"I'm here to recruit you."

Yun Shiyu sat down by herself, calm and elegant Qin Li was stunned: "Let me join East Immortal Palace? You are not kidding!"

"Do you think I'm joking? Or do you think East Immortal Palace can't accept you." Yun Shiyu was as indifferent and domineering as ever Qin Li said indifferently: "East Immortal Palace is a transcendent force, and there are hundreds of immortal kings in it. It is not a big deal to accept me as a heretic immortal king. But if you come to visit now, I am afraid that you have other requests. Could it be It is the treasury of flying stars."

Yun Shiyu smiled: "It's just a small sect's treasure house, I don't like it, but I am very interested in your 'Tao', if you hand over your cultivation skills, I am willing to introduce it personally and let you join East Immortal Palace."

Qin Li suddenly realized It turned out to be for my own body training exercise Although the four supernatural forces have perfect immortal king-level skills, they have a lot of loopholes, and every year, the immortal kings go crazy. It is really said that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and the cultivation method of heretics is obviously an excellent reference material "I refuse!" Qin Li shook his head Yun Shiyu was not angry either, and said with a smile, "You are still rebellious, and you actually refused the invitation of the transcendent forces. By the way, since you destroyed the Flying Star Sect, the Aoshan Immortal King of the Southern Heaven Sect was furious, and within a few days, he was stable. Immortal kings of the third rank will come to harvest your head."

Qin Li frowned, and Wang Aoshan was actually promoted. At the same time, a doubt emerged: "I have heard some rumors that the Southern Heaven Sect and the East Immortal Palace are in the same breath, and the Aoshan Immortal King is your senior brother. You recruit me. Didn't you mean to embarrass him?"

The corner of Yun Shiyu's lips twitched: "Our alliance with the Nantian Sect is only temporary, and Immortal King Aoshan is my senior brother in name, but I haven't met him a few times, so it's not his turn to take care of my affairs. "

Qin Li secretly smiled, it seems that the Southeast Alliance is not monolithic, if he can get in the way, maybe he can relieve some pressure on the academy Suddenly!

Qin Li sniffed There was a faint smell of blood Yun Shiyu was also taken aback: "Where is the smell of blood coming from?"

"It seems to be coming from the City Lord's Mansion!" Qin Li felt something was wrong The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Go out and have a look."

Several people vacated and went through the window In front of the City Lord's Mansion Qin Li and others landed on the ground The nine suzerains were also present Many other monks also came over one after another "It seems that you also asked about the smell of blood, come over to check the situation."

"The City Lord's Mansion is the source of the blood. It is said that the City Lord's Mansion is so quiet when it is always busy!"

"Look quickly, the stream in front of the City Lord's Mansion has been dyed blood-colored, and there must be a shocking change inside."

The crowd continued to discuss, and more and more monks came over "I want to see what's going on inside!"

Yun Shiyu was fearless, and directly drew his sword and smashed the gate of the City Lord's Mansion The strong smell of blood mixed with the dust hits the face. Everyone opened their eyes and saw that inside the bustling mansion, corpses were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like a river Suddenly, everyone was in an uproar The mighty City Lord's Mansion was slaughtered under the eyes of the Nine Great Sects Qin Li took a few steps forward and entered the mansion for inspection. He couldn't help but said in amazement: "What a quick way, these corpses are still warm, which means they just fell."

Yun Shiyu also came in, looked at the corpses, and said strangely: "All of them are headless corpses, they were beheaded almost instantly. What about their heads?"

A bloody cloud enveloped everyone's hearts, making everyone's faces ugly Qin Li went deep into the mansion and investigated carefully Go around!

The further you go, the more corpses there are And he also found a long and narrow cut mark on the ground "Look at this mark, it should be a knife, but it doesn't look like it!" Qin Li frowned Continuing to walk forward, he found a large hall, in which there was a feast with hot food and wine, surrounded by hot headless corpses, a total of thirty. There are also many weapons leaning on the side, all of which are mixed with iron sticks, and there are gold ropes wrapped around them "This seems to be a monster hunting stick. This group of people should be monks who specialize in hunting monsters. It seems that they are all subordinates of Fengqi City Lord. Roy and the girls should have been captured by them." Qin Li was thoughtful Continue to move forward, the smell of blood is stronger "back yard!"

