Extraordinary coach

Chapter 218 A sudden change

The boss has changed!

Sun Yi, who realized it late, suddenly felt a little confused. But at this point, he had no choice but to face reality.

Sun Yi really felt very sorry that Zheng Nanyan was no longer the boss.

Seriously speaking, although Sun Yi was recommended by Mourinho to join the Nice team, it was mainly because Zheng Nanyan was willing to reuse him. And Zheng Nanyan really trusted him very much.

Although Zheng Nanyan could not provide sufficient financial support, she completely let go and trusted Sun Yi in other matters. It was this trust that made Sun Yi rarely encounter constraints no matter what he did in the Nice team. He built the Nice team completely according to his own ideas.

If it were not for Zheng Nanyan's strong support, Sun Yi believed that even if he had a system, he would not be able to lead the Nice team to achieve such amazing results.

Perhaps it can be said that without Zheng Nanyan's support and appreciation, Sun Yi would not have achieved such success.

But when Zheng Nanyan left, Sun Yi suddenly became worried about gains and losses.

It is certain that, given the current situation, Sun Yi may not be able to live as comfortably in the new season as he did last season.

Since coaching Nice, Sun Yi has been hesitant and confused for the first time.

Putting these emotions in his heart, Sun Yi continued to arrange Nice to prepare for the next new season as usual.

While preparing for the game, it is also the beginning of recruiting or clearing out redundant players.

Since Nice has only a small transfer budget for the new season. Even if Sun Yi has any ambitions in his heart, he can only think about it.

If you don’t have money, you can only live without money.

Sun Yi can only pay attention to some potential demons and wait to cultivate them slowly.

And his current priority is to buy out Pereira.

Sun Yi has used this right back on loan from Porto quite smoothly. There is no money to get better players, so it’s better to use the familiar. Continue to use him.

Yu Tianhua didn’t say anything about Sun Yi’s plan to buy out Pereira.

But when Sun Yi asked Bald Henry to go to Porto to discuss buying out Pereira, Porto directly offered Pereira a price of 12 million euros.

Damn, there is no need to talk about this price. Unless Sun Yi is prepared to sell a main player to raise the money.

If there is no money to buy, then he can only look for a loan.

The loan was approved. But this undoubtedly made Sun Yi suffer a setback at the beginning of the new season. His emotions were somewhat hit.

The hit Sun Yi simply gave up the extra signing plan completely.

"It seems that the new season can only rely on the old team of last season."

It seems that there is absolutely no way to strengthen the team. Fortunately, the main lineup of the Nice team is still good.

Last season, we were able to achieve the treble. This season, I dare not say that we can still achieve such an achievement. Sun Yi thinks it is still okay to win one championship.

After renewing the lease of Pereira, Sun Yi began to lead the Nice team wholeheartedly to prepare for the game.

However, coaching a team is not that easy. There are always problems of one kind or another.

For Sun Yi, the more difficult one is the captain Terry.

Last season, Nice unexpectedly won three championships. Terry definitely contributed to it.

Unfortunately, Terry was injured at the end of last season. And he has not fully recovered yet.

It seems that Terry has been affected by the delay in recovery from the injury. He told Sun Yi that he was considering retirement.

Terry wants to retire, which is what Sun Yi doesn't want to see.

The current Nice team is too young. Especially the back line. Sun Yi needs a veteran like Terry who is highly respected and has a strong leadership temperament to sit in.

So Sun Yi only advised: "John, don't think about not playing yet. You can still play. You can play until you are forty. And those young guys still need your leadership and help. Stay and help me. Let's win more championships together."

Sun Yi thought he could persuade Terry. But Terry really wanted to retire this time, and he didn't agree. Instead, he said, "Give me some time to think about it. To be honest, I've had too many injuries after playing for so many years. You know? Every time it's about to rain, it's really torturous."

Terry said so, and Sun Yi had no choice. He could only let him think about it.

Terry's consideration of retirement has cast a shadow on Sun Yi's heart again.

