Extraordinary coach

Chapter 44 Dong Fangzhuo wants to cry

The next day, Sun Yi threw his jersey with the number 99 on it that did not belong to any team to Dong Fangzhuo.

"Xiao Dong, you will wear this to play football from now on."

"Oh. But it doesn't seem to be the jersey of the Nice team?" Dong Fangzhuo took the jersey given by Sun Yi and looked at it, feeling confused.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do as I say."

"But it seems a bit too small." Dong Fangzhuo compared the size of the jersey and said.

"Wear whatever you are told to wear, no matter how small it is," Sun Yi said without any doubt.

"Oh. Okay." Dong Fangzhuo didn't dare to go against Sun Yi's words, so he quickly put it on.

"Pfft!" Sun Yi burst out laughing immediately after Dong Fangzhuo put it on.

The jersey looked very wide when worn by Sun Yi himself, but when it was put on Dong Fangzhuo, it only caught on his belly and could not be worn any further. Dong Fangzhuo's shy belly with white flowers looks like a degenerated pig. If you add two big ears and a rake, it will be Zhu Bajie himself.

"Brother, you see, I can't even wear these clothes, so why don't you just stop wearing them?" Dong Fangzhuo looked a little embarrassed looking at his appearance.

"Wear it, you must wear it. This is the weight loss goal I have set for you. When your clothes fit you, you will have achieved your goal." Sun Yi shook his head and said. Hey, that’s a good excuse. That's it.

"But, brother, it's really too tight. It's a bit uncomfortable." Dong Fangzhuo said with a grimace.

"You have to wear it if it's tight. It's better to feel uncomfortable. If it's not uncomfortable, how can you experience the joy of playing football?" Sun Yi said with a smile.

"Hmm~ Brother Sun, why don't you forget it and I'll just be an assistant coach."

"What did you say? Wouldn't it be better to go back to China?" Sun Yi glared suddenly with a solemn face.

Dong Fangzhuo couldn't help but shrink his neck when he glared at him like that. "I didn't say anything. I said this jersey pushes me and that's good."

"Yes. Children can be taught!" Sun Yi nodded happily. "Let's go, training is about to start."

"Okay." Dong Fangzhuo nodded. Seeing Sun Yi walking in front, he couldn't help but secretly wipe away his sweat before following him.

I go. Being glared at by Brother Sun, I actually felt that all the hairs on my body stood up. I almost thought he was going to hit me.


Soon, Sun Yi brought Dong Fangzhuo and several other members of the coaching staff to the training ground.

Among this group of coaching staff, all were wearing the training uniforms of the Nice team. Only Dong Fangzhuo was wearing a strange jersey that obviously did not fit. It looked like every one of those players wanted to snicker.

"Look, Dong looks really funny."

"What does he want to do? Is he pretending to be a clown to make us happy?"

"Did he also offend Sun and be punished?"

Many players started whispering, and some even looked at Balotelli. Why wasn't he punished like this?

"Today, let me talk about the very negative thing that happened yesterday." Sun Yi cleared his throat and began to lecture.

coming. coming.

Many players looked at Balotelli with gloating. Balotelli lowered his head, and there was no expression on his dark face.

"Yesterday, Balotelli damaged public property in the locker room. According to team rules, he must compensate for the damage and be fined. He is also ordered to conduct a self-examination now. Balotelli."

Sun Yi called out, but Balotelli didn't respond. He stepped forward and continued to raise his voice. "Balotelli."

The players dispersed, revealing Balotelli. Balotelli remained silent, the expression on his face constantly changing.

"It seems that you have decided to change the punishment." Sun Yi raised the corners of his mouth, showing a very expectant smile.

Seeing Sun Yi's smile, Balotelli immediately shook his head and took out a note. "No. I'll review it."

"Hey. What a pity." Sun Yi's face was full of regret.

At the same time, it is a pity for the players around him. They really want to see the duel between Sun Yi and Balotelli again.

But Dong Fangzhuo behind him wiped his sweat again. He was worried about Sun Yi. He had just seen Balotelli's uncertain expression, and was thinking about what he would find out later, so he must rush forward to help Sun Yi block it.

