Extraordinary coach

Chapter 48 Dong Fangzhuo got a bargain

Although it was a holiday, Sun Qian really didn't give himself a holiday. Even if he didn't go to the team base, he was always thinking about the team.

Dong Fangzhuo was not as relaxed as him. He wanted to go out and play during the holiday. He had come to Sun Yi to play, but was rejected by Sun Yi. And Sun Yi asked him to do a lot of things. For example, he couldn't eat high-fat foods, and he couldn't drink alcohol, smoke, or drink carbonated drinks.

This made Dong Fangzhuo regret coming to Sun Yi before leaving.

Sun Yi basically spent the holiday thinking about the team's affairs.

After a day off, the team had to continue training the next day.

After a day of rest, everyone was in a good mood when they returned to work. When Sun Yi came to the coaching staff's method room, he saw Dong Fangzhuo talking and laughing with Robert.

Everyone greeted Sun Yi after seeing him. Since he treated the coaching staff to pizza and won the first game, Robert and others' attitude towards Sun Yi has also improved a lot.

"Brother Sun. You're here?" Dong Fangzhuo said with a smile.

"Well. How was your fun yesterday?" Sun Yi asked casually.

"Not bad. It's a pity you didn't go. Otherwise you would have liked it." Dong Fangzhuo smiled happily. It seems that he really had a lot of fun yesterday.

"Oh. Let's weigh ourselves now." Sun Yi stared at Dong Fangzhuo and said lightly.

"Ah!" Dong Fangzhuo was a little surprised, and his face began to bitter.

"Let's go. Let's see if you have achieved your goals in the past few days."


When Dong Fangzhuo got off the scale, his face was full of flattering smiles.

"Very good? 200 pounds. Well maintained." Sun Yi smiled kindly.

"Brother Sun, that~"

"You must have had a lot of fun yesterday, right? Very good. Your training this morning will be to run 10 kilometers." Sun Yi said with a smile.

Sun Yi said lightly, but Dong Fangzhuo's face completely collapsed. "Brother, can we discuss a discount?"


"Thank you. Brother. You're the best." Dong Fangzhuo's greasy face was immediately filled with flattering smiles.

"How about an 11% discount?" Sun Yi said with a smile.

"Okay. 11% discount, um~ brother, forget it?" Dong Fangzhuo couldn't stop laughing halfway.

"Don't always think about discounts. Being a professional player is not a business, there is no room for discounts." Sun Yi's face also became serious.

"Yes. I know." Dong Fangzhuo nodded embarrassedly. Then he saw that Sun Yi wanted to continue talking, so he hurriedly said: "Brother Sun, I'm going to the training ground first."

After saying that, Dong Fangzhuo ran away. Looking at his fleeing appearance, Sun Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, Dong Fangzhuo failed to realize his talent back then, and he himself also accounted for a large part of the reason.

When Sun Yi left the experience room, he met Dio.

"Sun, are you really going to let Dong return to the field to play football?" Dio asked, looking at the direction Dong Fangzhuo left. The coaching staff already knew that Sun Yi had added Dong Fangzhuo's name to the list of players reported to the French Football Association. This made them feel a little puzzled.

"If possible. I hope so. After all, he is only 31 years old and retired like this. It's really a pity." Sun Yi thought for a while and said.

"It's really a pity. I heard that he was a genius valued by Ferguson together with Ronaldo in Manchester United. Now Ronaldo is still the core of Real Madrid, but Dong~ah." Dio couldn't help sighing.

Foreigners actually have no feelings for Dong Fangzhuo. If Dong Fangzhuo is not Dio's colleague now, Dio probably forgot about such a person.

"I just give him a chance to return to the court. Whether he can really play depends on himself." Sun Yi said thoughtfully.

He really didn't say this hypocritically. Because he himself didn't know much about Dong Fangzhuo. He had just used the system to check Dong Fangzhuo's situation, and the progress bar of "Resurrection" was only 12%. If he wants to fully recover, it may take several months.

With Dong Fangzhuo's self-control, even if his body is fully recovered, it is hard to say what level he can reach. It is even possible that he will never be able to bring out his S-level potential.

