Extraordinary coach

Chapter 465: Sympathetic Bell

"Real Madrid's Champions League era is over!"

"Without Cristiano Ronaldo, they have lost their dominance in the Champions League!"

No coincidence. After this game, the famous "Marca" newspaper used these words to describe the current Real Madrid team.

As soon as this statement came out, it was quickly recognized by many people.

In the eyes of many fans, the Real Madrid team that won three consecutive Champions League titles has become a thing of the past with the departure of Ronaldo.

In Sun Yi's mind, the stressful Real Madrid team also became a thing of the past after this game.

Sun Yi completely threw away his admiration for Real Madrid.

This made Sun Yi feel very happy. From now on, Real Madrid won't be that special when they play against each other again.

And to celebrate this great victory. Sun Yi decided to take a day off in Madrid to let the players relax. At the same time, you can also enjoy the scenery of Madrid.

On this day of rest, Sun Yi also decided to experience Madrid.

The only pity is that since it was an away game, Sun Yi was embarrassed to bring Juanjuan with him. He had no choice but to ask Dio, a big man, to go out and play together.

Dior has seen bigger. I have no choice and no interest in playing for too long. After playing for a while, the two of them rested in the hotel.

Sun Yi still has some unfinished ideas. So, he continued to go out for a walk.

In the evening, Sun Yi visited a high-end bar that was said to be visited by celebrities from time to time.

The environment of the bar is really good. It is very different from the crowded bar he imagined. It looks very tasteful and stylish.

There are many men and women drinking in this bar, but judging by their attire, you can tell they are relatively high-end people.

Sun Yi, who was wearing Mojing, found a relatively remote place and ordered a cocktail. Then I had a drink and enjoyed the very comfortable environment and music in this bar.

While drinking and enjoying the music, Sun Yi accidentally glanced at a figure who looked familiar.

The man was also wearing sunglasses, but he was not enjoying the environment and music, and was immersed in drinking. Judging from the posture, this drink is sorrow.

"This figure looks more and more familiar!"

Sun Yi pulled down his sunglasses and took a closer look. "Nima, the more I look at this, the more I feel like a great sage!"

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Yi walked over.

When I got closer and took a closer look, I saw that the body shape, the bald hairstyle and the classic chin really looked like the 'Great Sage' Bell.

"Hello! Bell?"

The man who was drinking froze for a moment, then lowered his head and lowered his voice and said: "You have the wrong person. I am not."

This is authentic English, you can’t go wrong.

"Bell. It's me, Sun."

"Sun? I don't know him. Also, I'm not Bell." Bell continued to deny, not daring to turn around.

Sun Yi simply sat down by himself, then took off his glasses and said: "I am the head coach of Southampton, Sun Yi."

"Southampton team? Sun?!" Bell couldn't help but turned his head and was immediately surprised when he saw it. "Sun! It's really you?"

"Yes, it's me." Sun Yi said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would meet you." At this moment, Bell didn't deny it. However, he did not take off his sunglasses.

"Yeah. I didn't expect to meet you here."

After speaking, Sun Yi looked at the wine in front of Bell. When Bell took the cup and was about to continue drinking, he held his hand down.

"..." Bell looked at Sun Yi in confusion.

Sun Yi shook his head and said: "You are a player. It is better to drink less."

Bell exerted some force and found that Sun Yi had a firm attitude. He retracted his hand, sighed, and leaned on the sofa.

"I see that you don't know how to drink. And what you are drinking is not wine, but sadness. Is there something unhappy in your heart?"

Sun Yi believes that Bell is not an unprofessional player who drinks often. Because Bell was obviously ruined by injuries.

Bell glanced at Sun Yi and saw Sun Yi's sincere eyes. After hesitating for a while, he nodded.

"I'm not afraid to tell you. I do have something unhappy in my heart. And it's because of you."

"because of U.S?"


"Is it because you didn't score on your own?" Sun Yi felt that this was the only thing related to the Southampton team.

"That's right. It was because of that single shot that I missed. I became the culprit for losing that game. Everyone was blaming me and scolding me." Bell's voice gradually became louder as he talked about it.

"Did we lose that game just because I didn't score a single goal? Not at all. The real reason we lost was that we scored three goals by you, especially because we couldn't freeze Ronaldo."

"Even if I scored with my single sword, it would only be three to one at most. It wouldn't change the result at all."

"In losing this game, I am indeed responsible for missing a single shot, but it is obviously not entirely my fault."

"But, Sun, do you know?"

"After the game, my teammates complained about me, the coach blamed me; the fans surrounded the bus and cursed me. All the blame was placed on me alone. Why?"

"They also said that I was a big parallel importer, a useless waste and rubbish. They told me to get out of here as far away as possible!"

"Isn't it because I get injured more often? Do they think I am willing?"

"I also want to be healthy, I also want to play well and score goals in every game. I even want to take over Ronaldo's position."

"But all of this is impossible. I am just a big fake in Real Madrid."

"I am not willing to accept this. You know? I really am not willing to accept this!!"


Bale's voice was filled with grief and indignation at the end.

Sun Yi just listened quietly. He didn't say anything.

What Bale needs now is a listener. He needs to vent his emotions and what's in his heart.

When Bale had almost finished speaking, Sun Yi asked the waiter to bring two glasses of soda water.

"Come on, have a glass of water!"

After taking a few gulps of the water, Bale let out a long breath and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After venting his emotions, Bale was obviously much more relaxed.

After calming down, Bale took off his sunglasses and smiled at Sun Yi with a little apology. "I'm sorry. I let you see me like this."

"I understand."

Seeing Sun Yi's understanding, Bale drank a few more sips of water. After drinking, he sighed again.

"Ah. Injuries! It's really the biggest enemy of our players."

"Yes! Countless talented people have had their careers ruined by injuries. If you can be healthier, I believe you won't be worse than Ronaldo."

Hearing Sun Yi, who is already a world legend, say that he is comparable to Ronaldo, Bale's eyes glowed. But soon dimmed: "It's a pity that I can never be as healthy as him. I'm afraid I will never reach his level in this life."

"No way. Maybe this is life. There will always be people who are stronger and luckier than us in this world. There is no need to force yourself to reach a certain height. The most important thing is to make yourself live better." Sun Yi comforted.

"Yes. This is the reality. There is no better way than to accept it! I wish I was healthy." Bale sighed helplessly again.


The two chatted for a while. Most of the time, Sun Yi was comforting Bale. Although the two were basically strangers before. But it was a kind of fate to meet here.

After chatting for a while, it was late to leave. Sun Yi said goodbye to Bale and left.

But before leaving, Sun Yi couldn't help but said to Bale: "If, I mean if. If one day, I have a way to make you healthy, are you willing to come to our team?"

"Of course. If this is really possible. Even if I don't want a salary, I am willing to play for you!"

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