"I'm very sorry for my childish behavior yesterday..." Balotelli read slowly in front of everyone while holding the note.

After he finished reading, Sun Yi asked him to return to the team. Balotelli went back with a gloomy look, then lowered his head.

"Okay. This matter ends here. I hope that no one else in the team will make this mistake. No matter who it is, I will never show mercy. If the team rules cannot convince you, I will I'll convince you in another way." Sun Yi polished his hands.

"Okay. Now go warm up and prepare for the next training. Coach Robert, you go and take them to warm up."

"Yes." Robert responded.

"Xiao Dong, you go too." Sun Yi turned to Dong Fangzhuo and said.

"Okay." Dong Fangzhuo nodded and joined the warm-up procession.

After everyone had warmed up, Sun Yi began to arrange training. Some people conduct group tactical training, while others conduct individual technical training. And he arranged for Dio and others to take responsibility for these. Dong Fangzhuo was left alone without any instructions.

"Brother, what about me?" Dong Fangzhuo asked, pointing to himself when he saw that he was the only one doing nothing.

"You. Go run five kilometers first." Sun Yi said immediately.

"Ah! Five kilometers? No, brother. I want to train with them." Dong Fangzhuo was stunned.

"How can you train with them like this? Well, let me think about it. Running like this doesn't seem to be enough. How about tying ten balls to your body?" Sun Yi said thoughtfully while looking at Dong Fangzhuo's big belly.

"Brother. I'm going to run." Dong Fangzhuo ran away immediately after hearing this.

"Heh. This guy. Your good days have just begun." Looking at Dong Fangzhuo's clumsy and fast-escaping figure. Sun Yi couldn't help but chuckle.

Next, a strange scene appeared in the training ground of the Nice team. Everyone, whether the coaching staff or the players, were training on the field. Only Dong Fangzhuo was running around the sidelines in a belly-exposing outfit.

Seeing Dong Fangzhuo running with a painful look on his face, the players and coaches were all confused and curious.

What is this for? Isn't he an assistant coach?

He doesn't come to assist us in training, but goes running. What is this operation? I don't understand.

I guess he really made a mistake.

"Ah. I'm going to die." After running five kilometers, Dong Fangzhuo walked slowly for a while and then fell to the ground.

"It's only five kilometers. A game requires 10 kilometers. If you don't run 10 kilometers, you're embarrassed to tell others that you're a football player. Get up and take a break, drink some water. Then go to the equipment room for upper limb training." Sun Yi kicked Dong Fangzhuo and said.

"Ah. Still need upper limb training?"

"Or, continue running five kilometers?"

"Upper limb training, I'll go for upper limb training."


After the morning training session, Dong Fangzhuo shrugged and followed the coaching staff back to the office. He looked like a zombie without vitality. This made Dio and others feel very sympathetic.

"Come on, colleagues, I ordered some pizza for you, everyone eat it while it's hot. Come." Later, Sun Yi came in with a few big boxes.

"Pizza? That's great." Robert and others' eyes lit up. Dong Fangzhuo even drooled.

"Come on, everyone come." Sun Yi called everyone to come and eat. He bought this with his own money. It was to reward the coaching staff. Since Dio was conquered, the work of the entire coaching staff has been very effective. He was very happy and felt that it was necessary to bring everyone closer.

"Give me one quickly. I'm starving." Dong Fangzhuo rushed over and stretched out his hand to take it.

But Sun Yi opened it with his hand. "These are not for you."

"Why? I want to eat it too. Brother, you can't be so partial!"

"Yours is this." Sun Yi took out a small box and handed it to Dong Fangzhuo.

Dong Fangzhuo took it and took a look. There were some small tomatoes and cucumbers inside. "Brother, this is mine?"

"Yes. Just eat these. Pizza, too much fat, you can't eat it." Sun Yi nodded and said. "Oh. By the way, wait, go to the cafeteria and get some boiled chicken yourself."

"Oh, no!" Dong Fangzhuo's face fell, and under the sympathetic eyes of Dio and others, he felt like crying.

Mom, I want to go home. It's all a lie to let me be an assistant coach or something.

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