While flying forward, Qin Li couldn't help but look around Soon, he saw a relatively simple and honest man flying towards this side with a woman. Judging from that appearance, he should also be a casual cultivator "This fairy friend, that, can I ask you something?"

Qin Lifei walked over a bit, cupped his hands at the other party, and asked "Of course, what's the matter?"

The man looked at Qin Li and Zhao Tianyu, and replied "Do you know this colorful pagoda? It seems that it will take a day or two to reach this secret place. I want to know, what is this colorful pagoda like? Is it really a pagoda?"

Qin Li was a little curious. This was the first time he had encountered such a secret realm Moreover, this is the first time to go to the secret realm of the fairy world After the man heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, this fairy friend, if you ask me, you can be regarded as asking the right person. As for this colorful pagoda, I went there with my sister once before. There are really not many treasures, but unfortunately, when we went last time, our cultivation base was too low, so we couldn't go to the second floor!"

"What, after this one goes in, let's see what level of cultivation it can enter?"

Zhao Tianyu was surprised, apparently it was the first time he had heard of it, but the secret realm was still like this "Hehe, yes, other secret realms are not like this, but this colorful pagoda is very special!"

The man smiled and said, "This colorful pagoda is a tattered black pagoda on the surface. The reason why it is called the colorful pagoda is because when it is opened in the secret realm, the surroundings of the pagoda will emit a kind of colorful light. Look at it. Going up to make the pagoda beautiful, it is really beautiful!"

"Brother, people asked you about the pagoda, what are you talking about, people don't just want to see the pagoda!"

The woman next to the man turned out to be the man's younger sister. After giving his elder brother a blank look, she said to Qin Li, "In this pagoda, you can enter the middle fairy realm, but if you want to go to the second floor, you must go to the second floor." You have to have the cultivation base or combat power of the Great Immortal Realm. Basically, the cultivation base of the first to fifth rank of the Great Immortal can hunt for treasures on the second floor, but you need almost the strength of the sixth rank of the Great Immortal to enter the third floor."

After Qin Li heard this, he was even more surprised. He didn't expect that this secret realm could still judge your general strength. If your cultivation base is low, you won't be able to go to some places "If you are in the realm of the Upper Immortal, you can enter the fourth floor, and if you are in the realm of the Golden Immortal, you can enter the fifth floor!"

The woman smiled and said to Qin Li again: "Only the immortal sage can enter the sixth floor!"

"Thank you two for letting me know. If it weren't for what you said, I wouldn't know it's still the same thing!"

Qin Li cupped his hands towards the brothers and sisters, and then said: "I'm Qin Li, this is my woman, Zhao Tianyu!"

Zhao Tianyu couldn't help but blushed when he heard this. She became his woman when she was there. Didn't she not have that? This guy is so bold that he started talking nonsense without asking whether he agrees or not. up "Oh, my name is Mu Sen, and this is my sister Mu Xiaotong!"

Mu Sen also nodded, and after the introduction, he chatted with Qin Li and the two again Along the way, he told Qin Li and the others about the general situation of his last trip to the secret realm It takes three hundred years to open this seven-colored pagoda. Last time, their cultivation base was too low, so they could only search for treasures on the first floor and could not enter the second floor However, Mu Sen said that he and his sister have now reached the seventh rank of the Great Immortal, and it is not a problem to enter the third floor And the purpose of their treasure hunting here this time is to go to the third floor and try to get more high-grade fairy grass. After they go out, they hope that they can slowly cultivate to the upper fairyland One day later, Qin Li discovered that there was a huge lake in front of them This lake is really not that big, and in the middle of it, there is an island. In the middle of the island, on one of the mountains, there is such a black tower that looks extremely old and dilapidated The black tower has been standing here for an unknown number of years. In addition, there are many tall and black trees growing around the black tower, which actually gives people a slightly eerie feeling After finding an open space and sitting down, he began to wait for the opening of the secret realm "There are so many people who come here to hunt for treasure!"

After looking at the situation here, Qin Li couldn't help but sigh with emotion "Of course, not only people who are cultivated as middle immortals will come here to hunt for treasures, but also people who have cultivated in the realm of immortals and upper immortals, and even people who have cultivated like golden immortals and immortal saints will come here. Do you think people will come here? How many? Moreover, this secret realm is also famous in our Nanxuan Immortal Territory!"

Mu Sen immediately explained to Qin Li "So that's how it is!"

Qin Li sighed, and frowned again. He knew that Mo Yao and Bai Ruyun's talents were not low. He didn't know where they went after they ascended. If they were the current people, they might be in trouble , I'm afraid I haven't broken through to Zhongxian yet, so I definitely won't come to this place But if they are lucky and meet noble people to help them, they may break through to Zhongxian, or even Daxian. At that time, it is really possible to come to this place, and maybe they will be able to meet them He looked around casually, but he didn't find any of them. There were really too many people here, and it could be described as a sea of ​​people With so many people, Qin Li didn't dare to take out his mental power to investigate casually. If he did that, he would definitely make some experts unhappy. He might kill him at that time, and no one would dare to care Seeing Qin Li looking around, Zhao Tianyu at the side understood his thoughts, and couldn't help saying: "You, you want to see if your concubine Yu is here, right?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Tianyu paused for a moment, and then said to Qin Li: "I'll be honest, don't be unhappy, I think it's unlikely that they will come here, unless they are lucky and meet a nobleman, However, if they don't have enough cultivation pills, it will be really difficult for them to reach Zhongxian!"

Qin Li also knew that what Zhao Tianyu said was correct, so he looked away, and then nodded: "You are right, the possibility of them coming here is really not generally low, let's try to adjust our bodies state, ready to enter the secret realm at any time."

"It's on, the secret realm is on!"

After a while, a multi-colored glow appeared, directly shining down from the thousands of feet high black ancient pagoda, making this ancient pagoda look not only mysterious, but also a bit more beautiful Moreover, this kind of light is getting stronger and stronger After the rays of light shrouded the ancient pagoda, the ancient pagoda flew up slowly from the ground. The ancient pagoda kept shaking, as if trying to break free, and flew up little by little. Finally, after flying to more than ten When it is ten feet tall, it stops moving "Walk!"

When he saw a huge gate of light appearing at the gate of the first floor of the ancient pagoda, an old man shouted violently, took a few breaths, and then he had already reached the gate of light, and then rushed in in a flash "It's so fast. This old man is probably at least at the fifth or sixth rank of the Golden Immortal. He is a real strong man!"

Looking at the place where he entered, Mu Sen couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and there was a kind of admiration in his eyes For him, such a strong person is indeed a bit out of reach. I don't know how many years it will take me to achieve such a cultivation level, and I don't know if I will have the opportunity to achieve such a cultivation level in my life "Let's go!"

Qin Li and Zhao Tianyu looked at each other, and they also flew towards the light gate of the ancient pagoda At this time, the dense figures, like locusts crossing the border, went straight to the huge light gate, and each of them was very fast "Tian Yu, after entering, be careful. We agreed to wait for each other at the stairs to the second floor. Mu Sen said just now that if you enter the first floor, you will be separated, and if you enter the second floor together, you will be separated." Will not be separated!"

Qin Li looked at Zhao Tianyu, and couldn't help exhorting him "I see, odd-numbered floors will be separated, and even-numbered floors, people who enter together will not be separated, right?"

Zhao Tianyu gave Qin Li a white look, and then said "Hey, why does that figure look so much like Qin Li?"

The moment Qin Li and Zhao Tianyu rushed into the light gate together, a beautiful woman couldn't help but parted her red lips slightly, and said with a dazed look in her eyes

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