Qin and Li stood facing each other In the distance, the three great immortal kings gathered to watch the battle The green-robed Immortal King said: "Kid Qin is full of sword intent, and he will soon be enlightened."

The Immortal King of Epee Sword also looks forward to it: "Two months and twelve days, if he can succeed, it means that his swordsmanship is extraordinary and refined, far superior to me, and even comparable to the Immortal King of Ten Thousand Swords."

The red-browed Immortal King stroked his beard and smiled: "No, I think Kid Qin can surpass Immortal King Wanjian, maybe he can reach above Immortal King."

"Above the Immortal King, there is an illusory realm." The Epee Immortal King murmured now!

Under the sword cliff The two swordsmen stared at each other They didn't make a move, but accumulated momentum. Masters confront each other, cultivate the general trend, and win in an instant For a moment, there was a strong wind around Jianya, shaking the surrounding leaves to rustle Snapped!

A rock fell to the ground The pupils of the two shrank, and they drew their swords suddenly "Three stars click the moon!"

Gao Jianzhu made a preemptive strike, stabbing three times with his long sword The golden sword energy shot out and turned into three bolts of lightning, like a poisonous snake that devoured people, pointing directly at Qin Li's forehead, heart, and dantian Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Not to be outdone, Qin Li slashed three times in a row, cutting off the opponent's sword energy and lightning Gao Jianzhu persisted and continued to attack The long sword erupted with golden light, and with a sharp swing, it split into thirty-six golden sword lights, like a peacock spreading its tail, and each sword light has the power to split mountains and rocks Shhhhhh-

The golden sword light came through the air, attacking Qin Li from all directions, as if trying to turn him into a hedgehog "The heavenly girl scattered flowers!"

Qin Li used the moves in "Scattering Flowers Butterfly Sword" With an agile will, the Dian Xing Canjian hacked and slashed, like a goddess scattering flowers, seemingly eloquent, but actually defended impenetrably With a few ding ding ding sounds, all thirty-six golden sword lights were shattered "What a sharp sword technique."

Qin Li couldn't help admiring, and this kind of sword technique is not above the traces of Jianya Gao Jianzhu said with a smile: "This is the pinnacle product of Yi swordsmanship, "Splitting Light Divine Sword Art". It is comparable to ninth-grade immortal art, and it is one of the essences of my sword department."

"Senior Brother Qin, be careful, after all, swords have no eyes!"

"Sword waves gallop!"

Gao Jianzhu made another strong move His whole body was full of sword intent, and he slashed out with all his strength. It was like a long river of surging sword light, flowing with countless golden sword energy. When a wave hit, ten thousand swords would pierce through the heart, and the mountain peaks could be flattened "Water and fire blend!"

Qin Li didn't hold back any longer, and went straight to the killing move One sword is raging fire, the other sword is dense with ice, and the two swords are superimposed, and the extreme yin meets the extreme yang, resulting in a terrifying explosion Boom!

The sound of the explosion soared into the sky Gao Jianzhu's long river of sword energy was blown up, but he disappeared without a trace "Where is the person? Disappeared?"

Qin Li frowned suddenly!

There was a chill on the back of his neck "No, he's behind!" Qin Li turned around and pierced the bamboo barrel with the high sword that was attacking from behind "It doesn't feel right, he's not Gao Jianzhu." Qin Li felt bad for a moment, and took a few steps back again and again, looking wary really!

Gao Jianzhu dissipated, it turned out to be an afterimage "Junior Brother Qin, you are indeed extraordinary. But my 'Split Light Eight Shadows' is not so easy to decipher." Gao Jianzhu's voice came from the void Then!

A few sounds Seven tall sword bamboos appeared around They have different expressions, and it's hard to tell if they're real or fake, but they all have fierce swordsmanship, attacking from seven directions, making people dazzled "Is it fake?"

Qin Li groaned, and quickly stabbed seven swords in a series of quick swords, trying to break through the illusion and find out the real Gao Jianzhu "You guessed wrong, it's all true!"

The seven Gao Jianzhu spoke in unison, and the seven long swords attacked at the same time, but the division of labor was different, some lured the enemy, some restrained, some attacked fiercely, and some backstabbed.. The seven formed a formation, devouring Qin Li like a swamp of people "Oops, it's not an afterimage, but a fake body, I miscalculated!"

Qin Li was shocked, gripping the Dian Xing Can sword tightly, and his whole body flashed and moved!

But even so, he was completely suppressed, his body was cut with wounds, and his breath became disordered "Junior Brother Qin, it's over!"

