Extraordinary coach

Chapter 242: A big win is that simple

"Uh~ Southampton is leading now?"

"Isn't this too easy?"

"Aren't they evenly matched? How come Southampton scored with a counterattack?"

"Southampton's counterattack seems to have become much stronger!"

Those who thought the two sides would play very closely were shocked.

"Wow! Our counterattack was so sharp this time! A simple attack, four-foot pass, and then we broke through the entire defense of Watford, and then scored a goal. How come it feels so easy to score a goal?"

"In the past, when we wanted to score a goal, we had to work hard every time?"

"Although I think this goal is too easy to score. But it feels so good."

"Haha. There is a goal in hand. With our team's defensive ability, this game is stable."

The fans of the Southampton team were surprised and happy.

"Yeah. Well done."

Sun Yi was also very happy. After seeing the goal, he celebrated with Dio by clapping his hands.

"Haha. Sun, we really played the counterattack we played in Nice. I didn't expect it to work after just a few days of practice. Now, our team is safe." Dio was also very excited.

"Pulisic and his team are very suitable for this counterattack tactic. However, it was also very lucky to be able to succeed in one strike. Haha."

This is the first time that Sun Yi has played the "Mourinho Counterattack" in a game since he coached Southampton. I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

"Attack. We must equalize the score!"

Watford team quickly came back. They naturally had to muster up their strength to counterattack.

A goal behind, in addition to arousing their desire to attack, will not hit their confidence.

Think about it, they can play 3 to 3 with Liverpool, which shows that their offensive firepower and fighting spirit are very strong.

Therefore, when Watford team rose to attack, its offensive momentum was still quite amazing. At first glance, it looked like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles.

It's just a pity that Watford team met Southampton team today, which is not strong in other aspects but has very strong defense.

Southampton's defense was so stable that Sun Yi was surprised. Captain Davis led Romeu to sweep the midfield. The defense had both calm and focused defenders like Maya Yoshida and new players like Van Dijk who were aggressive and had strong air defense capabilities.

Watford's offensive seemed amazing, but when it hit Southampton's defense, it was like waves hitting the embankment. No matter how fierce and high the waves were, they would only break apart when they hit the embankment.

"Our team's defense is so stable!" Dio exclaimed as he watched Southampton's defense crush the opponent's offensive again and again.

"Yes! It's so stable!" Even though Sun Yi had seen it several times, he couldn't help but marvel at it.

The feeling of Southampton's defense being worry-free was something Sun Yi could never feel when he was in Nice.

When he was in Nice, he had to take a risk many times to win the opponent.

Now, he no longer has to take risks. With such a solid back line, he can arrange the team's attack with peace of mind.

He can also fight positional battles with opponents with more confidence.

Of course, it is also because of such a solid back line that his "Mourinho counterattack" will have greater power.

And just ten minutes after taking the lead, Sun Yi saw the power of "Mourinho counterattack" again.

First, Southampton crushed Watford's attack with a solid defense, and Van Dijk's header fell to the feet of captain Davis.

Davis stopped the ball and raised his head, then passed the ball directly to Golovin in front.

After Golovin ran a distance with the ball, he made a straight pass to the ribs of Watford.

After center forward Rebic got the ball, he made a horizontal pass in the middle. American boy Pulisic rushed to the penalty area and then shot hard, hitting the upper corner.


The score changed again.

"Ah! It's like this again?"

"Does Southampton have to be so sharp? One-on-one."

"It feels like Southampton's counterattack is so terrifying. Watford's defense is like paper in front of their counterattack, and it breaks with a poke."

Many people were shocked by the easy 2-0 lead.

"Yeah! Another goal like this. Isn't this too cool?"

"Haha. It's cool! Although these two goals were scored in counterattacks. But the speed of this goal is so cool!"

"Haha. This time, it's really a sure win."

The fans of the Southampton team were completely relieved this time. Seeing that the team's counterattack was so sharp, they cheered loudly.

"What is the purpose of the back defense? They counterattacked every time they attacked. Can't you guys be more effective?"

"Can you defend well? We had so much trouble attacking in front, but you easily lost the ball. How can we play?"

"Damn, you guys can't attack in front. What can we do when we are counterattacked?"

"If you can do it, then you can defend?"

After falling behind by two goals, the Watford team was hit hard, and the players in the front and back fields complained to each other.

After falling behind by one goal, they still had the confidence to catch up. But after falling behind by two goals so easily, they didn't have that much confidence.

As complaints emerged, their emotions fluctuated more.

Then, encouraged by the coach and the players, they restarted the game and prepared to cheer up.

But then, they found that the situation was worse than they thought.

After scoring two goals, Southampton not only had high morale, but also completely let go.

With the momentum of scoring two goals in a row, Southampton also launched a powerful offensive that far exceeded the previous one.

Watford's morale had dropped sharply due to the lag, and they were eager to attack, which made them more confused under the strong attack of Southampton.

Less than 40 minutes into the first half, Southampton scored again.

This time, Van Dijk, who was good at air domination, took advantage of the corner kick opportunity and headed the ball in.

The score became 3-0.

"Oh! No! We're done."

"It's over. We lost this game."

"We're three goals behind in the first half, there's no point in playing!"

After the score became 3-0, Watford completely lost confidence.

Even after the start of the second half, their head coach tried to cheer them up. But in the end it didn't work at all.

When Tadic scored the fourth goal for Southampton in the second half, the game was completely over.

In the end, Southampton defeated Watford 4-0.

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