missed the kick and the return pass was a little weak.

Finding that he was weak, Glick quickly blocked his position to slow down Adriano's speed. However, Glick forgot that Adriano, who rushed at full speed, was like a heavy tank. No matter who stood in front of him, he would be crushed.

Glick couldn't escape being run over.

After Adriano rushed past Glick, he quickly got the ball before Subasic.

He took the ball and passed Subasic, then easily pushed the ball into the goal.


Two to zero!

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