Among the ruins Qin Li and Yun Shiyu looked around They found a lot of shiny gemstones, as well as strange things, most of which were second- and third-grade things, not of much value Unanimously, the two turned their eyes to the most spacious palace. Although the palace had already collapsed, judging from the area and location, it was definitely the core of the whole palace "There are murals here!" Yun Shiyu seemed to have noticed something, and stopped to observe Qin Li also walked over, and on a section of the remnant wall, he saw vivid murals one after another. The brushwork was very rough and primitive, and he painted a fiery red phoenix flying high, like a sun hanging in the sky, exuding a majestic phoenix. momentum Surrounding the phoenix, there are hundreds of birds, including green luan, fire crow, swan, sea dongqing, split sky falcon, lightning bird... all with a respectful expression, looking up at the phoenix "The mural depicts the owner of the Huozang Secret Realm," Qin Li said Yun Shiyu said thoughtfully: "A long time ago, the world was barren and the monster race ruled all directions, and the human race was inferior to pigs and dogs. And among the monster race, there was an immortal king. She was the master of the world's birds. phoenix!"

Qin Li nodded and said: "I have heard of her name a little bit. It is said that she is said to be immortal in nirvana and reborn from the ashes. It is a pity that time is too ruthless, even a phoenix will decay. The tyrannical monster clan in the past has also fallen apart. .”

The two chatted while walking, observing the vicissitudes of the murals, and lamenting the ruthlessness of the road "This mural is interesting!"

Qin Li stopped On the mural in front, it depicts a palace in the mountains, with a luxurious atmosphere, surrounded by dozens of fire crows, carrying red jade wine jars, and entertaining guests. There is also a red plaque hanging in the middle of the palace, with the words "Flame Palace" written on it Yun Shiyu smiled and said: "It seems that this is a place for the Phoenix family to entertain guests. The fire crow is just a servant. It is also a piece of luck that you can get the plaque of the Flame Palace."

"Perhaps the plaque was sacrificed by the real phoenix, otherwise it would be difficult to survive the ravages of the long years." Qin Li guessed The two continued to walk until they reached the end of the palace Ahead is a huge bird's nest, which is carefully woven with sycamore branches. It should be the nest of the golden-feathered fire crow. There are many shining things in it. In the center are five red eggs, about three feet high, covered with fire patterns. , with traces of golden brilliance, exuding a rich vitality "This is the egg of the Golden Feather Fire Crow!"

Yun Shiyu's eyes were full of splendor, and he said excitedly: "These five fire crow eggs have strong blood. If they are hatched and tamed into spirit beasts, they may reach the level of fairy kings. Moreover, they can also be refined by using the fire of fire crows. Produce high-quality weapons."

"Heretic Immortal King, how many do you want?"

Qin Li shook his head: "The five fire crow eggs belong to you, but the jar of wine belongs to me."

Yun Shiyu looked sideways, and behind the bird's nest, there was a small red jade wine jar. Dreamy taste."

"Since the heretic fairy king likes it, this wine belongs to you, and the fire crow egg belongs to me."


The two are assigned After continuing to rummage, the two found a piece of animal skin from the bird's nest, which was part of the Yuan Dan treasure map "Great, I finally found it." Yun Shiyu stacked the two treasure maps together, and the animal skin actually melted and turned into one, with some faint lines showing, but they couldn't be seen clearly Qin Li said: "According to the agreement, the treasure map will be placed here with you. Once there is news about other treasure maps, please notify me immediately."

"No problem!" Yun Shiyu smiled sweetly So far!

This trip is complete The two left Fire Crow Cave side by side After all, they fought together, and the two of them lost a lot "Heretic Immortal King, what are your plans next?" Yun Shiyu asked Qin Li said: "I need a seven-grade medicinal material, Zifengcao, and I don't know where I can find it."

Yun Shiyu thought for a while, and said, "Forty miles to the east, there is a lake of boiling water. Wind-breathing grass should grow by the river. Anyway, I'm fine, so I'll take you there."

"Thank you!" Qin Li arched his hands The two flew away on the way The two of them talked to each other naturally Qin Li accidentally discovered that Yun Shiyu was not bad-tempered, but she was a bit tough and not polite. She sounded like a boy, but she looked like a girl In a quarter of an hour!

