Extraordinary coach

Chapter 256: Fight with Ibrahimovic


This holy-demon war that attracted countless people's attention ended with such an ending.

For such a result, many people on both sides felt that they accepted it, but also felt it was a pity.

For many people in Manchester United, a draw in an away game is completely acceptable. It's just that under the original good situation, it was forced to draw. It's still a bit unwilling.

And the people on the Southampton team are naturally more unwilling. This is their home court. There are still many opportunities to overtake in the last part of the game, but it ended up in a draw. It's really unwilling.

However, for the draw with Manchester United, the people of Southampton also feel that it is acceptable. After all, it's not bad to be able to play like this under the unfavorable start.

You know, once other teams fall behind Manchester United, they will most likely lose the game.

"Perhaps, a draw is God's will!" Kaka's last shot that hit the post forced everyone to accept the fact of a draw.

Shaking hands and making peace was acceptable to both Sun Yi and Mourinho.

After the game, the two of them approached and shook hands immediately.

"Sun, I have to say that the surprise you prepared was really big. It was far beyond my expectations. It was really weird. Kaka was about to retire, but he could still be in such a state!" Mourinho sighed.

"It's a pity that I didn't take you down." Sun Yi said with great regret.

"It should be my pity. If I retreated earlier, you would have no chance to equalize at all." Mourinho said unwillingly.

"Okay. Since we can't decide the winner this time, let's save it for the next fight." Sun Yi said. Now is not a good time for the two to talk nonsense.

The head coaches of the two teams are quite harmonious, but the players on the field seem to dislike each other.

After the handshake ceremony, Pavard had an argument with Ibrahimovic for some reason.

At first, the two were just swearing at each other, and they even started pushing each other.

One of these two people has a bad temper, and the other is a young man who is just born with a bad temper. The shove started, and it immediately developed into a violent fight.

"I copied!" Sun Yi rushed over on the spot when he saw this scene.

He remembered that Ibrahimovic seemed to have a black belt in karate. If they really fight, Pavard will definitely suffer. Whether in terms of force or physical strength, Pavard is no match for the "Fengxian" Ibrahimovic.

Other players have already joined in the shove, either to stop or participate. For a while, there is a great possibility of a group fight.

"Stop!" Sun Yi rushed into the crowd at a fast speed, then squeezed into the middle and separated the players on both sides with his body.

But the big Ibrahimovic was really a bit irritable today. He waved his hand to push Sun Yi away and then continued to cause trouble for Pavard.

But Ibrahimovic's push aroused Sun Yi's dissatisfaction and stress reaction. He did not give Ibrahimovic a shoulder throw, but pushed Ibrahimovic away with both hands.

Ibrahimovic was pushed by Sun Yi and stepped back a few steps.

Everyone was stunned, including Ibrahimovic himself.

"Calm down!" Sun Yi said with his hand.

But Ibrahimovic became even more dissatisfied with Sun Yi's push. Being pushed away by a big player is one thing, but being pushed back several steps by a head coach who is almost a head shorter is simply an insult.

"SHIT!" Ibrahimovic ignored his teammates' obstruction and stretched out his hand to rush towards Sun Yi. If he didn't push Sun Yi a few meters, he would be embarrassed to tell others that he is a black belt in karate.

Seeing this, Sun Yi reacted very quickly and dodged to the side. At the same time, he hooked his feet unconsciously.

"Bang!" Ibrahimovic not only failed to rush anyone, but also fell to the ground himself.

"Wow!" "Uh!~"

The others were stunned by the sudden scene.

"It's none of my business. He fell down on his own." Seeing Ibrahimovic fall down, Sun Yi was stunned at first, then spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Ibrahimovic fell to the ground and was also stunned. Then he angrily hit the grass and got up.

"You're dead!"

Originally it was just a conflict between him and Pavard, but this fall directly became a problem between him and Sun Yi.

Ibrahimovic clenched his fist and rushed towards Sun Yi.

"Stop, Ibrahimovic." At this time, Mourinho also rushed over and grabbed Ibrahimovic.

Seeing Mourinho come out, other Manchester United players also came over to grab Ibrahimovic. And the Southampton team saw this and stood in front of Sun Yi.

"Let me go, I'll kill him." Ibrahimovic wanted to rush over in anger. He was completely angry, and most people really couldn't stop him. It was only when Lukaku came over and hugged him that he was pulled away.

Sun Yi still looked innocent. Anyway, he would never admit that he tripped Ibrahimovic.

"Boss, are you okay?" Seeing Ibrahimovic being pulled away, the Southampton players asked with concern. Especially Pavard, Sun Yi, as the head coach, actually stood up for him personally, which really touched him.

"I'm fine." Sun Yi told the truth.

"That's good." The players were relieved, but they looked at Sun Yi with respect and admiration. This has never happened before.

In the football world, how many coaches can fight with the opposing players directly for their players? What's more, the target is Ibrahimovic, who has a karate black belt?

At this moment, Sun Yi's behavior has completely captured the hearts of all the players.

"Wow! What's going on? Why did I see Sun and Ibrahimovic fighting?"

"And Ibrahimovic seems to have suffered a big loss?" The fans in the stands, whether from Manchester United or Southampton, were all stunned.

They were far away, and although they could not see clearly, they really saw Sun Yi rushing into the crowd and pushing Ibrahimovic, and then he fell.

"Oh my god! Will everyone fight later?"

The fans of both sides looked at each other unkindly. If a group fight really broke out on the field, they would not mind attacking the fans of the other side in the stands.

Fortunately, the conflict on the field was pulled apart by everyone.

"What a pity!" I don't know which aggressive person actually felt a little regretful.

After Mourinho and his teammates persuaded him, Ibrahimovic was gradually appeased. He began to follow everyone to the passage.

But halfway through, Ibrahimovic glared at Sun Yi unhappily. But when he glared, he saw Sun Yi's innocent look. He felt even more upset.

When he thought about how he was knocked down by the other party, he felt particularly embarrassed. So, he shouted at Sun Yi: "You are a cunning villain. You just used a trick on me. Otherwise, I would never fall down. If you have the guts, make an appointment with me and have a fight!"

Ibrahimovic really couldn't stand Sun Yi's innocent look. As a long-term karate practitioner, he knew very well that he was tripped by Sun Yi. He said this to expose Sun Yi's true face. At the same time, he also wanted to save face.

He didn't think Sun Yi would dare to agree. He just wanted to see Sun Yi's cowardly look without balls.

Sun Yi replied calmly.


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