How far he can go depends on Dong Fangzhuo himself. Sun Yi can only give him a chance to redeem himself at most.

Sun Yi did not talk too much about Dong Fangzhuo with Dio. Dong Fangzhuo now is irrelevant to the Nice team.

Next, Sun Yi discussed the game the day before yesterday with Dio. There are still many problems in that game that need to be discussed with the coaching staff and solved.

After that, Sun Yi brought Dio and other members of the coaching staff to the training ground. At this time, he also had an extra jersey in his hand.

This jersey is the medium that Sun Yi uses to teach "Back Turn Shooting". And he has decided to give it to Balotelli.

Although Balotelli, this fool, always makes trouble from time to time, he is the absolute candidate for the team's forward arrow after all. Letting him learn "Back Turn Shooting" is undoubtedly the best choice.

Balotelli's physique is naturally world-class. His ability to hold the ball with his back to the goal plus his skill of "turning back and shooting" definitely makes him a killer in the penalty area that scares opponents.

"Balotelli. Come here." Without calling the players, Sun Yi waved to Balotelli.

"Hey, the coach is calling Mario. Is Mario going to be unlucky again?"

"Do you think there will be a fight this time?"

When they saw Sun Yi looking for Balotelli, other players couldn't help but be curious, and even Salah couldn't help but look sideways.

Salah now also knows about Sun Yi beating Balotelli on his first day in office. To be honest, he didn't believe it at all at first. He didn't believe that Sun Yi, looking at such a kind person, would hit a player. I don’t even believe that Sun Yi can beat Balotelli. Only later, when Cogelo exposed the matter, did he believe it.

"What do you want from me?" Balotelli came to Sun Yi cautiously.

"That's it, I have a jersey ready to be given to you." Sun Yi raised the jersey in his hand.

"Give it to me? Why?" Balotelli felt a little confused.

"Uh..." Sun Yi really didn't know how to explain it for a moment. With his relationship with Balotelli, there is really no reason to give anything away. Not to mention giving away jerseys. Balotelli has plenty of jerseys.

"You don't want to punish me, do you?" Balotelli turned to look at Dong Fangzhuo and said warily.

Dong Fangzhuo also came closer at this time. Seeing that Sun Yi was going to give Balotelli the jersey, he couldn't help but gloated.

"Trick you? How is that possible?" Sun Yi was speechless.

"Then you have no reason to give me the jersey. I'm sorry, I don't want anything from you either." Balotelli saw the expectant smile on Dong Fangzhuo's face and shook his head firmly.

"You~" Sun Yi was speechless for a moment. I felt a little anxious and wanted to give the other party a big blow. You idiot, I’m giving you the benefits, but you still don’t want them!

"If there is nothing else, then I'm leaving. I still have to practice." After saying that and waiting for a second, Balotelli turned and walked away.

"..." Sun Yi pointed at Balotelli and was completely speechless.

"Hey!" Dong Fangzhuo next to him was a little disappointed. But when he saw the jersey in Sun Yi's hand, his eyes lit up.

"Brother, if he doesn't want it, just give it to me. I can just change it." Dong Fangzhuo reached out and took the jersey away from Sun Yi's hand.

You guy...forget it. Here you go. "If the idiot Balotelli doesn't want it, then let's take advantage of the idiot Dong Fangzhuo.

Sun Yi didn't care about Balotelli's ungrateful guy anymore. Soon he led the coaching staff and directed the players to train. Dong Fangzhuo and his group were kicked by Sun Yi and ran ten kilometers.

Seeing that there is no good show to watch. Many players were a little disappointed and quickly turned their attention to training.

In a fulfilling training, the day ends quickly.

The next day, Dong Fangzhuo rushed into Sun Yi's office with excitement and strangeness.

"Brother. I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I had been using a skill called back-turning to hit the goal. It has always been easy to use. I used this skill to score many goals in the game. And what's even weirder is that when I woke up this morning , I feel like I really know this skill, just like I have used it a lot before. It’s really weird!”

"Oh!" Sun Yi couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Then began to mobilize the system to check Dong Fangzhuo.

Soon, there was a skill next to Dong Fangzhuo's unchanged attribute view: "Turn your back and hit the door."

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