Qin Li was taken aback Turning his head, he saw two girls Su Qingxue stood behind, looking at him with a smile, while Zhao Lingzhi stood aside Qin Li smiled and said, "Does Miss Su have any advice?"

"Teaching is not enough." Su Qingxue stretched out her slender hand, pointed to the cold iron ore on the ground, and said, "This piece of cold iron looks good, but it is actually dyed with a kind of blue silver grass. The quality is extremely poor, and you will definitely suffer if you buy it.”

"Oh!" Qin Li became interested, raised his hand and fired a flame, calcined the piece of cold iron, and really burned off a layer of blue paint, revealing its mixed nature The stall owner smiled awkwardly Qin Li was very curious: "I didn't expect Miss Su to be so familiar with ore."

"A little research." Su Qingxue's eyes waved with a smile, like a noble and pure white epiphyllum, blooming in the night, stunning. Even with a veil, there is a charming temperament, no wonder Zhang Yuanwu is willing to be the flower protector Zhao Lingzhi folded her arms and said proudly: "Our Yanzong is one of the best refining sects in the southern region, and Miss is a third-rank refining master. Identifying ores is as easy as drinking water."

"You are a third-grade craftsman." Qin Li was a little surprised Su Qingxue waved her hand and said, "It's just the third grade, it's nothing. Speaking of which, Mr. Jin chooses ore, is he going to buy and sell it in Zhaoxia City?"

"No!" Qin Li replied honestly: "I want to use ore to practice my hands, maybe I can become a craftsman."

Zhao Lingzhi showed a surprised expression, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha! With your poor appearance, you still want to become a craftsman, it's just fantastic! Do you know how much a craftsman costs? Do you know that craftsmen inherit How precious is it?"

"Ganoderma lucidum!"

Su Qingxue glared at the maid Zhao Lingzhi closed her mouth resentfully, but judging by her expression, she still had a mocking face Su Qingxue apologized softly: "Mr. Jin, I'm sorry, my maid speaks straight, so don't take it to heart. By the way, do you have your own refining cauldron?"

"No!" Qin Li shook his head Su Qingxue took out a large cauldron casually, and said, "This is the first-grade hundred-refined cauldron that I used to use, but I don't need it now, so I might as well give it to Mr. Jin to make a good relationship."

The alchemy tripod is not small in size. Compared with the alchemy furnace, it is not only one size larger, but also has thicker walls. This is because the refining device has heavy firepower. In order to melt the material, it is often calcined at extremely high temperature. If the refining device is not thicker, it is likely to be melted through "Miss, no!"

Zhao Lingzhi hurriedly stopped: "The refining cauldron is extremely precious, even if it is a first-rank, the value is equivalent to a third-rank immortal weapon, how can it be given to a stranger casually."

Su Qingxue resolutely said: "I spend a lot of money on what I say, and I will give it away as soon as I say it. It is impossible to take it back."

Qin Li happened to be short of a refining cauldron, so he accepted it generously, and thanked: "Thank you, Miss Su, for giving me the cauldron. I don't know how I should repay it?"

Su Qingxue giggled, her voice was as crisp as big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, very pleasant to the ear: "Mr. Jin wants to repay, it's very simple, just take off the hood, after all, you and I are familiar, but we have never met Mr. It's true."

"Of course, if there is any inconvenience, sir, I will not force it, and the Hundred Alchemy Cauldron will still be given away."

Qin Li smiled and said, "No inconvenience."

After finishing speaking, he lifted the black hood, revealing an ordinary face of the public Zhao Lingzhi looked forward to it, then shook her head in disappointment: "I thought you were wearing a hood all the time, so you have some kind of shocking appearance. Now that you look at it, you are very ordinary. I don't know why you are wearing a black robe all day long, so you don't see anyone."

"Ganoderma lucidum, you can't be judged by appearances, don't say a few words!" Su Qingxue scolded the maid, and smiled at Qin Liyan casually:

"Although Mr. Jin's appearance is not average, these eyes are really beautiful, clear and translucent, flawless, with a faint golden glow, like the rising sun, this is the first time in my life that I have seen such shocking eyes. "

Zhao Lingzhi pursed her mouth: "It's just that the eyes are pretty, and it's far worse than the handsome face of our senior brother Yanzong."

Qin Li smiled without saying a word far away Rolling in the crowd Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuanwu gritted his teeth angrily, and went mad with jealousy: "Damn casual cultivator, you actually accepted a gift from Ms. Su. I don't even have this kind of treatment."

