Extraordinary coach

Chapter 482 Sun Yi’s ambition!

The young Ajax team just left like that.

Although they didn't want to accept it, the reality was like this, and they really could only pursue the future.

"Okay! You said the future is ours."

"Then, one day, we will be back!"

The opponent left. All that was left was the Southampton team cheering to their heart's content.

After this battle, they successfully advanced to the Champions League semi-finals. This is a historic moment.

Therefore, many fans stayed in the stadium and were reluctant to leave for a long time. They wanted to enjoy this historic moment.

"Unbelievable! Champions League semi-finals!"

"I really can't believe that I can see Southampton reach the Champions League semi-finals in my lifetime."

"Satisfied. Really, I am satisfied."

"In this life, I don't regret being a fan of Southampton."


The fans were really happy.

When Sun Yi went to accept the post-match press interview and was ready to leave with the team, he heard that many fans were reluctant to leave.

Sun Yi didn't understand. This was just reaching the semi-finals. Is it necessary to be so happy?

I heard that the fans were still unwilling to leave despite the persuasion of the stadium staff. Sun Yi decided to go back to the stadium to take a look.

As soon as he returned to the stadium, Sun Yi found that there were at least hundreds of fans who were unwilling to leave.

As soon as Sun Yi appeared, the fans cheered excitedly.

"Sun, long live!!"

"Thank you. Thank you for bringing us such a Southampton team."

"Sun! Sun!!!..."

This surprised Sun Yi and was a little moved.

Sun Yi understood why these fans were still unwilling to leave after the game had ended for so long.

These are the team's diehard fans!

They are the kind of fans who will rise and fall with the team and will never leave. Until one day their own lives are gone. Maybe the team is disbanded.

Sun Yi waved his hand.

This made the fans cheer even louder.

Turning around to see the helpless expression of the stadium manager.

Sun Yi pressed his hands down.

Miraculously, the noisy voices of the fans slowly stopped until it was completely quiet.

Everyone looked at Sun Yi, waiting for him to speak.

Sun Yi took the loudspeaker handed over by the stadium manager next to him.

After testing the sound, Sun Yi said: "Dear fans. Hello everyone. I am glad that you are still cheering for the team's victory. You are the team's most loyal fans. I am glad that the team has fans like you."

Sun Yi's words immediately attracted cheers and applause from the fans.

"I know you are really happy. I think reaching the Champions League semi-finals is a surprise that I dare not even dream of."

"But I am a little depressed and a little sad. Why?"

"Because you are saying that I am not capable of leading the team to the Champions League final."

"NO!NO! That's not the case, Sun."

"We just feel very satisfied." A fan hurriedly explained.

"But I tell you now, you are too happy now. It's too early to be satisfied."

"You are so happy now, then if you reach the final, or even win the Champions League, how happy will you be?"

"Champion? If I really can win the Champions League, I can die immediately." A fan said loudly.

"Go to hell? How can that be? If we can win the championship every year, won't we have fewer fans? Won't we have fewer partners who can share happiness and joy together?"

Win the Champions League every year?

Many fans were scared.

Sun Yi didn't even make it to the final, but he was thinking about dominating the Champions League in the future. Isn't this ambition too scary?

Then the fans got excited.

This was Sun Yi's statement and his promise to the fans.

"No! Sun, we don't dare to want so much, as long as we can win it once." A fan said. This statement was also recognized by many people.

"Okay. Let's not talk about the goal that is too far away. Just say that now, our goal is only the Champions League."

"So, fans, you have to save your emotions and enthusiasm until we win the championship, and then enjoy and cheer to your heart's content."

"Okay!" The applause rang out again.

"Now, please go home. It's getting late. The staff at the stadium are waiting to do the final work so that they can go home early."

When Sun Yi finished speaking, the fans nodded and began to prepare to disperse. They were all shocked by Sun Yi's goal and felt that they needed to go back and digest it.

Seeing the fans begin to disperse, Sun Yi nodded to the stadium manager, then waved to the fans and turned away.

When Sun Yi walked into the passage, a fan called him loudly.

He turned around and saw that it was a group of middle-aged and elderly fans calling him.

"Sun, if you can really win the championship. We will support you to be the head coach of Southampton forever. Until you can't do it anymore."

Sun Yi smiled brightly. After nodding, he turned around and walked into the passage.


Nothing in this world has ever been forever unchanged.

However, the fans' intentions are still good.

So far, the matter of the Champions League quarterfinals has come to an end.

The next day, what Sun Yi said to the fans at the stadium spread out. Then it became the headlines of many sports sections and caused huge debates, even overshadowing the coverage of this game.

"Winning the Champions League every year? Sun, you are exaggerating. If I can win it once, I will have no regrets in my life. Really." Dio put down the newspaper and said seriously.

"Exaggerated? Not exaggerated. Because I really think so. This is my goal." Sun Yi also said seriously.

He went to the stadium yesterday to persuade the fans to leave. In addition to wanting to help the stadium staff, he also wanted to take the opportunity to announce his goals and ambitions to everyone.

"..." Dio was stunned for a moment.

"Do you know? After the League Cup final, Manchester City's owner Mansour came to me."

"What, Mansour came to you? Did he want you to coach Manchester City?"

"Yes. He gave me twice the salary here and unlimited funds."

"Oh! Oh my! Unrestricted funds?! Is it true?" Dio swallowed.

"Really!" Sun Yi nodded.

"Then you agreed?"

"No." Sun Yi shook his head. "I refused."

"Oh my God! You actually refused?" Dio felt a little incredible. Mansour's conditions should be the best conditions that all clubs in the world can offer. No one else.

You know, even Guardiola didn't get such treatment in Manchester City.

"Why did you refuse? Do you regret it now?"


"I refused because of you guys, there are so many talented players in the team. I firmly believe that I can personally build Southampton into a team that surpasses Real Madrid and Barcelona."

Sun Yi raised his hands solemnly.

"I want to create the greatest team in football history!"

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