These things came one after another, making Sun Yi very upset. If it weren't for the little girl Juanjuan who was with him to calm him down. Maybe he would be in a state of panic now.

Terry's matter, before he made a decision, there was still room for maneuver. Sun Yi could only wait for him to make a decision while leading the team to prepare for the game.

In addition to Terry, which Sun Yi was more concerned about, there were actually other things that kept interfering with his preparations.

Other teams have been looking to buy players from Nice. With little money to recruit players, Sun Yi was naturally unwilling to sell them. Whether he can keep the lineup intact is the key to whether he can achieve good results in the new season.

But General Manager Yu Tianhua has the intention of making three fires as a new official. He wants to make a difference and seems to be very concerned about selling players.

Forget about those marginal players. Sun Yi will never agree to sell the main players and rotation players.

Under Sun Yi's insistence, all the players he valued were kept. This made him feel that it was acceptable.

Anyway, let the general manager deal with the transfer fee and marginal players. Just don't break up the overall framework of his team.

This can be regarded as a compromise between Sun Yi and Yu Tianhua.

Sun Yi focused on the main players, and Yu Tianhua used the transfer fees to entertain himself.

And Yu Tianhua really took action soon. He bought some players he liked and introduced several young talents from China.

Sun Yi did not comment on Yu Tianhua's buying behavior. He did not exclude these people, but just treated them equally. If you have the ability, use them. If you can't use them, then you can train well. Just play friendly matches.

After Yu Tianhua finished the transfer, he was satisfied. In addition to visiting the scene from time to time to see his masterpiece, he did not do anything to make Sun Yi dissatisfied.

And Sun Yi focused on preparing for the game, so everyone was at peace.

Soon, the days of preparation passed like this. The new season is about to come.

During this period, Sun Yi was basically preparing for the game, and he didn't care about the outside world.

He didn't have money to buy players, so he didn't have the mood to pay too much attention to other people's good news. It was painful to see it every time.

During this period, the teams outside really changed a lot compared to Nice. There were some big deals.

For example, Manchester United intercepted Lukaku with 76.23 million euros. There was also Barcelona's lottery-scratch behavior of buying Dembele for 105 million euros.

After the madness of the last transfer window, Nice's rival Paris Saint-Germain did not make any moves to buy players this time except selling players to recover blood.

Paris Saint-Germain has maintained a rare stability with Nice.

Other people's buying and selling operations made Sun Yi drool. At the same time, he was depressed.

Last season, Sun Yi was able to buy a lot of players he liked. This time, apart from watching others' operations, he didn't even buy one he liked. Paris Saint-Germain did not make any moves this time, because they had spent too much money before. Now they need to recover.

Let's compare this. Sun Yi felt vaguely in his heart. Maybe Nice is not such an ideal stage.

And it happened that just when Sun Yi was wavering in his heart, some teams began to come to him, hoping that he would change jobs.

Among these teams, there are also better teams than Nice. And basically the treatment they offer is very good. It is much better than the new contract Sun Yi signed more than a month ago.

The salary of Sun Yi's last new contract was actually not bad. It reached an annual salary of 5 million euros.

Although 5 million euros is nothing among the top coaches in Europe, it is also the best treatment that Nice can give. And Sun Yi is not the kind of person who is greedy for money. As long as there is enough support, a lower salary is acceptable.

But in the current situation of Nice, seeing the contract with obviously better treatment in front of him, it is impossible to say that he is not tempted.

Sun Yi is tempted. But when he thought of Nice, the team he had built himself, he couldn't let it go.

Here were his most proud players, assistants he felt he got along with very well, and special players like Dong Fangzhuo and Adriano who needed his support.

Sun Yi hesitated.

He really couldn't bear to leave.

To be honest, after a season, Sun Yi had already regarded Nice as half of his home. Here were his friends and his hard work. Once he thought of leaving, Sun Yi really couldn't make a decision.

Sun Yi told Juanjuan about these concerns. Juanjuan was just a teenage girl, and she couldn't offer any advice except to support whatever decision he made.

In this hesitation, the days were getting closer and closer to the start of the new season.

