Extraordinary coach

Chapter 574 The End of the Champion and Kaka!

"Kaka!! Kaka!!!"

All the Southampton fans were chanting Kaka's name.

Many female fans screamed fervently.

But some fans who are older at watching football have tears in their eyes.

In their eyes, it is not Kaka who now has some beard. But the handsome young man chasing the wind.

"Kaka, how many years has it been? I didn't expect to see Kaka like this again."

"Looking around, my eyes are filled with Kaka from my youth."

"This goal may be the last stop in Kaká's career!"

After celebrating excitedly, Sun Yi happily said to Kaka and other players: "The time is not over yet. Wait, come back and celebrate to your heart's content."


Kaka turned and returned to the court. Ready to continue playing.

Although there is still time in the game, in Sun Yi's view, the game was over the moment Kaká scored.


Southampton were two goals ahead and there was absolutely no way Real Madrid would be able to come back.

The difference between two goals can definitely kill the game in such a contest.

And Sun Yi's idea is not without basis.

"We are two goals behind, how can we still play?"

"There are only about twenty minutes left, how can we play?"

"It's over. It's over! The attack didn't even score, but another goal was scored. We're done."

"The champion is leaving us again!"

Real Madrid fans are basically desperate.

The morale of the Real Madrid team has also dropped to the bottom. Their mentality completely collapsed.

Every one of them looked downcast on the court, either with their heads hanging or standing with their arms akimbo. The eyes without exception are a little confused.

Like the fans, these players also feel that there is no hope.

This change of mood also led to Real Madrid kicking off the ball immediately after Kaká ended his celebration.

After the restart, Real Madrid also completely withered.

They no longer had the ferocious storm-like offensive before. The players no longer seem so active and hardworking.

Under such circumstances, Real Madrid has no hope of rebounding.

Although Zidane calmed down later and began to try to cheer up Real Madrid. But it didn't have much effect.

In the end, the score of 3:1 was maintained and the game ended.


The whistle sounded, and the whole stadium instantly became excited again. And the noise was even louder than before.

"Wow!!! We are the champions!"

"We are on top of Europe again!"

"We successfully defended our title. We are the kings of Europe!!"

At this moment, all Southampton supporters cheered.

Sun Yi was also extremely excited and rushed directly to the court.

When he arrived on the court, Sun Yi saw Ronaldo kneeling on the ground excitedly with his hands pointing to the sky, so he went over and gave him a hug.

After hugging Ronaldo, Sun Yi continued to move forward. His target is Kaka.

Soon, Sun Yi saw Kaka who was also kneeling on the ground.

Kaka was lowering his head and kissing the grass, with tears streaming down his face.



Kaka stood up and hugged Sun Yi tightly.

"Boss, we did it. I did it. We are the champions!"

"Yes. You did it. You did it!"

"Thank you, boss. Thank you for giving me this opportunity."


After the passionate celebration, the final highlight comes next.


When the Big Ears Cup was handed over to Kaka and raised high by him and Ronaldo, the whole South of the South China once again erupted in tsunami-like cheers.

Colorful ribbons filled the sky and kept falling.

And beautiful fireworks began to bloom in the sky above the arena.

All this brought the championship atmosphere to a climax.

I don’t know how long the celebration lasted, but many people cheered until their voices became hoarse. Kaka said a microphone from the staff.

"Please be quiet and calm down. I have something to say."

After a while, everyone gradually became quiet.

Seeing him standing in front of all the players with a microphone, and his family standing behind him, everyone had a clear understanding.

After the stadium was no longer so noisy, Kaka took a deep breath and said:

"I want to tell everyone that today is my last game. I will officially retire from now on. Thank you for your continued support."

As soon as Kaka finished speaking, the entire stadium became commotion.

"Oh! No!"

"Don't retire!!"

"We don't want you to leave the field."

Although everyone had some premonitions, when they actually heard Kaka say he was retiring, many people couldn't help but want to keep him.

Everyone thinks of Kaká’s contribution to the team after following Sun Yi to Southampton.

He has always worked hard and stood up in times of crisis, which helped Southampton achieve such an achievement.

Especially in today's game, after Kaká came off the bench, he used a perfect performance of two assists and one goal to help Southampton win this not-easy championship.

It can be said that without Kaka, perhaps everyone in the Southampton team would not be able to cheer now.

Now, Kaka is retiring after winning a championship for the stadium. We will never see him on the field again.

Countless fans shed tears.

They really can't let him go.


"Kaka, stay!"

Everyone in the stadium shouted like this, and the voices became more and more uniform and louder.

Hearing these voices of retention, Kaka, who had finally stopped crying, couldn't help crying again.

Kaka said with a choked voice: "Thank you. Thank you for your love for me. Thank you for your support all the time."

"It's just that my mission in the team has ended. No, it has been completed successfully. I have no regrets."

"And our team already has younger and better players, who will make the future of Southampton even better."

"And my identity as a player is over. My fate with football will not end here. It will always be maintained until one day my life returns to the embrace of the Lord."

"Thank you fans for your continued support, thank you teammates and the team for their support. Thank you!"

After speaking, Kaka bowed and turned to hug his family. His teammates also came forward to hug him.

When it came to Sun Yi, Kaka continued: "Here, I want to especially thank my head coach Sun. Without him, I would not be who I am now. Without him, I would not be able to lead Southampton from ordinary to great with everyone."

"Thank you, boss. Thank you for giving me a second professional life."

After speaking, Kaka bowed to Sun Yi.

Sun Yi immediately stepped forward and hugged Kaka.

"Kaka, you are not only a player, but also my brother."

"Next season, we will still lead Southampton to create greater glory together!"

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