"Aurora Sword!"

Gao Jianzhu tried his best and made the last strike The long sword erupted with dazzling light, like a small sun that made people unable to open their eyes, and even their divine sense was blocked, making it impossible to see the opponent's attack clearly However, the more critical the situation, the more unusually calm Qin Li became If you can't see it, close your eyes Listen carefully, it is the sound of the mountain wind blowing over the sword cliff, savor it carefully, you can differentiate more than 1,200 kinds of sword techniques The insights of more than two months surfaced in my heart, and the bits and pieces gathered into a river Vaguely, he pushed through the fog, saw the mystery of Jianya, and saw the distribution of sword marks "A momentary epiphany, it will happen naturally."

"One sword is enough!"

Qin Li opened his eyes and thrust out a sword This sword is unremarkable, but it contains strange power, with the charm of simplicity Like a flash in the pan, it passes through all obstacles, tears away all illusions and goes straight to the core!

Like ghosts and gods, Dianxing Canjian pierced through six fake bodies, and put them on Gao Jianzhu's neck A peak duel, the dust settled "you lose!"

Qin Li put his sword back into its sheath Gao Jianzhu froze in place, lost in thought for a long time He was still immersed in the horror of the last sword, unable to extricate himself a long time!

Gao Jianzhu came back to his senses, and said with lingering fear: "What kind of sword technique is this, it's terrifying!"

"One thought, ten thousand swords." Qin Li replied "You understand, I lost!" Gao Jianzhu limp on the ground, full of frustration in his heart: "I am not worthy to be the second brother of the sword department, my swordsmanship is only second-rate."

"Fool, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists!" A deep voice sounded The three immortal kings came hand in hand When Gao Jianzhu saw Master, he knelt on the ground suddenly: "Master, I am ashamed of Jianbu, and even more ashamed of what you taught me!"

The Immortal King of Heavy Sword patted Gao Jianzhu's head, and said comfortingly: "Don't be discouraged, you have made great progress, and you will be promoted to Immortal King within a hundred years. Master is proud of you."

"Don't take this failure to heart, because Qin Li is a monster."

The Green-robed Immortal King laughed loudly: "I've said it all, you still don't believe that Kid Qin is extremely talented. Now the facts speak louder than words, so hurry up and give me the Canglan Xuepao."

The Immortal King of Epee Sword took out a white robe in pain, and said, "I've said it before, let's make a discussion and let Kid Qin come to our sword department to practice for a while."


The Red-browed Immortal King snatched the Canglan Xuepao "Boy Qin, you deserve this fifth-grade fairy clothes. Put it on quickly and see if it fits you well."

"It's actually a defensive fairy clothes, so rare!" Qin Li was surprised, took off his tattered clothes, and put on the Canglan snow robe The white clothes are fluttering, like snow and clouds Qin Li felt very soft and comfortable wearing it The green-robed fairy king said with a smile: "A person depends on clothes and a horse depends on a saddle. You are so handsome in this clothes, you look like a white-clothed sword fairy. If you go for a stroll outside, I don't know how many girls will not think about eating and drinking for you."

The Red-browed Immortal King nodded and said: "Boy Qin, you have taken advantage of this time. This dress is woven with five kinds of silkworm silk threads and mixed with Canglan spider silk. It can avoid water, fire, dust and dirt, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer. It can withstand the attacks of rank five immortal soldiers."

The more Qin Li looked at it, the more he liked it, so he couldn't help but nodded Just when a group of people were talking and laughing, in the depths of the secret realm of the academy, there was suddenly a lot of light and purple air The purple air quickly spread for dozens of miles, covering half of the sky and shocking people Qin Li asked suspiciously: "Zi Qi, this is an auspicious sign, could it be that a rare treasure was born?"

The green-robed Immortal King's face was serious: "This is Master's vision, and the purple energy is coming from the east. It seems that Master has finally left the customs."

clang clang clang.. Nine bells sounded in the distance The Red Eyebrow Immortal King was surprised and said: "This is the calling bell. It seems that Master has really left the customs and is calling us to the Hall of True Knowledge."

Qin Li was startled suddenly He had been fascinated by Master Xu for a long time. After all, he was an existence above the Immortal King, and he created Xixuan Academy by himself, which was admired by thousands of people And everyone says Master possesses great wisdom and great power!

He is a peerless figure born once every 100,000 years, who can answer all doubts It's just a pity that after entering the academy for more than half a year, I haven't seen Master Xu's real face yet Now, here's your chance!

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