Extraordinary coach

Chapter 373 The Finals are here

"We have won the championship this time, no matter who our opponent is in the final!"

After the game, Pele said this domineeringly in an interview.

Before this, although Brazil was also one of the favorites to win the championship, it was only because Sun Yi took over in a hurry. In fact, not many people believed that Brazil would win the championship.

But after easily eliminating Croatia, many people saw that Brazil's strength far exceeded their previous impressions.

"Pele is right. Brazil has won all six games before. It has not lost a single game since the start of the World Cup. Who else has done it in this World Cup?"


"France, Brazil's final opponent, has not done it either. They can't do it to this extent. They tied one of the group matches."

"Invincible, this is the Brazilian team in front of us. This is the temperament of a champion!"

Pele's words were rarely recognized by most people outside this time.

The opponent of the Brazilian team has come out, that is, the French team. Although the French team's record in this World Cup is amazing, it is still a little worse than Brazil's undefeated team.

Brazil's six-match winning streak also reminds people of the Brazilian team that won the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup with seven wins.

"The current Brazilian team is only one game away from the Brazilian team that won the Korea-Japan World Cup. It also won six games in six before the final, which indicates that Brazil is destined to win this time."

It can be said that with such a record entering the World Cup final, most fans around the world believe that Brazil will win the championship this time.

Even French fans are worried that France is not Brazil's opponent.

But Sun Yi couldn't be happy after listening to Pele's words.

Sister, Pele, don't you know that you are a famous reverse poison milk?

When Pele said that the championship was certain, Sun Yi couldn't help but feel panic.

"God bless, bless Pele, this crow mouth, this dream will come true!"

In addition to praying to God, Sun Yi could only rack his brains to predict the possible tactics and strategies of the French team in the final.

Fortunately, Sun Yi can use the system's battle simulation function to simulate any tactics that the French team may use.

Due to excessive use of the battle simulation function, Sun Yi paid a great mental price. So when the final came, his mental state was not good, and he rarely had dark circles under his eyes.

Those who didn't know would think that Sun Yi was overindulging himself.

During the days of intense preparation, time passed quickly. Soon, the World Cup final came.

July 15, 2018,

Luzhniki Stadium.

The weather was sunny, and the temperature was 22 to 23 degrees.

This is a very suitable weather for the game.

"Welcome to the final of the World Cup in Russia."

"Next, the king showdown of this World Cup is about to take place, Brazil vs. France."

"Today, many politicians from various countries will attend the closing ceremony of this World Cup and watch the final. Currently, Russian President Putin, Brazilian President Bolsonaro, French President Macron..."

"It is worth mentioning that Brazilian President Bolsonaro hurried here after learning that Brazil had reached the final. It seems that he did not expect that Brazil would have such a smooth performance in this World Cup."

The three presidents mentioned above, Bolsonaro and Macron sat on Putin's left and right. This lineup really stole the limelight at the closing ceremony.

When watching the closing ceremony performance, the three of them were smiling and talking and laughing. They looked like three old friends who had made an appointment to watch the show.

Sun Yi also watched the closing ceremony performance with the members of the Brazilian team.

He also unexpectedly saw Ronaldinho appear in the performance. Ronaldinho performed African hand drums with both hands at the closing ceremony.

Ronaldinho's appearance was really unexpected.

Just looking at the old Ronaldinho, and then looking at Kaka and Adriano beside him, Sun Yi was filled with emotion.

In terms of skills and talent, Kaka and Adriano are still slightly inferior to Ronaldinho.

Sometimes it has to be said that how high and how long a player's achievements can be depends on his professionalism.

After the closing ceremony, Ronaldinho actually ran to the Brazilian team's locker room. In addition to cheering for the Brazilian players, Ronaldinho actually asked Sun Yi: "Coach Sun, what do you think of me? I can be like Kaka and Adriano. If possible, I also want to appear in the next World Cup."

Ronaldinho's question made Sun Yi speechless for a while.

Sun Yi racked his brains and finally found a more euphemistic sentence. "Brazilian geniuses emerge every year. You have already taken it, so leave the opportunity to the younger generation."

After the closing ceremony, the game officially entered the countdown.

During the warm-up training, Sun Yi found that many players were a little nervous. Even Neymar, a genius who is confident enough to challenge the world, seems a little nervous.

It is also true that among the current Brazilian team, except Kaka, no one else has experienced the World Cup final. It is normal to be nervous.

So after the warm-up, when they returned to the locker room, Sun Yi patted Neymar on the shoulder and pointed at Kaka and Adrieno.

"Neymar, don't be nervous. There is no difference between the final and the semi-final. Look at these two, they are very relaxed."

Then, Sun Yi said to the other players: "Everyone relax."

"I believe everyone here has won numerous championships. This game is no different from the games you won championships in the past."

"Don't think too much, just play it as an ordinary game."

"Believe in yourself. You have the ability to win the game."

"You have experienced so much before and fought for so long, just for this battle. When you go on the court, just show your true strength."

"Yes. The boss is right. In fact, the World Cup final is no different from other games. Don't think too much, just play with all your strength. The championship will definitely be ours."

"That's right. We didn't think the final was any different from ordinary games back then."

Kaka also came out to echo Sun Yi's words.

Kaka won the World Cup with the Brazilian team. Others really listened to their words.

Many people who were a little nervous began to calm down.

Seeing this, Sun Yi smiled and nodded.

"The game is about to start. Remember the arrangements of our coaching staff. As long as we play out what we have trained before, victory will definitely belong to us."

"Let's go to the field and prepare for the game!"

Soon, the players of both sides began to line up for the opening ceremony.

Looking at the Hercules Cup in front of the player's tunnel, Sun Yi felt his heart speeding up.

"Hercules Cup, I will definitely lift you today!"

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