.. the next day Eleven people are here Everyone prepared clean water and food, ready to go "Senior, it's time for us to go under the sun," Su Qingxue said The old tietou took out a jade pipe, took a puff of dry tobacco, and said with a smile: "Wait for a while, at noon, when the yang energy in the world is at its peak, and the yin energy is suppressed, the ghost fog will naturally retract into the mine. It will be much safer to start again.”

Everyone nodded and sat on the ground Qin Li closed his eyes and meditated Zhang Yuanwu leaned closer, and said in a low voice, "Death Loose Cultivator, hand over Guisheath and Hundred Refining Cauldron, otherwise you will die miserably."

Qin Li didn't even bother to lift his eyelids Zhang Yuanwu, who was ignored, became even more angry: "Do you really think I dare not kill you? If Miss Su were not here, you would have died a hundred times already."

Qin Li opened his eyes and replied, "If Su Qingxue hadn't been here, you would have died!"

Zhang Yuanwu's lungs were about to explode, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I have been rampant for many years, and I have never seen you so arrogant. Don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise you will have to live or die."

Qin Li was completely silent far away Su Qingxue shook her head helplessly Why did the two of them get into a fight, they looked like they were going to die Forget it, when he comes up from the mine, he will take Mr. Jin back to Yanzong to avoid being chased and killed by the forces of Zhaoxia City "It's almost time!"

The old iron man looked at the sun, hanging high in the center, with infinite light: "The sun is good today, which is a good sign. Let's go to the Thousand Eyes Valley and prepare to go down to the mine."

A group of people set off and came to the Thousand Eyes Valley. The places they walked were all mines of different sizes "Before going down to the mine, each person should stick a stick of dead man's incense on the side of the mine." The old iron man distributed a black sandalwood to several people Su Qingxue asked puzzledly, "Old man, is there anything special about going to the mine to plant incense?"

The old iron man smiled and said: "Dead people's incense is unlucky. If you come back from the mine, you will pull out the residual incense. If you don't come back, keep the residual incense to warn future generations."

heard the words Everyone was shocked After a closer look, it was discovered that there were hundreds of incense sticks beside the mine, and hundreds of human lives behind them, and it was just the incense sticks in front of a mine "Do as the Romans do!" Qin Li planted a stick of dead man's incense, feeling inexplicably uneasy in his heart. Although he was already a fairy king, he was still a little hypocritical when facing the unknown ancient mine. After all, the mine pit buried many fairy kings Everyone put a stick of incense for the dead one after another "Set off!"

The old iron man said hello Eleven people entered the mine one after another The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, as if going from summer to winter Behind is the warm and prosperous world, and in front is the dark and gloomy mine tunnel. Everyone feels that they have stepped into the gate of hell, and their spines feel chills "Follow me closely!"

Old Tietou took out a white lantern to guide the way, on which were written "all evils, avoid". He used a jade-mouthed dry pipe to light the white candle inside,

At this time, everyone noticed that the flame on the candle was faint blue, without a trace of heat "Yinhuo!" Qin Li frowned At this moment The old iron man warned: "When you go to the mine, there are three iron rules. First, you must never ignite a fire. Second, you must never speak. Third, you must never leave the team!"

Everyone nodded The old iron man smiled with satisfaction, carried the Yinhuo lantern, and walked into the depths of the mine He was stooped, with a sallow complexion, and he was carrying a pale lantern, like a guide from the underworld in mythology, leading everyone into the underworld The further you go in, the more exaggerated the drop in temperature. Although everyone is at the level of fairy masters and is not afraid of the cold, their hearts are hairy, and there is a kind of coldness from the heart The mine is very deep, full of endless darkness and dead silence, full of endless darkness and silence, giving people a cramped and depressing feeling, like someone strangling your neck from behind, or like a huge boulder pressing on your chest , very uncomfortable We must know that ordinary people will be depressed after staying in a small dark room for a few days. While everyone was walking in the mine in the dark, a thought suddenly popped up in their hearts, would the mine collapse?

As long as this idea pops up, a primitive sense of fear arises spontaneously, accompanied by silence, which grows stronger and stronger, forcing people to speak, as if breaking this dead silence can dispel the fear. This is a kind of inability to survive, just like screaming into the darkness when you are in the wild, you can drive away wild animals "It's so depressing!"

Zhang Yuanwu said

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