Extraordinary coach

Chapter 318 Strong Backing

(Be careful!)

Just like that, the players knew about Sun Yi and Juan Juan.

That day, when Sun Yi went to the base, everyone asked about his girlfriend.

Sun Yi didn't know how his relationship was known to everyone. However, he didn't think it was a big deal since it was known. He simply admitted it.

After admitting it, many people shouted to meet the master's wife.

Because the photos taken by Balotelli were not clear, no one knew what Juan Juan looked like. So, everyone was guessing.

"What do you think the boss's girlfriend will be like?"

"First of all, Chinese should be certain. But, what type? I think it should be the kind with a very hot body."

"I think so too. Men like big and sexy girls. I think the boss must be one too."

"Yeah. Based on my understanding of the boss, it must be the kind of intellectual and mature woman who is worthy of him."

"I think it is very likely to be a model."


The players were really curious about Sun Yi's partner. It's just that their guesses were all based on their own tastes.

And soon, they saw Juan Juan in person.

After the players knew about it, Sun Yi told Juanjuan about it. Juanjuan was also very generous. When Sun Yi got off work, she came to the gate of the base to pick him up.

After seeing Juanjuan in person, many players were furious.

"Oh my god! The boss is committing a crime. Why did he find such a young child?"

"No, this should be the boss's daughter, right?"

"Although she is really beautiful. But she is too young. Look at this, like a primary school student."

"Oh my god. I would rather the boss is a gay. I don't want him to be like this."

"Oh, no! Boss, I really didn't expect that you would be a pedophile!" Balotelli said this to Sun Yi directly.

Although Europe and the United States are very open-minded about age, it is very common for minors to do that. But Juanjuan looks too childish after all. Although she is an adult, compared with European and American women, she is just like a 13 or 14-year-old primary school student.

"Fuck you!" Sun Yi couldn't help but kick Balotelli. "This is Juanjuan, she's an adult."

"I've already met her. Then let's just go ahead. I'll have dinner with her tonight!"

Although Sun Yi's taste seemed a bit non-mainstream to the players (Europeans like older mature women). But everyone didn't think it was a big deal.

As long as Sun Yi wasn't gay and didn't pose a threat to them, it was fine.

After Sun Yi formally introduced Juanjuan to everyone, he said he didn't want to be disturbed by the media and asked everyone to keep it a secret.

The players understood this request very well. They all agreed.

In this way, Juanjuan appeared in front of the Southampton players for the first time. After that, everyone gradually got used to Sun Yi having such a young girlfriend.

With Juanjuan's company, Sun Yi went to train the players every day with a very full spirit.

A few days later, Sun Yi took Southampton to another game.

Since the opponent was the average Newcastle team, Southampton shouldn't have tried too hard.

But Newcastle was also unlucky because Juanjuan came to watch the game. In order to show his ability, Sun Yi tried his best to deal with this game.

The result was that Newcastle was beaten badly by Southampton. Even in their home court, they were mercilessly beaten 4-0 by Southampton.

Such a victory naturally made the fans happy, and Juanjuan, who didn't understand football, was also very excited. After the game, she praised Sun Yi for being so good.

This made Sun Yi happy.

However, after being happy for a few days, Sun Yi was a little unhappy.

It was not because he lost the next game, but because the Chinese New Year was approaching. Juanjuan was going to go back to celebrate the New Year with her parents.

The Chinese New Year is a Chinese holiday, not a European holiday. There will be holidays in China, but the games in Europe will continue.

And Sun Yi couldn't ask for leave to go back to China with Juanjuan to celebrate the New Year.

Next, Southampton will usher in an extremely important game.

The English League Cup final.

And the bad thing is that this game happened to start on the night of the Chinese New Year.

This made Sun Yi have no way to leave at all.

Sun Yi felt very reluctant and sad when he thought that he might have to spend another lonely Spring Festival.

He wished Juanjuan could stay. Spend the New Year with him and win the championship with him.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do that.

In desperation, he could only send Juanjuan to the airport.

Watching Juanjuan enter the airport, Sun Yi felt that half of his heart had flown away.

Looking at the plane slowly flying away in the sky, Sun Yi could only leave with a depressed mood.

And just when he walked out of the airport and was about to go back, he heard Juanjuan's voice again.

"Brother, wait for me."

"Juanjuan! Why are you still here? Didn't you leave by plane?" Sun Yi was surprised and happy.

"I'm not leaving."

"What about your parents? They will be unhappy if you don't go back for the New Year."

"No. They won't be unhappy. I won't go back, but they can come over."

"You mean~"

"I just told my family. I'll come to the UK for the Spring Festival this year. They will fly over tomorrow."

"Really? Yeah! That's great!!"

Hearing Juanjuan say this, Sun Yi excitedly hugged her.

"Brother, put me down quickly. I will be photographed later."

"Okay. Let's go home quickly."

Juanjuan was not planning to return to China, and even asked her parents to come to the UK to celebrate the New Year, which gave Sun Yi a huge surprise.

A few days later, he met Juanjuan's family at the airport.

After having Juanjuan and her family, Sun Yi suddenly felt like he was back in the big family of his childhood. This long-lost feeling made him feel particularly happy.

Moreover, after Juanjuan's family arrived, they encouraged him to watch him win the championship together.

Although this kind of support had no real effect, it made Sun Yi feel for the first time that his football career was more than just his hobby.

He has a strong backing and more people to share his joy and achievements with.

This suddenly gave him greater motivation. Make him vow to win the EFL Cup. Use a champion as the best New Year gift for everyone.

It is naturally best to want to be a champion. It’s just that it’s not easy for Sun Yi to achieve this.

Because Southampton's final opponent is Liverpool.

This really means that there is a narrow road between enemies.

This season, Sun Yi has settled his feud with Klopp because of the previous incident. When they meet in the final, it is destined to be a life-and-death showdown.

And Klopp was quick to speak.

"Come on, it's time to settle the grudges. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Not in good shape today. Not very well written.

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