Extraordinary coach

Chapter 577 Stability Above All

Evergrande sent players, which is a kind of business cooperation.

For Southampton, except for making more money, it actually didn't have much impact.

Naturally, it wasn't something Sun Yi needed to spend too much time on.

Next, Sun Yi also began to concentrate on preparing for the new season.

As we all know, the beginning of preparations means the opening of the transfer market.

In the new season, Sun Yi got more transfer budget. Up to 150 million pounds.

As soon as he saw this transfer budget, Sun Yi instantly felt like a rich man. Very happy.

However, he soon lost his excitement. Because he didn't plan to make a big splash in the transfer market.

Now Southampton's lineup is already very good. The key is that it is very reasonable.

The structure of the three generations of old, middle and young is very reasonable. It has top competitiveness and potential for improvement. There is no better fit.

And what Sun Yi is really confident about is that the current Southampton team is stronger than last season.

The people are still the same people, but after another season of training, many players have made great progress.

Like Felix, although he is only A-level strength for the time being, he has improved a lot now compared to when he first came.

It depends on the situation. In the new season, he will soon be able to break through to A+ level strength.

In that case, he will completely take over Kaka's class.

And other players have also made great progress.

Sarr has reached A+ level strength and is fully capable of playing the position of left back.

The defensive midfielder Matthew Ginio, who came in the winter transfer last season, has also made a lot of progress.

Although it is still A-level strength, as long as enough playing time is given, Sun Yi believes that he can also reach A+ level strength.

If the situation permits, he can also try to use Matthew Ginio to replace Romeu.

In addition to Bednarek, who has also made great progress, Sun Yi does not have to worry about Southampton's defensive midfielder being short of manpower in the new season.

It can be said that Sun Yi can basically rest assured in terms of defense in the midfield and backcourt.

The goalkeeper position is still what Sun Yi needs to pay attention to.

Given Casillas' physical condition, I'm afraid that all the burdens cannot be placed on him.

Therefore, in the new season, Sun Yi is ready to give Bernardoni, the young man, more playing opportunities.

Bernardoni is now almost improving from A-level to A-level.

With A-level strength, general games can be handed over to him.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, Sun Yi expects that in the second half of the season, he can completely hand over the goal of the Southampton team to Bernardoni.

It should be said that the goalkeeper is still a relatively weak link in the Southampton team.

If there is a chance, Sun Yi is still willing to buy a goalkeeper with A+ level strength.

In that way, he will no longer have to deal with the problem of goalkeepers.

As for the attack in the frontcourt, it is just the place that Sun Yi does not need to worry about the least.

Ronaldo still maintains the strength of S level.

A month's vacation did not cause Ronaldo's physical condition to decline significantly.

It can be seen that Ronaldo must have maintained enough training during the vacation.

Balotelli is already at his peak. There is no need to worry about strength.

It's just that during the holiday, this guy may have eaten a little too much and is a little overweight.

This is not a big problem, just leave it to Kaka. Sun Yi is still very relieved about this.

Golovin has also been promoted to A+ level last season. He can be a main player.

In addition to Rebic, Lozano and Pulisic, who are also A+ level players, Sun Yi can safely arrange two competitive lineups.

In terms of offense, whether it is the main force or the bench, Southampton is already completely capable. Even in the Premier League, it is one of the best.

In the case of Southampton, except for the goalkeeper position, which can be considered for reinforcement, other positions are completely sufficient.

Therefore, in Sun Yi's view, the current Southampton team is stable above all else.

As long as the team can maintain stability, it is absolutely capable of winning various championships.

So, after promoting several promising young players from the echelon to the first team, Sun Yi led the Southampton team to focus on training.

As for transfers, Sun Yi was not going to waste time except for letting the transfer department do some small things.

It can be said that this season's Southampton team has the most stable personnel since Sun Yi took over as coach.

It is also the team with the least movement in the transfer market.

Southampton is fine as long as it is stable, but other teams cannot.

Based on the situation in the previous season, almost all opponents felt that if they did not make large-scale military purchases, there would definitely be no hope.

Therefore, this season's summer transfer market is particularly tragic.

All the wealthy teams with sufficient financial resources are frantically sweeping the transfer market.

There have been many times when crazy money was spent to grab a certain player.

Even in order to grab capable players, many teams have come up with various tricks, making many teams directly become enemies.

Because of these crazy situations of grabbing players, the entire transfer market has been seriously overpriced.

Players that used to cost only 30 or 40 million euros to buy, this time don't even think about buying them without about 100 million.

Don’t think one hundred million is too expensive, as they are almost out of stock.

Such a crazy money-burning market situation makes teams that sell players reluctant to count money.

It’s those teams that need people but don’t have the financial resources to suffer.

For example, Arsenal, they can only continue to reuse players like "Prince Gong".

And these crazy military purchases have also caused the strength of many wealthy teams to increase crazily.

Especially teams like Manchester City and Liverpool that have championship ambitions. They have spent a lot of money to strengthen the team.

Everyone knows that all these actions are directed at Southampton.

But Sun Yi didn't pay much attention to this.

As long as you are strong enough, you don't need to care about how strong your opponent has become.

If there is an opponent who can compete with him, to be honest, Sun Yi is really looking forward to it.

It's just that whether these opponents will be as futile as the previous two seasons, we have to compare them before we know.

Sun Yi didn't pay much attention to his opponent's arms purchase, but one thing caught his attention.

That is Guardiola actually returned to the Barcelona team.

After Barcelona was eliminated by Southampton in the Champions League semi-finals last season, Valverde took the blame and resigned.

Unexpectedly, the Barcelona team actually pulled Guardio back.

Sun Yi felt very excited about this.

"When Guardiola returns to Barcelona, ​​can he recreate the dream team? It's really exciting. I hope you won't disappoint me."

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