It's like a university lecture hall, but the difference is that this is a large-scale exam-like exchange meeting The lecturer is not a teacher in the school, but a person who comes to the exchange meeting Standing on the podium is not the teacher, but Liu Minghao, the old professor of the research institute and the son of Dr. Liu A total of five professors and one non-professor were arranged behind the long table on the right side of the podium Six people sat behind a long table, and there were nameplates in front of their tables with their names written on them Qin Li glanced at it and didn't look there any further, but fixed his eyes on the presenter on the podium at the moment "There are a total of 1,000 questions, and those who can answer more than five accurately will have the chance to advance." The host said The contestants below were suddenly happy, a thousand questions, no matter how poor they are, they can answer five questions correctly!

Qin Li's eyes narrowed. There are so many questions, and it is really necessary to count them one by one. There are 500 of them in total. If one person answers five questions correctly, not many people can advance This is not counting some difficult questions that no one may be able to answer Xu Yinran and the others were sitting in the rows behind, and they could clearly see the people in front "There are so many people participating." Xu Yinran was stunned, "I didn't even know that there are so many Chinese medicine practitioners in Jiang City."

"It's also the first time I've seen so many Chinese medicine practitioners together, but to be honest, today I feel like revisiting a university class." Shen laughed "Hush, the first question is out." Shen Tianyi said, "Guess, how many questions can Qin Li answer correctly?"

"It must be all of them." Xu Yiran rolled his eyes At this moment, the first question had appeared on the blackboard, and five hundred people looked at it together This question is very simple, what is Chinese medicine?

In an instant, five hundred people raised their hands "Wang Wen, you answer." An old man surnamed Zhao in the professor's seat pointed to a girl in the third row The girl got up, and Jiao Didi said: "Chinese medicine generally refers to the traditional medicine created by the working people of the Han nationality in China, so it is also called Han medicine. It is a discipline that studies human physiology, pathology, and disease diagnosis and prevention."

"Traditional Chinese medicine takes yin and yang and five elements as the theoretical basis, and regards the human body as a unity of qi, shape, and spirit. Through the method of "looking, hearing, asking, and feeling" four diagnostic methods, we can explore the etiology, nature, location, and analysis of pathogenesis and human body. Changes in internal organs, meridians, joints, qi, blood and body fluid."

"Judging the growth and decline of evil and good, and then getting the name of the disease, summarizing the syndrome type, and formulating the treatment methods of "sweating, vomiting, lowering, harmonizing, warming, clearing, nourishing, and eliminating" based on the principle of syndrome differentiation."

"Using traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping, qigong, diet and other treatment methods, the human body can achieve the harmony of yin and yang and recover."

The girl answered fluently, but the words she uttered were all rigid theories in books. The old professor nodded after listening, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes "Hmph, yours is just book knowledge. As long as someone who studies Chinese medicine has read it, who can't answer it?" Suddenly a voice came, and a man in the first row sneered The girl frowned, and many people around who raised their hands just now also frowned, because they were all thinking of this answer. Could there be another answer?

But the man continued: "Traditional Chinese medicine, as the name suggests, is the medical skills inherited from our Chinese culture for thousands of years. It is the medical skills we have accumulated from the experience of our ancient Chinese and those who came after us."

"In traditional Chinese medicine, the most important thing is not how to treat people, but the meaning it contains! I think this question must mean this!"

"Well said!" As soon as the man finished speaking, Professor Zhao nodded "May I have your name?"

The man was overjoyed: "My name is Wang Cong!"

"Okay, Wang Cong counts the question! Wang Wen, although your answer is correct, but you didn't tell the essence, and you are a bit too dependent on theory. The most important thing in Chinese medicine is to draw inferences from one instance."

The ownership of the first question was quickly taken away But more people are gearing up, it looks really simple, come on, the second question is mine!

But as soon as the second question came out, the whole venue fell silent Among the five hundred people who raised their hands, there were only three!

One is Xia Wenbo, one is Qin Li, and the other is that Wang Cong just now!

This question directly involves the problem of treatment and medical skills, and it is an example, which requires a lot of experience accumulation!

For a moment, everyone frowned: "Isn't it an exchange meeting? Why did you come up with such a complicated topic?"

"It's an exchange meeting. If you don't have this kind of topic, you won't know it when you encounter it, and no one will explain it. It's better to have someone explain it to you now."

Professor Zhao looked at the three people, thinking that he had just given Wang Cong a chance, and then looked at Xia Wenbo, thinking that Xia Wenbo was not young, so this kind of opportunity should be given to young people Immediately he was going to call Qin Li's name But at this moment, Liu Minghao on the side suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Wang Cong, you answer."