And because Sun Yi had been slow to give an answer, many teams that had contacted him gradually withdrew their intentions.

But because of his reluctance to leave Nice, Sun Yi could only watch these better teams go away from him.

Every day, he watched his trusted players training hard and looked forward to creating more glory in the new season. Sun Yi, on the contrary, was more and more inclined to stay.

Just when Sun Yi was about to reject all the contracts, Liverpool came to buy Salah.

Liverpool seemed to be really interested in Salah. As soon as they came, they offered a price of 50 million euros.


Sun Yi didn't even look at it. He just rejected it directly. Are you kidding? Salah is the core of his team building, how could he sell it?

If it weren't for Salah and others, he wouldn't want to stay.

Yu Tianhua seemed to be quite interested in this transfer. But after Sun Yi expressed his firm attitude, he didn't say anything.

After all, it was only 50 million euros, and there was still no way for him to force Sun Yi to sell Salah.

But Liverpool didn't give up. They increased the price again. Increased to 55 million euros.

Not selling!

Sun Yi refused again without even looking at it.

Yu Tianhua seemed to be more moved. But seeing Sun Yi's attitude, he didn't say anything.

But Liverpool still didn't give up and continued to increase the price to 60 million euros.

No sale! No sale! This is not for sale. Absolutely not for sale!

Sun Yi decided to make it clear that he would never sell Salah.

Yu Tianhua hesitated to speak. But because of Sun Yi's attitude, he could only accept Sun Yi's decision.

But Liverpool seemed to be fighting with Nice. No, it should be said that they had to get Salah.

Next, Liverpool directly raised the price to 70 million euros.

Sun Yi didn't care how much the other party offered. Even if they offered 100 million, he was not interested in selling Salah.

But Yu Tianhua was completely moved this time. Not to mention him, even the team chairman Pierre thought it was acceptable this time.

"I oppose. I firmly oppose. Salah is the tactical soul of my team. I will never sell him." Sun Yi's attitude was very firm. No matter who Pierre or Yu Tianhua said, he refused.

At this time, Liverpool once again increased the bargaining chips. The price for buying Salah was raised to 80 million euros.

"Accept. This price is completely acceptable." Yu Tianhua stood up and nodded without waiting for Sun Yi to express his opinion again.

"No. No matter how much money you offer, I won't sell it." Sun Yi naturally couldn't agree.

You know, there are not many players in the world like Salah who have A+ level of actual strength and S level potential. So far, Sun Yi has only met those few people.

Sun Yi really doesn't want to sell this kind of player no matter how much money he offers. Because even if he has 100 million, he may not be able to find a second one.

But Yu Tianhua, Pierre and other senior staff don't understand this situation. They are completely fascinated by the figure of 80 million euros.

You know, the investment of Nice team in several years is not this number.

"With this money, Coach Sun, you can buy more and better players. If you miss this time, you may not be able to sell them at such a high price. Besides, haven't you been complaining about the small transfer budget? Isn't it now?" Yu Tianhua persuaded.

"Salah is not someone you can buy with money." Sun Yi said.

No matter what Yu Tianhua and others said, Sun Yi disagreed.

But then Yu Tianhua and Pierre simply sent a notice to Sun Yi.

"The board of directors unanimously passed and decided to accept Liverpool's offer for Salah."

"I copied!" Sun Yi was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

The team's top management was determined to sell Salah despite opposition, and Sun Yi himself could not stop it. He could only put his hope on Salah.

As long as Salah himself was unwilling to go to Liverpool, the transfer would also fail.

However, when Sun Yi approached Salah, Salah hesitated and said that Liverpool had offered him a treatment he could not refuse. If Nice could match it. No, even if it was 80%, he would choose to stay.

Now, Sun Yi was completely desperate.

In the case that the team's management was willing to sell Salah, it was impossible for them to offer a treatment that matched Liverpool's.

Salah was sold just like that!

"I copied it! I quit!"

I am considering going to Espanyol in La Liga. What do you think?

Is there any team you like? Everyone can provide some advice.

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