Qin Li glanced at the plaque and stepped into the garden Before walking a few steps, he was shocked by the sight in front of him. "It turns out that the heads are all here!"

In the center of the garden, on the fragrant grass, hundreds of thousands of human heads have accumulated into a pyramid. The smell of blood is soaring to the sky. It is creepy to die. And the top of the human head tower is the Lord Fengqi "The murderer is very rampant! Not only did he kill people, but he also created a tower of human heads!" Yun Shiyu walked over, not afraid of the blood on the ground Qin Li speculated: "The murderer is extremely powerful. He only used ten breaths to kill 861 people in the City Lord's Mansion, and he still has time to build a head tower."

Yun Shiyu nodded and said: "You are right, it seems that the murderer is an immortal king. Speaking of which, why did he want to destroy the City Lord's Mansion, and even tire the head tower?"

Qin Li thought about it for a while, and said: "The human head tower has existed since ancient times. This is an ancient poisonous curse, which symbolizes revenge."


The two fell into deep thought Who will take revenge on the City Lord's Mansion?

"There is a strong smell of blood in the back garden, let's go in and have a look!"

There was a loud noise from outside, and monks from the nine major sects rushed in. When they saw the towering head tower, they were frightened back a few steps "Who is so cruel!" Su Qingxue's pretty face turned pale Tao Hongchen's face was gloomy, and the other eight sect masters also had ugly faces, because Fengqi City was jointly controlled by them, and now that the City Lord's Mansion is destroyed, it's just blatantly slapping their faces "We must find out the murderer!" The voice of the nine sect masters was decisive tonight!

Doomed to sleepless There was a commotion in Fengqi City Qin Li went to rest at the inn the next day!

The atmosphere in the city is depressing Because there is still no clue of the murderer Although the Nine Great Sects were furious, they could only put their flags to rest Because Huo Zang Secret Realm is about to open!

above the sky Huoyun Hongxia became more and more dazzling At first glance, it looks like a flying phoenix, hovering in the air, dancing gracefully, splendor and sprinkling a fiery firepower "Zhu Fengguo, Fengqi City, Fenghuangyun, how do you feel that this place is destined for Fenghuang!" Qin Li muttered to himself Yun Shiyu came over and said lightly: "It is rumored that a long time ago, the human race was weak, the monster race controlled the four regions, and the southern region was the territory of the Phoenix family, and the Huozang secret realm was just a palace, a place for entertaining guests .”

"This is indeed a very long history, before the Longevity Sect." Qin Li echoed Yun Shiyu suddenly asked: "Speaking of thinking about it all night, do you want to join East Immortal Palace?"

"This, I have to think about it." Qin Li smiled awkwardly, and changed the subject: "Look, the red glow is surging, and the secret realm is about to open."

In the sky!

Phoenix Yunxia rolled endlessly Finally, a huge red cloud vortex is formed, leading to a mysterious world, which is fascinating "Walk!"

Qin Li soared into the sky Five thousand monks rode away to escape the light When everyone went deep into the cloud vortex, they saw a boundary gate blocking them At this time, Zhu Guo radiated red light, wrapped five thousand monks, threw them into the mirror door, and entered the other world There are also some monks who are not afraid of death, without vermilion fruit, but want to force their way into the secret realm of Huozang, but they are burned to ashes by a blazing fire. Seeing this, the rest of the rogue cultivators put their minds to rest, and honestly went out to watch the play .. "A little dizzy!"

"I don't know where it was teleported?"

Qin Li regained his clarity and found that he was directly teleported to a green mountain Looking around, there are luxuriant grasses, towering ancient trees, old vines like snakes, the surroundings are quiet and peaceful, the air is full of spiritual energy, and a few first-grade spiritual grasses are hidden in the dark "Tsk tsk! This is just the outer layer of secrets, and there are already treasures everywhere. No wonder it is known as one of the top secrets in the Southern Territory."

Qin Li took out the vermilion fruit and gnawed it directly, the juice splashed, leaving a fragrance on his lips and teeth, it was really delicious. Now there is no need for the main fruit, so eat it quickly before it rots, to replenish qi and blood, and moisturize the body "The Huozang Secret Realm will only be open for seven days. I must be quick and find Zifengcao and Zhufengguo to completely solve the hidden illness of Lu Zhitao and Su Qingxue."

Qin Li spat out the core and walked away

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