Extraordinary coach

Chapter 60 Balotelli scores twice

The fifteen-minute halftime break passed quickly. Both sides quickly returned to the field from the locker room.

The second half of the game started later.

Marseille continued to use the same tactics as in the second half of the first half to deal with Nice, just as Sun Yi expected. And after seeing that Sarr was still on the field, they continued to attack him.

Sun Yi had already given his players a shot of prevention during the halftime break, so when they saw Marseille doing this again, the players on the field of Nice did not panic. Instead, they responded calmly.

Sarr once again became the opponent's focus of attack. Although he felt a lot of pressure, he was also not panicked. Facing the opponent's attitude of eating him, he responded with a more resolute look. And he also remembered what Sun Yi said to him, never kick easily.

Sarr did suffer a loss in physical strength against Gomis, but he did not suffer a loss in speed. He gritted his teeth and entangled Gomis tightly, and then waited for Terry to come over to encircle him. Terry's kick was much more experienced and accurate than Sarr. Often he could poke the ball with one kick.

In such a response, Gomis not only failed to find opportunities from Sarr, but also lost the ball one after another.

This made Marseille's offensive effect in the early second half very unsatisfactory.

After the defense was done well, Nice's counterattack also began to show its power. The threat created by the offensive trident composed of Salah, Pléa, and Balotelli became greater and greater. This also made Marseille's defense tied down and unable to attack Nice with all its strength.

In this case, Nice was no longer at a disadvantage on the field. The safety of their goal was also greatly improved.

Seeing that the tactics that brought goals in the first half could not get the desired effect, Marseille coach Garcia frowned. He felt that he needed to find a way to find a better strategy.

However, Garcia thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of a better way.

Sarr was the biggest weakness of Nice's defense that Marseille could find. And if this point can't be opened, there is really no better way.

There was no more effective way, so Garcia had to give up the change. Anyway, Marseilles are not at a disadvantage in the current situation, at most they are in a stalemate. And he thinks that as long as Sarr is still on the court, Marseilles are still very likely to score again. People can't avoid making mistakes, and young people will make more mistakes.

So, Garcia sat on the bench. He had to wait, waiting for Sarr to make another mistake to give Marseilles a chance to win.

Sun Yi was also waiting, and he was not waiting for anyone to make a mistake, but waiting for Marseilles' physical fitness to decline.

Due to the attitude of the coaches on both sides, the game on the field began to enter a stalemate. Everyone has a chance, but it's not a particularly good opportunity. So, the goal has not appeared.

"Well~ Sarr is a really good player. There has been no big mistakes since the second half." After playing for 20 minutes, Garcia didn't wait for Sarr to make a mistake, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"This player learns very quickly. However, as his physical fitness declines, he will definitely make more mistakes and make more mistakes." Garcia muttered softly after looking at the time. "Perhaps, we should replace him with a more powerful player."

"This situation is a bit stalemate. We may have to prepare to replace the players whose physical strength has dropped too much." Dio was also looking at the time at this time.

"We can prepare, mainly to replace the defense. Terry should be given priority later, because he has consumed too much energy today." Sun Yi thought for a while and said.

"Okay. Then I will ask someone to warm up first." Dio said.

Sun Yi nodded, but his eyes continued to stare at the court, and then gradually narrowed his eyes.

It's almost time. The time we are waiting for is coming.

After a while, Sun Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the game on the field, Marseille still controlled the ball, and they were still using the pass to find loopholes in Nice's defense. But Sun Yi saw what he wanted to see. Marseille's rhythm completely slowed down, the frequency of passing began to drop significantly, and the running was also reduced a lot.

Their physical problems came, and the time has come.

It is not known whether the teammates on the field and Sun Yi had a telepathic connection. Seri, who was intercepting in the middle, suddenly rushed forward and intercepted the ball that Marseille midfielder Zambo passed to front midfielder Iseka halfway.


After successfully intercepting the ball, Seri took the ball, looked up a little to observe, and then kicked a long pass to the right. The target was Salah.

When Seri successfully intercepted the ball, Salah turned and ran forward with all his strength. When he ran across half the court, Seri's pass just arrived.

Michael, another midfielder of Marseille, immediately noticed this situation and wanted to come over to grab the ball, but his physical decline made him a beat late. When he rushed to Salah, Salah, who got the ball, first stopped and then started suddenly. Using this change of rhythm of stopping and moving, Salah successfully passed Michael. Salah accelerated again and completely left Michael behind.

In this way, all the defenders of Marseille were forced to rush back desperately, but they could not get close to interfere with Salah.

It was not until Salah rushed to the sideline of the penalty area that defender Rekik, who had rushed back to the penalty area, had the opportunity to intercept. But at this time, Salah kicked a sharp and flat cross.

The cross at chest height was difficult to intercept, but Rekik raised his foot but failed to touch it, letting the ball spin and fly in front of the small penalty area.

In the penalty area, Balotelli had already rushed to the ball, but the defenders were following him closely. But when he saw the trajectory of the ball, he didn't think much, and jumped forward with all his strength, throwing himself out.

It was Balotelli's leap that allowed him to head the ball before the goalkeeper and the defender.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the ball turned. The goalkeeper only had time to wave his hand, and then saw the ball pierce into the goal.


"Wow!! Goal! Balotelli scored again!! And it was a diving header!" The Nice fans in the stands were instantly boiling.

Amid the cheers, Balotelli excitedly ran to the sidelines and slid to his knees. After sliding, he pointed his hands at his head and then pointed to the sky.

"Header, another Balotelli header! This diving header is so beautiful!" Dio shouted excitedly.

"Beautiful!" Sun Yi also stood up and punched to celebrate excitedly. But at the same time, he also muttered in his heart: Tsk tsk! Isn't this "Heavy Hammer Attack" too powerful? Once he used it, he scored a header and scored twice. Now Balotelli will become a header master!

"Balotelli! Balotelli! Balotelli!..." Balotelli, who scored twice, began to enjoy the treatment of fans shouting his name loudly.

Balotelli was happy like a child.

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