Extraordinary coach

Chapter 356 does not exist

"It's only sixty minutes! Substituting Neymar so soon, it's clear that he is going to let the game go."

"Really, Sun is a bit disappointing! We are the Brazilian team, we don't need to choose our opponents."

"Ah, choosing a Chinese as the head coach is like this. They are too cowardly. Now, our Brazilian team will be laughed at by others."

After seeing Neymar being substituted, Brazilian fans became dissatisfied. They thought Sun Yi was going to let the game go. This is a shame for the Brazilian team.

But in fact, they were the ones who wanted the Brazilian team to avoid the German team the most.

And Chinese fans were also surprised that Sun Yi replaced Neymar so early. Although they also felt that this was the rhythm of letting the game go, they still firmly supported Sun Yi.

"Let the game go. In fact, this is also a more pragmatic approach."

Let the game go?

If Sun Yi heard someone say this, he would definitely shake his finger at his opponent. Then say the last sentence.

"This does not exist."

Sun Yi really did not replace Neymar to let the game go. Instead, he replaced Neymar when he found an opportunity.

At the same time, Sun Yi substituted more than just Neymar.

Not long after replacing Neymar. Sun Yi successively replaced Jesus and Coutinho. At the same time, he also sent Kaka and Adriano on.

After seeing Kaka and Adriano ready to play, many people really confirmed their guesses.

"Sure enough, they are going to let the team go!"

"It's only been 60 minutes and all the substitutions have been used up. And they replaced Kaka and Adriano, two players who have not been well-matched with the others. Isn't this letting the team go?"

At the same time, in the VIP box, Pele also shook his head.

"It's really not okay to let the opponent win."

"This is damaging the image of our Brazilian team."

"If I were here, I would never do this. For me, the image and honor of the Brazilian team are more important than anything else."

"To be honest, I don't want to watch this game anymore!"

At this moment, Sun Yi stood on the sidelines and said to Kaka and Adriano who were about to play:

"Go up, find me a chance and attack with all your strength. Kill them."

"For me, there is no such thing as letting the opponent win or choosing the opponent."

"Tell others to be more resolute and more active when they attack!"

"Okay!" Kaka and Adriano both nodded heavily, and then their faces were filled with excitement and expectation.

Soon, Kaka and Adriano both went on the court.

After seeing Kaka and Adriano go on the court, the Serbian players, who were opponents, became excited.

"Great. They are ready to let us go."

"We must seize the opportunity. As long as we win, we can qualify."

"Yes, go for it! This is a good opportunity given by God!"

After the game resumed, the Serbian team launched an attack on the Brazilian team with high morale.

Moreover, the formation was very close, and many people focused on the attack.

Seeing this situation, Sun Yi's mouth curled up.

"Attack, attack, attack as much as you can. Wait, you will know what the reality is."

The Serbian team really attacked fiercely, with the momentum to swallow the Brazilian team in one fell swoop.

But the Brazilian team's defense is also very powerful. It is impossible to break the Brazilian team's goal in a short time.

After the Serbian team's attack failed, they did not retreat in a big step, but still maintained the momentum of pressing forward. It seems that they have seen that the Brazilian team will not score against them.

But at this moment, as soon as the Brazilian team served the ball, Sun Yi shouted loudly on the sidelines: "Quick, attack! Attack!"

Paulinho was holding the ball. When he saw Sun Yi's gesture, he was stunned at first, but soon he accelerated and rushed forward.

At Sun Yi's wave, several other Brazilian players also rushed forward.

The Serbian team didn't care much at first, thinking that they could easily defend the ball. But after Paulinho dribbled past them and passed the ball forward to Kaka, they finally realized the problem.

"Defense. Retreat quickly!"

"Stop him, quickly!"

The Serbian team then all desperately retreated. But at this time, Kaka had already rushed with the ball.

The characteristic of Kaka is that once he runs with the ball, it is difficult to contain him. And he is the kind of person who runs faster and faster with the ball.

It's not just Kaka and Paulinho who are running fast in the Brazilian team, Adriano in front is also the same.

When Adriano saw Kaka taking off, he chose to run diagonally and lead the player away.

It was Adriano's pulling that allowed Servil's defense to reveal enough space for Kaka.

Kaka used his speed to avoid the opponent's frontal interception while dribbling at high speed. And forced the opponent to chase him.

Soon, Kaka entered his attack range. He looked up and saw that there was no one blocking the space in front.

Without saying a word, Kaka kicked the ball directly.

'Ka-style running shot! '


The ball drew a beautiful arc and then hit the far corner of the goal.



"Damn, we are leading!!!"

The fans who supported the Brazilian team cheered in surprise.

At the same time, many people were also stunned.

"Didn't you say you were going to let the ball go? How did you score a goal?"

Neymar and other people who thought you were going to let the ball go were also puzzled while celebrating.

The most puzzled were the people on the Serbian team.

"Damn, you are a liar!"

"You said you were going to let the ball go, but you scored against us! You liars!"

Kaka, who scored the goal, excitedly ran directly to Sun Yi and gave him a hug.

"Well done, Kaka!"

After the celebration, Sun Yi continued to wave his hand.

"Keep going! Attack! Attack as much as you can. Go score more goals!"

With a goal, the Brazilian team, whether fans or players, were aroused.

With Sun Yi's request, the players on the field became even more excited. They didn't think about letting the ball go, choosing opponents, etc., but devoted themselves to the game.

In this case, the Serbian team had no chance. They wanted to counterattack, but in the face of absolute strength, their counterattack could not cause any waves.

On the contrary, the Brazilian team seized the opportunity later and Paulinho scored a goal.

2:0, which made the game completely suspenseless.

And this score was maintained until the end of the game.

Brazil won.

They won three games and won the first place in the group stage.

Brazil successfully advanced to the knockout stage.

After the game was over, Pele in the VIP box looked unbelievable.

"You didn't let me win?!"

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