"Do you know the technique of longevity?" Qin Li asked It is rumored that longevity technique is a unique body training technique, which is completely different from all current body training techniques. If Qin Li can get it, even if he doesn't practice, he can learn a thing or two and reach a higher level The commander of the Ice University laughed bitterly: "Only real people can know the longevity technique. Although I am one of the eight great commanders, I don't know anything about it."


Qin Li shook his head and sighed, his whole body was shining brightly, and he was saving up a final move "Don't try to kill me, I will never fall here!" The commander of the Ice University felt the fatal threat, like a frightened cat, curled up and raised his back "Frozen Palm!"

The commander of the ice master blasted out his palm with all his strength, forming a blue ice palm of hundreds of feet, with a mysterious cold air, like the coming of cold winter, freezing everything "Ten Thousand Swords Torrent!"

Qin Li suddenly opened his mouth and spat out Taotao golden light poured out and turned into thousands of golden sword qi, like a river like a stream, in which a vortex of sword blades was bred, erupting from the fire, burning everything This move contained two top-notch immortal arts, and within a breath, the huge icy palm was wiped away, not even scum left. Jianhe Taotao rushed forward and swallowed the Bing Da Commander directly, trying to smash him into pieces "I can not be reconciled……"

The commander of Bing Da continued to struggle, but to no avail In the end, he was exhausted. The indestructible Xuanbing physique was shattered inch by inch, and this demon who ruled the ancient times finally fell Rumble!

The crypt couldn't hold up any longer Huge rocks crashed down, and the crypt was about to collapse, completely burying this sinful ice city "it's time to go!"

Qin Li was preparing to leave Suddenly, he saw two treasures The glazed ice coffin and the bronze ever-burning lamp lay quietly on the altar "This is a good thing, don't leave it behind!" Qin Li rushed over and put away the bronze ever-burning lamp that was burning with Yin Minghuo "Wait a minute, there are tadpole characters engraved in the coffin!" Qin Li took a closer look and couldn't help but said with great joy: "This is "Xuanbing Body Refining Art", which is at the same level as "Golden Body Refining Art", and it can provide me with a lot of energy. For reference, in less than a month, I can try to advance to the second rank."

Qin Li collected the treasure and soared into the sky Although he doesn't know the way back, but his physique is superb, he can use golden light to dig a way to the outside world!

.. With the help of a plaque Su Qingxue and others left the cave The old iron man was also awesome, and quickly pointed out a way out A group of people fled desperately, just wanting to get out of this horrible hell as soon as possible boom! boom!

Suddenly, a few muffled sounds came from the depths of the mine Zhao Lingzhi panicked and said, "What happened again, it's possible that Mr. Cheng Mine is the last one."

The old iron man said in horror: "This is the sound of the cave collapsing. Let's run, otherwise we will all be buried alive."

As soon as they heard this, they jumped into the air, followed the fluorescent marks left by the old iron head, and flew desperately to escape in the narrow mine tunnel. Even if they accidentally hit the wall, they couldn't stop them from half the speed Boom boom boom!

The sound of the collapse at the back became louder and louder, as if two fierce beasts were fighting, and everyone was so frightened that they did not dare to hesitate and flew rapidly "There is a light ahead!" The old iron man said in surprise finally!

A group of people escaped from birth and returned to Baikuang City The Thousand Eyes Valley made a violent sound and collapsed directly, forming a huge pit The old iron head kept his eyes fixed: "This ancient mine vein is completely finished, all the mines have collapsed, no one can enter again, and the White Mine City will die."

Zhao Lingzhi exhaled: "Fortunately, we escaped at the last moment."

"No, Mr. Jin stayed below!" Su Qingxue looked sad, with tears in her eyes Zhao Lingzhi comforted: "Miss, he sacrificed himself voluntarily, we didn't force him. The matter has come to an end, when we go back, we will just set up a tomb for him."

"Stupid asshole!" Zhang Yuanwu cursed, "I've been annoyed with this loose cultivator for a long time, now that he's dead, he deserves it!"

Su Qingxue stared at her beautiful eyes, and said angrily: "Zhang Yuanwu, do you still have humanity? Without Mr. Jin, we would have died long ago, don't you have any sense of gratitude?"

Zhang Yuanwu laughed loudly. After several ups and downs, he didn't care about Su Qingxue's opinion, and teased: "It's his honor to die for this young master. If he is still alive, it would be best, this young master wants to kill him with his own hands... ..."

