"No way, we basically know about the Zhao family's treasure hunting team. Their Zhao family, who seem to be immortals, have not sent out to hunt for treasures. At most, they are at the ninth rank of middle immortals!"

After thinking for a while, an elder said: "But if it wasn't their people who killed us, people from other families who had no grievances with us, even if it was because of robbing treasures, it is impossible to kill so many of us." !"

"That's right, what's more, Li Daofeng is the third rank of the Great Immortal. If he doesn't have the cultivation of the fourth rank of the Great Immortal, he can't be killed!"

Li Xiulin frowned even more, and felt very heartbroken. So many people from the treasure hunting team died all at once, and many of them were elites For their Li family, this loss is really big "Could it be that after the people of the Zhao family knew that we sent experts to hunt down and kill Qin Li, they also sent some experts to the forest to kill our Li family members?"

Another old man, after a moment of silence, said "Not to mention, it's really possible. It's just that when our people went out, they all sneaked out at night. Logically speaking, the people from the Zhao family shouldn't have seen it!"

After Li Xiulin thought about it, he guessed: "So, the only possibility is that the people of the Zhao family knew that we might take action against them, so they took precautions in advance and sent experts to follow up with Qin Li and others." That Zhao Mengru, after all, this guy Zhao Qianlong and his daughter Zhao Mengru are very likely to do this!"

"Patriarch, what should we do now? If the members of the Zhao family have been on guard all along, if they want to kill that Qin Li, they may have no chance!"

The old man before had a solemn expression on his face Li Xiulin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Well, the people of the Zhao family are already on guard against us now. Our overall strength is after all weaker than them. Let the people in the treasure hunting team stay away from that Qin Qin for the time being." Immediately make a move. Wait for that person's cultivation base to break through!"

"He said he wanted to hit the Golden Immortal Realm, but he has been in seclusion for more than two months, and he still doesn't know when he will be able to come out. It would be fine if the breakthrough is successful, but if it doesn't, it may be very difficult to be Zhao Qianlong's opponent! "

Speaking of that person, the Great Elder's eyes also showed a little more confidence No one knew that the genius of the Li family was not dead at all. At first, they were afraid that other families would envy them for having such a genius and attack them. That's why they asked him to go treasure hunting, and later deliberately released such a genius. The news in the forest But no one knew that he was still alive, hiding in Li's house, practicing secretly, and providing him with continuous training resources As a result, this genius hasn't practiced for many years, and now he is already hitting the Golden Immortal Realm Li Xiulin was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the day when he would break through to the Golden Immortal cultivation base Once he breaks through, he won't be afraid of Zhao Qianlong anymore At that time, they can let the Zhao family hand over Qin Li without any scruples; if they don't hand it over, they will destroy the Zhao family The fact that the genius of the Li family was not dead, even many servants and juniors of the Li family were kept in the dark, and only a few people knew about it "We have to trust him, he is a genius, a real genius, unlike us, it will be very difficult to break through a big realm!"

Li Xiulin put his hands behind his back: "Wait, now we need to calm down and wait. It's not that we won't avenge this revenge, but it will take time!"

At this time, in the Zhao family, after alchemy was finished, Master Gu finally planned to go out to the courtyard to relax And he soon heard from his servants that the treasure hunting team had returned, Zhao Feng and the others had returned, and even Qin Li and Zhao Mengru had returned "This brat, Qin Li, actually came back? The people of the Li family are really worthless, they can't even deal with such a brat!"

After Master Gu heard that Qin Li had returned, he couldn't help cursing inwardly This kid Qin Li dared to contradict him before, and even dared not to give him the alchemy formula. He still feels ashamed now, wishing that this guy Qin Li would die sooner "Master Gu, we heard that the people from the Li family attacked our treasure hunting team!"

The other guy, after thinking about it, said to Master Gu "I know, if they don't take action against our Zhao family now, it's probably not normal!"

Master Gu said lightly, as if he had expected it long ago However, after thinking for a while, the servant in front of him said with a strange expression: "But, Master Gu, how many people died this time, besides that Zhao Qi and a few others, your righteousness Ziwang Dao was also killed, and I heard that it was the Li family who did it!"


The smile on Master Gu's face suddenly froze, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists: "Damn, these people from the Li family dare to kill my adopted son, they really want to die!"

After Master Gu finished speaking, he went out angrily and went straight to Li's house "Master Li, the alchemist from the Zhao family is here, he seems very angry, and wants you to give him an explanation!"

A servant of the Li family soon reported to Li Xiulin "Master Gu? Why is he here?"

"Damn it, people from the Zhao family killed so many people from our Li family, and even killed our great immortals. Now they dare to come to the door and ask us to give him an explanation?"

Li Xiulin was so angry that he was very upset at first, but he didn't expect that this Zhao family's alchemist would come to him on his own initiative "Let him in, I want to see what kind of explanation he wants me to give him!"

In the end, Li Xiulin slapped the table in front of him and said angrily "The people of the Zhao family are really hateful. Why didn't they give us an explanation after so many people died? Now they only died a few people, and they actually asked us to give them an explanation?"

Several elders of the Li family also said angrily, obviously not very happy Just after the words of the elders fell, the servant brought Master Gu over "Patriarch Li, are you going too far? The one who attacked you, Young Master Li, was that kid Qin Li. If you want to kill him, just kill him. How can you attack the other Zhao family?"

"Even if you attack other Zhao family members, you shouldn't kill my adopted son, right?"

Master Gu's face was extremely gloomy "Your adopted son is dead?"

Li Xiulin was stunned, rolled his eyes, and then smiled again: "Haha, I can't do anything about it. It's not like you don't know about the things in the forest. It's normal to fight and kill. Who can guarantee that, It's not your adopted son, who wants to kill us, our people will kill him?"

Speaking of this, Li Xiulin smiled again: "Master Gu, you are a smart person, you can't blame us for this matter, if you want to blame, you should blame that Qin Li, think about it, if he didn't make us If the relationship between the two families is so bad, will people from the two treasure hunting teams fight? If not, will your adopted son die by then?"

"Yes, yes, the Patriarch is right, all this should be blamed on that Qin Li!"

Several elders of the Li family also saw that their patriarch was planning to sow discord, and immediately joined in "I don't care. My people were killed by your people. Today, you must give me an explanation!"

Master Gu ignored the other party at all, and said directly: "Since people are dead and cannot be resurrected, you can compensate me with some third-grade and fourth-grade fairy grass!"

"Hehe, Master Gu, do you really think you are very powerful?"

But Li Xiulin chuckled, and then said: "Zhao Qianlong gave you face, it was because you helped them refine the elixir, so I gave you face. I, Li Xiulin, am not him. I won't give you face!"

"That's right, that adopted son of yours deserves to die, what can you do?"

The other elder of the Li family sneered and turned his face straight away "asshole!"

How could Master Gu have received this kind of energy before, he rushed towards the elder in a flash, then clenched his fist, mobilized the immortal energy in his body, and then punched the elder directly

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