Extraordinary coach

Chapter 193 We were fooled


The sound was so clear.

Accompanying this sound was an equally clear flight path of a cannonball that crossed a distance of more than thirty meters. No, it was the flight path of a football.

And the end of this flight trajectory is the goal. Inside the goal, a football was swinging into a deep net. It seemed like it was getting ready to go through the net blocking its path.

This is a goal!

The noisy Paris Saint-Germain fans fell silent.

The entire stadium was also quiet at this moment.

Less than a second later, as the football fell to the ground, a terrifying sound suddenly erupted in the stadium that nearly toppled the roof of the stadium.

"Ah! Ah!!!!"

"It's in! The ball is in!!!!"

"Wow!! Adriano! Damn it, he scored! Scored a super long shot! A wonderful world wave!!"

Amidst the cheers that shook the world, Sun Yi also made several boxing movements in excitement. "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!"

Adriano, who scored the goal, was running towards the bench with excitement on his face.

"Boss, I scored! I did it again!"

After running over, Adriano, who was extremely excited, jumped over and hugged Sun Yi firmly. Then hug him tightly.

"Boss, I scored a goal!"

"Okay, okay! Cough! Cough!" Adriano, who weighed nearly two hundred pounds, was like a bear. He pounced on him and hugged him tightly. Sun Yi felt like he had been hit by a waistlock.

Adriano smiled like a child. He let go of Sun Yi only after Dio and others wanted to celebrate with him.

After taking a breath, Sun Yi smiled and gave Adriano a thumbs up. "Well done! This goal is perfect!"

"Haha!!" Adriano smiled heartily. "Thank you, boss. Thank you for believing in me."

Sun Yi nodded and patted his back. "Keep up the good work!"


"Adriano! Adriano!!" Nice fans began to chant in unison.

Hearing this, Adriano happily waved to the stands.

"Wow! Dad is so handsome! I want to be like dad in the future." Adriano said with eyes shining when he saw this scene.

"Yeah. Your dad is very handsome!" Danielle pursed her lips and nodded repeatedly, her eye frames already turning red.

The Adriano from back then is really back!

She looked at Adriano dreamingly, her eyes full of his high spirits back then.

"How could this happen?"

Emery was already stunned on the sidelines. Adriano has finished celebrating and is walking back to the backcourt to start the game again. But Emery has not yet come to his senses.

The goal came too suddenly. It caught him completely off guard.

Emery couldn't figure out why this happened.

Everything is looking good up front and all the circumstances are very favorable for Paris Saint-Germain. Before this minute, he had always thought that his team's goal was coming.

But now it suddenly became the opponent's goal, and it was Adriano who he thought was so useless in front of him.

The contrast between before and after is really too great. It was too big for him to accept.

This is so unreal. No movie would dare to be shot like this.

Emery rubbed his eyes, hoping that all this was just his imagination. But the reality is that they are really lagging behind. The scores on the big screen don't lie.


Emery couldn't figure out what was going on with the sudden change, and so did his players. Especially Neymar, he was completely confused.

He was intercepted by Adriano, who then scored. Oh no! This is so fake!

Not to mention Paris Saint-Germain, many people on the Nice team were also very surprised. People like Pavard, Balotelli and others feel that it is a bit unreal.

However, they had seen Adriano kill everyone before, and soon they were just excited.

"The murderous Adriano is here."

"Haha. I said, Adriano can't be that rubbish. This is the real him. Just like his previous two appearances, he is going to start crushing mode again."

"Heavy tanks are officially on the scene. Parisians, just wait to die. Haha."

"Wait, I understand. Adriano was just pretending like he did before. He was trying to deceive his opponent. This must be Sun's plan. That's awesome! Sun. He is truly a tactical genius."

"Haha. Paris Saint-Germain you are fooled."

Both the players and fans of the Nice team were completely excited. Even Dior is like this. They all thought with excitement that a massacre was about to take place. Just like the previous torture of the Monaco team.

"Go ahead! Keep scoring goals and defeat them completely!"

After the restart, Nice rushed towards Paris Saint-Germain with great morale.

Their morale has completely increased, and they have become extremely confident about winning the game.

Inspired by the dual motivation of morale and belief, the Nice team voluntarily gave up Sun Yi's previous request for them to defend with all their strength.

Seeing the team like this, Sun Yi had no objection.

Competition is often about momentum. It's gaining momentum, so why suppress it? The most comfortable way to play is to let one side suppress the other side as much as possible.

Paris Saint-Germain is still lagging behind. For a while, the momentum was naturally very weak.

In the face of the sudden burst of momentum from the Nice team, they could not hold on and were pressed back by the Nice team. Moreover, as the Nice team fought more frantically in front, their pressure rose wildly and they began to become a little nervous.

The situation on the field began to completely reverse. In the front, Paris Saint-Germain was pressing the Nice team, but now they were being pressed by the Nice team.

And the Nice team seemed to have changed into a different team, and the firepower of the attack began to become more and more terrifying. It even made people feel that it surpassed the offensive combination of Neymar and several others.

Especially Adriano, he changed the useless appearance of being unable to run and hold the ball in the front. He began to transform into an extremely violent heavy tank.

Once he got the ball, he would have a crushing effect on the defenders of the Paris Saint-Germain team. Every time he got the ball, the Paris Saint-Germain team would be thrown to the ground.

This tyrannical and unreasonable appearance made people's scalps numb.

Looking at Adriano's domineering appearance on the field, Emery was stunned.

However, Emery is a top coach who has experienced many ups and downs. Soon, he forced himself to calm down.

"We were fooled!"

After calming down, Emery smiled bitterly when he thought of the contrast between Adriano's previous and current performances.

Soon, Emery put away his bitter smile. His face began to become very serious. After he scanned the field with half-closed eyes, he shouted in a deep voice.

"Hold on. Verratti controls the ball. At the same time, control the rhythm."

"Silva, deal with Adriano as we arranged before the game."

"Change tactics and play as we arranged at the beginning!!"

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