Extraordinary coach

Chapter 97 Mad Dog Tactics.

Are you crazy?

Yes, Sun Yi himself thinks he is crazy. But he has to do it.

"Run, run!"

At the beginning of the second half, Sun Yi came to the sidelines and kept shouting loudly.

Under his urging, the Nice team began to press frantically in the middle and front court.

This kind of play was completely beyond the expectations of the Salzburg Red Bull team.

During the halftime break, they thought that the Nice team, which was one man short, would definitely defend. Even if they were more imaginative, they didn't dare to believe that the Nice team would press high in the front court.

If they were in the situation of the Nice team, they would definitely choose to defend, and a draw would be the most ideal.

The approach of the Nice team in the second half was really crazy. But it was this madness that made the Salzburg Red Bull team a little confused.

Under the crazy pressing of the Nice team, the Salzburg Red Bull team could not get through the midfield except to drive forward.

As soon as they got the ball, they were immediately pressed, and every teammate who responded would be pressed at the same time, which made the Salzburg Red Bull team nervous.

With the continuous high-pressure pressing of the Nice team, the pressure on the backcourt of the Salzburg Red Bull team increased, and they even began to panic.

For several times in a row, they were forced to make mistakes as soon as they got the ball, or they were forced to make a long kick to clear the ball. Salzburg Red Bull team forgot that they had one more player.

In the chaos, this naturally gave Nice a lot of opportunities. For a while, it was actually Nice Lao Lao who controlled the initiative on the field.

It can be said that the unexpected move of the Nice team in the second half achieved a very ideal effect. This can be well reflected from the fact that the ball possession rate of both sides gradually increased towards the Nice team.

"Hold on, hold on. Steady it!"

"What should we do? The situation is not favorable to us now."

Seeing that the situation on the field became very unfavorable to the Salzburg Red Bull team, their fans couldn't help but worry.

Their head coach Marco Ross couldn't help but have a worried look on his face. The situation on the field was completely beyond his control. Nice's crazy approach also made the strategy he arranged during the halftime break completely in vain.

The situation on the field was obviously unfavorable to Salzburg Red Bull. He had to think about how to deal with it.

"Don't worry. The advantage is still on our side. After all, we have one more player. Don't look at how fierce they are playing now. With this kind of play, they can only last for ten minutes at most. They don't have to enter the seventy minutes. As long as they pass the sixty minutes, they will not be able to run. At that time, they will die very ugly." The assistant said to Marco Ross.

"Right. This is also the reason why I am struggling with whether to make adjustments. If we change players now, it will disrupt our original arrangement." Marco Ross nodded and said what he was worried about.

"Or, strengthen the defense first. When they can't run anymore, we will change the offensive players?" The assistant suggested.

"No! No change. I don't believe it. We can't defend for ten minutes with one more player." Marco Ross shook his head and refused.

Then Marco Ross came to the technical area and shouted to the field: "Keep calm. We have one more player than them, why are you panicking?"

"Press up. Run and grab, don't give them a chance to breathe." Sun Yi also kept waving his hands in the technical area to let the players attack forward.

Yes! We have one more player, how can we panic?

After listening to the coach's words, the players on the field of Red Bull Salzburg stabilized their mentality a little.

But soon, they threw the matter of having one more player out of their mind.

The running of the Nice team was too active, and the intensity of the pressing was also very high. Everyone was running as hard as they could. This made them play without any less than one person. If you just turned on the TV, you might think that the Nice team had one more player.

Marco Ross's shouting did not make the Red Bull Salzburg team completely calm down, and the Nice team still had the advantage on the field.

"Crazy, crazy people. Don't they think about it? If they play like this, will the whole team be unable to run?" Minamino Takumi on the bench couldn't help but say.

"They are so crazy. I think it may be their crazy energy that makes them win so many games this season." Huang Xican sighed.

"It's just like a mad dog. By the way, I remember that I once heard that the Chinese have something called "mad dog tactics". I think that the Chinese coach is using this tactic now." Minamino Takumi suddenly realized and said.

"Mad dog tactics? Very appropriate!" Huang Xican nodded.

"Minamino, Huang, you two go warm up now." Just as the two were chatting, their head coach Marco Ross came back from the technical area and shouted to them.

"Yes." The two immediately got excited. Then they ran to warm up.

After seeing the two warm up, Marco Ross returned to the bench to drink a sip of water, and then let out a long sigh.

"It's time for us to launch a massive attack!"

After his hard work, although the Salzburg Red Bull team was at a disadvantage during this period, they managed to defend the goal. And at this moment, he also found that the Nice team began to show signs of fatigue.

That's right. After all, the Nice team was one man short, and such a crazy high-pressure pressing in the front field would consume a lot of energy. At this time, the momentum of the Nice team had begun to gradually weaken.

Alas. Sun Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He also saw that the Nice team began to show signs of fatigue. This meant that his all-out effort was about to fail.

When the Salzburg Red Bull team replaced the offensive players, his mission would fail.

But this was the limit of what he could do. He had no other choice.

Perhaps he couldn't escape the failure of this mission. Fortunately, only a system function was penalized. If one of his body functions was penalized. Then he could only wait and cry.

With the expectation of mission failure, Sun Yi simply returned to the bench and sat down.

"Our physical strength can't support this kind of play." Dio reminded.

"I know. When the opponent makes a substitution, we will retreat." After Sun Yi was mentally prepared for the failure of the mission, he had to consider the physical problems of the players on the field.

With Sun Yi's words, Dio secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the Nice team actually took advantage for a long time with such a crazy kick, which surprised him.

It's a pity that no goals were scored during this period. However, Dio felt that it was enough.

Now he just had to wait for the opponent to make a substitution.

"Beep!" At this time, a whistle sounded on the court.

Turning around, he saw that the referee had just whistled a foul at the front of the penalty area.

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