"The Boiling Water Lake is here." Yun Shiyu said Qin Li looked up, and there was a large lake in front of him. The boiling water was bubbling, bubbling and bubbling, and a large amount of white mist was evaporating, entrenched, as if in a sauna "Zifengcao likes heat and lives by water. It will stir up whirlwinds and create white mist to block the sight of monks and monsters as a kind of protection."

Qin Li pulled out the copper plaque, just one A strong wind suddenly picked up, swaying the great lake and blowing away layers of white mist The line of sight suddenly opened up, the boiling water lake was crystal clear, and there were more than a dozen corpses floating on it, all beheaded to death "It's another corpse!" Qin Li's heart tightened Yun Shiyu said suddenly: "It smells so good! It looks like it's cooked."

Qin Li's face twitched, and he didn't know how to answer the question. Glancing from the corner of his eye, he found not far from the riverside, a plant of green jelly grass, glowing with glistening brilliance, blowing wind and blowing white mist "Zifengcao, finally found it!"

Qin Li stepped on the water, took out the jade shovel, carefully dug out the Zifengcao, and put it into the jade box. Lu Zhitao was saved suddenly!

Boom boom boom!

The lake exploded, and shocking changes occurred Four black shadows leaped out. They were wearing black cards, their head and tail were invisible, and they held a cold iron ice knife in their hands, and they all slashed at Qin Li "I've spotted you a long time ago!" Qin Li calmly pulled out the Thunder Fire Bronze Plaque, and with a single pull, the four ice skates were broken, and the black-robed man was pulled out by the way "Not good, I met a master!"

"Retreat quickly, let's move rescuers!"

"If you mess with the Demon Kingdom of the Northern Territory, you will not end well!"

The four men in black robes failed in one blow, they immediately fled into the air and fled far away, never wanting to fight "Want to leave? It's a good idea." Yun Shiyu pulled out the sword, chopped out waves of sword energy, turned into a sword cage, and completely trapped the four men in black Qin Li put away the nourishing wind grass, and said lightly: "It seems that you are the murderers who slaughtered the city lord's mansion. Why did you do this?"

The man in black yelled coldly: "Your Southern Territory deserves to die. You have fought against the Northern Territory several times. We will not only destroy Qixia City, but also massacre the suzerains of the nine sects, just to teach the Southern Heaven Sect a lesson."

Yun Shiyu narrowed her eyes: "It turns out that they are from the Demon Kingdom of the Northern Territory. They are really rampant. They came to the Southern Territory to kill people."

"Being tricked by him!" Qin Li shook his head, sarcastically said: "This is obviously setting the blame, it is too deliberate. I suspect that you are all monsters!"

Qin Li flicked his fingers The golden light burst out, tearing the bewildering black robe The man in the black robe showed his true glory. Although he was also humanoid, he had horns on his head, dragon scales on his skin, and a tail trailing behind his buttocks. He was obviously an immortal monster Yun Shiyu was shocked: "Yaozu, I didn't expect it to be a Yaozu. How did you know about the heretical fairy king?"

"Guess!" Qin Li said lightly In fact, he analyzed it through the clues, Qixia city lord feeds the monster hunting team, the human head tower symbolizes revenge, and the black-robed girl is actually helping the fox girl selflessly He wasn't sure before, but now that the evidence is solid, he knows that the Yaozu's ambitions are not small "You monster clan are very scheming."

Qin Liwei smiled and said: "Killing the Nine Great Sovereigns and blaming the Demon Kingdom of the Northern Territory will destroy the current fragile balance and cause the four supernatural forces to kill each other. You Monster Race can reap the benefits and counterattack the Human Race!"

The four demon clans looked at each other decisively, and said coldly: "Feng Shui turns around, from prosperity to decline, the human race has been at its peak for three ages, and it's our turn to return to the peak of the monster race and take charge of the four domains."

"Fantasy!" Yun Shiyu sneered, "There are four immortal kings in the human race, but you have none in the monster race. How dare you speak so brazenly."

"Don't worry, in the near future, our monster clan will welcome a true spirit again!" The four monster clans laughed The so-called true spirit is what the monster clan calls the Immortal King "Kill them!"

Yun Shiyu's face turned cold, and her sword energy burst forth The four monsters were frightened suddenly, and directly revealed their true bodies, turning into four dragons, hundreds of feet long, with teeth and claws, namely water dragon, fire dragon, green dragon and golden dragon. They are all tyrannical existences above the fifth rank of Xianzun

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