"Then you come!"

Suddenly, Qin Li's voice sounded The ground trembled, and Qin Li, who was wearing a black robe, burst out of the ground "Mr. Jin, you are still alive!" Su Qingxue cried with joy, and she shed tears on the spot Zhao Lingzhi, the old Tietou's eyes were about to pop out. How he got out of such a dangerous place is simply a miracle Zhang Yuanwu was terrified: "It's fate that you survived. But if you fall into the hands of the young master, you will still die."

He summoned up his celestial power, his palms were burning with flames, and he was about to use celestial techniques call out!

Qin Li snapped his fingers A tiny golden light flew out like a winch, tearing Zhang Yuanwu's arm apart "Ah! My hand hurts so much!" Zhang Yuanwu exclaimed in pain, sweating profusely all over his body. Only now did he realize that Qin Li's methods might be far beyond his imagination "Don't come here, my father is the Lord of Zhaoxia City, a third-rank immortal!"

Zhang Yuanwu clutched his wound and wanted to escape Qin Li didn't care, and was about to kill this jumping clown Zhao Lingzhi hurriedly stopped him: "Don't kill him, otherwise you will provoke Zhaoxia Xianzun, and we will also be implicated."

Old Tietou also dissuaded him: "Don't be impulsive, his father is the Lord of Zhaoxia City, if you kill him, not only you will be unlucky, but the whole Baimining City will also suffer!"

The two blocked each other Zhang Yuanwu got a chance to breathe, and quickly activated a talisman to flee thousands of miles away Qin Li shook his head, too lazy to hunt him down Su Qingxue came up, and said with concern: "Mr. Jin, it's great that you are alive. By the way, is the ice commander still alive?"

Qin Li said: "The Ice Commander is completely dead, and the crypt collapsed, and the entire Ice City was buried. By the way, this eternal lamp is for you."

He took out the bronze ever-burning lamp, on which a dark fire was burning faintly "Yin Minghuo, Mr. Jin, you actually got him!" Su Qingxue was very surprised, she didn't expect that after going around, she still got this strange fire "Mr. Jin, according to the agreement, I will do my best to fulfill one of your wishes..." At the end of the sentence, Su Qingxue blushed pretty, and seemed a little shy Old Tie Tou narrowed his eyes and said with a chuckle, "Young man, what a blessing!"

Zhao Lingzhi yelled in fear: "Hey, I warn you, don't ask too much. Miss is the young lord of the Diyan Sect, and also the number one fairy in the southern region. She is pure and pure, with superb talent, and she can't tolerate the slightest bit of defilement. If you dare... ..."

"Ganoderma lucidum!" Su Qingxue stopped the maid and said slowly, "Since I made a wish, I will definitely satisfy Mr. Jin."

The meaning of the words is already very obvious However, Qin Li shook his head: "Miss Su, I don't want to take advantage of others. This Yin Minghuo is a thank you for your care all the way. Now, I should go too!"


Everyone was dumbfounded Zhao Lingzhi murmured: "Is he a man? He's not interested in my lady."

The old iron man was stunned: "Young man, you are such a strange man!"

Su Qingxue had the greatest shock in her heart. Thinking of the self-sacrifice in the Qinli Catacombs, and looking at the current Gao Fengliang, he is really a modest gentleman, which made her heart tremble, and she felt a little lost for no reason "Mr. Jin, where are you going?"

"Seven-colored pagoda!" Qin Li replied His purpose was Qing Xuezong, and he happened to pass by the Seven-Colored Pagoda, so he went to have a look. After all, there is a seven-color night pearl in the storage bag, which seems to be related to the pagoda Su Qingxue said in surprise: "Mr. Jin, the colorful pagoda is opened every three hundred years, and it has only been opened in the past few years. I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Qin Li smiled and said, "I just went over to have a look, there is no other request!"

"That's really a coincidence. We are going back to Earth Yanzong now, and we happen to be on the same journey with Mr. Jin, or we will go together." Su Qingxue said with some expectation Qin Li nodded: "Okay!"

Su Qingxue was so overjoyed that her eyes turned into two crescent moons Zhao Lingzhi was a little upset, after all, there was a strange man in the team suddenly, but she didn't say anything The three of them prepared and set off soon, leaving Baikuang City

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