Extraordinary coach

Chapter 508 The Future of Southampton

Given up Bale.

Sun Yi thought he would be very sorry, but he found that it was not as serious as he thought.

He really admired Bale. He wanted to see Bale become a healthy and happy winger super sports car under his command.

But life is sometimes like this. You may not get what you like. Many times you have to give it up yourself.

And this time, I am afraid Bale will never have the chance to play under Sun Yi again.

The fate is over.

Once Sun Yi makes a decision, he will not regret it.

After choosing Ronaldo, he simply gave Ronaldo "Rejuvenation" to help him recover faster and get back to form.

After giving "Rejuvenation", Sun Yi believed that with Ronaldo's high self-discipline, he could still play for several years. At worst, he could play to the same age as Kaka now.

When Sun Yi gave Ronaldo a pair of ankle braces, Ronaldo was a little surprised.

"Coach, I already have this thing." Ronaldo pointed to his ankle.

"Put it on."


"When I absolutely trust a player, I will give him something. Like Kaka, Adriano and Balotelli. I won't give it to ordinary people." Sun Yi said with a smile.

"Oh. Thank you!!"

Hearing what Sun Yi said, Ronaldo took it with a smile and put it on immediately.

After watching Ronaldo put it on, Sun Yi patted him on the shoulder happily.

"You will never regret accepting my gift. Use it well, it will bring you good luck."

Although Ronaldo is also a believer, he doesn't believe in Sun Yi's superstitious words.

He accepted it because it represented Sun Yi's trust.

Ronaldo didn't pay much attention to the ankle brace given by Sun Yi. It was just an ordinary ankle brace. You know, the one he used for himself was a specially customized high-end product.

But just after Sun Yi left, Adriano, Balotelli and even Kaka surrounded him with shining eyes.

"Oh my god, the boss gave you something good? Why didn't he give it to me?"

"The boss should give me one too! I need it the most."

"C Ronaldo, you are so lucky to get a gift from the boss."

Even Kaka was full of envy. "I really envy you. The boss hasn't been so nice to me for a long time."

"How about this, Ronaldo, lend me the ankle brace that the boss gave you for a few days." Balotelli said.

"Uh~" Ronaldo was a little dazed, with question marks all over his forehead.

"Well, from your expression, you should not be interested in this thing. I think so too, it doesn't look high-end. It's much worse than what you used before. How about this, you give it to me. Otherwise, I can also pay for it."

Adriano seemed very serious when he proposed.

"I can also pay. How much is it?" Kaka also said quickly.

"Well? You want it so much, why?" Ronaldo was even more confused now.

"Nothing. It's just that I admire the boss very much. I want to collect everything that has passed through his hands." Kaka explained.

"Me too. I also admire the boss very much." Balotelli and Adriano also said hurriedly.

"..." Ronaldo frowned and looked at Kaka, then at Balotelli and Adriano, who all looked very sincere. He was even more confused.

There must be something fishy about these guys' behavior.

Ronaldo is not a fool. Although Kaka and his friends pretended to collect Sun Yi's things just because they admired him, he still saw that there was definitely something wrong.

"No. I also admire the boss. I love this thing."

"Ah!!" Kaka and his friends instantly had regrets on their faces.

Then they walked away with a sigh of reluctance and envy.

Before they finished waiting, Ronaldo heard a sentence "C Ronaldo is a bit smart, he didn't fall for it. What a pity..."

"These guys are weird."

Thinking about the abnormal behavior of Kaka and his friends, Ronaldo suddenly thought of something.

"These guys seem to have received gifts from the coach. And..."

These guys have performed differently than expected under Sun Yi.

In fact, in Ronaldo's opinion, Kaka and Adriano should have retired long ago. But these two have performed surprisingly well in the past two years.

Besides, Balotelli, who was considered useless by the outside world a few years ago, suddenly played far beyond the outside world's greatest expectations of him.

These guys are all abnormal in the football world.

"Can these guys be like this just because of the gifts from the coach?"

C Ronaldo couldn't help squatting down and touching the ankle brace that Sun Yi gave him.

Although it didn't look as high-end as his original one, it gave him a very comfortable feeling after wearing it.

A few days later, Ronaldo had a surprising performance.

He found that his ankle, which had not recovered well before, was almost completely healed. Even his body felt like he was a few years younger, making him feel full of strength.

After the team doctor's examination, it was confirmed that the injury on his ankle ligament had really healed, and he looked like he had never been injured.

This result really shocked Ronaldo.

He is a person who believes in science. He secretly took the ankle brace to someone for inspection, and the result was that it was just an ordinary pair of ankle braces.

This result made Ronaldo very confused.

But he also knew that under normal circumstances, his ankle would never heal so quickly.

He felt that this was probably the effect of Sun Yi's ankle brace. At least, it brought good luck.

"It must be like this. Otherwise, Kaka and the others would not want my ankle brace. It is even more impossible to have such an achievement now."

Soon, Kaka and the others also found that Ronaldo's recovery was beyond normal.

"The boss's things are really treasures!"

"Why not give them to me? My recent recovery is not ideal!"

"We have to find an opportunity to ask the boss for something..."

After listening to Kaka and the others, Ronaldo still couldn't believe it, but he still accepted the statement that Sun Yi's things could bring good luck.

After seeing Ronaldo's situation, Sun Yi was very satisfied.

With Ronaldo's situation, if there is no accident, he should not have to worry about the left winger position in a few years.

Sun Yi temporarily put aside the matter of finding a successor for him.

Then, Sun Yi also began to seriously consider Kaka's successor.

He thought of Ronaldo's introduction. So he found a time to fly to Portugal in person.

After finally meeting Ronaldo's younger brother Joao Felix.

Sun Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Buy! Buy him now!"

"Even if it costs 100 million pounds, we must buy him."

"This is the future of our team!"

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