With one bite, Professor Zhao's words were snatched away!

Professor Zhao frowned slightly but didn't say anything. The other four looked at each other and lowered their heads It's just a name, whatever Wang Cong was overjoyed, and immediately went up to the blackboard to point out his thoughts and the exact location of the treatment!

This question is full marks again!

"This person is also very powerful." The audience and contestants around couldn't help sighing Wang Cong immediately turned his nostrils to the sky, enjoying the gazes from all directions He is a student of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and his father is a Chinese medicine practitioner in the capital. He has also made many visits to the doctor, so this kind of problem is naturally not a problem Two questions!

Qin Li sat down and watched, his eyes glanced at Liu Minghao, but he didn't care Little did he know that Liu Minghao sneered in his heart at this moment, you kid dare to provoke me, if I say you don't have a chance to answer, then you won't have a chance to answer!

Then the third question, the fourth question A series of questions were quickly drawn, and every time other professors wanted to call Qin Li, Liu Minghao snatched the right to speak on the spot One hundred questions flashed by, but Qin Li didn't answer one Xu Yinran and others also saw something was wrong: "Someone is targeting Brother Qin?"

"I don't know, I have raised my hand a hundred times, and I haven't shouted once, is it a coincidence?"

"One hundred and one question."

At this moment, a new question arises. The question is that the patient who has fallen asleep for a long time is in a healthy state of mind and body, and there is no way to wake it up Isn't this problem the disease that Qin Li treated Mr. Xu?

Immediately, Qin Li raised his hand again As for this question, except for Qin Li, everyone did not move Won't!

They are not involved at all!

The old guys around couldn't help frowning, and Xia Wenbo was also stunned Originally, the previous questions were almost all answered by some old seniors, and they couldn't help but sneer at the young people nowadays, who came to the exchange meeting without knowing anything One champion at a time is actually just here to fool around, if you really can't answer any of the questions, just treat it as listening to the lecture!

In this way, more newcomers have a sense of self-esteem being trampled on But at this moment, seeing that the old guys around him did not move, their faces became brighter Professor Zhao also sighed in his heart, no one will?

But the next moment he saw Qin Li raising his hand, he was shocked, this kid seemed to be raising his hand from beginning to end!

Immediately he was about to call Qin Li's name "If there is no one, proceed to the next question." Suddenly Liu Minghao's voice came again Immediately afterwards, Liu Minghao was about to press the button on the table to switch to the next question Suddenly, Professor Zhao looked at Liu Minghao suddenly, and Qin Li's eyes suddenly darkened Liu Minghao!

"Stupid donkey!" Xu Yinran sneered, "I felt that something was wrong with this person from the very beginning, and he was targeting Brother Qin, are you an idiot, pretending not to see Brother Qin in front of so many people!"

The Shen family brothers also frowned at this moment, Shen Xiao and Shen Feng squinted their eyes: "Our family's investment side, I don't remember seeing this person when I met a few professors?"

"I don't know when it came in!"

At this moment, after Liu Minghao said these words, he actually felt a little regretful. He was anxious to kill Qin Li, but he ignored the fact that there were other people around him "Liu Minghao, you are here to replace your father, but you are not your father. We professors are here and have repeatedly let you take the right to speak. It does not mean that we have no eyes."

Professor Zhao spoke suddenly Liu Minghao's face suddenly looked like a pig's liver Five hundred students did not expect to be here and see such a scene. Immediately shocked, is this a professor fighting face to face?

"Here, Qin Li, you answer." Professor Zhao turned his head Qin Li immediately got up and went to the blackboard to give a detailed explanation and schematic diagram of acupuncture and moxibustion No doubt, full marks!

Immediately afterwards, everyone ushered in the scariest moment in their lives!

A thousand questions, all answered in one morning Among them, Qin Li participated in 800 questions!

At the beginning, it was said that no one needs to answer five questions to advance, but the number of questions that no one raised their hands exceeded one hundred!

Qin Li raised his hand to explain all these hundred ways in detail!

Liu Minghao's face was dark, and his eyes were full of viciousness!

His face was rubbed against the ground by Qin Li! This is it!

But the professors were also extremely frightened, and the people around looked at Qin Li with even more fear This person... is a devil!

Xu Yinran and others also swallowed, and said stiffly: "Brother Qin, are you so fierce?"

"What the hell, it's a face-slapping machine!" Wang Zhe was dumbfounded Martial arts are good enough, but I didn't expect medical skills to be so good, how can people live?

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